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'I was drooling, covered in sand and shaking': Surfer drugged in Bali

A surfer living in Bali claims he was drugged and robbed while visiting a popular surf-break in Uluwatu on Wednesday. 

His ordeal comes two months after a tourist visiting the holiday island claimed her drink was spiked with Rohypnol at a bar. 

Kyle Barnett said he was drugged and robbed at popular surfing spot Uluwatu in Bali.
Kyle Barnett said he was drugged and robbed at popular surfing spot Uluwatu in Bali. Photo: Facebook

According to surfing website BeachGrit.com, Kyle Barnett, originally from Canada, was drugged by a woman pretending to be a lonely tourist who offered him some ice-cream. 

"I went to Uluwatu to check the surf about 3:30pm. I was actually hungry, and wanted to eat, but because of Glungan [public] holiday, Single Finn [a restaurant] was closed," he said. 

"Nalu Bowls [a dessert cafe] next to Single Finn was open, and many people were eating ice cream.

"I sat at Single Finn watching the waves planning out what peak I would surf."


Mr Barnett said a woman then started talking to him, and told him she was on vacation alone.

"She was eating ice cream saying it was too big for her, and asked me if I wanted some," he said. 

Kyle Barnett claims he ate drug-laced ice cream just before he went surfing in Uluwatu.
Kyle Barnett claims he ate drug-laced ice cream just before he went surfing in Uluwatu.  Photo: Facebook

"I said no about three or four times, but she was persistent, and eventually went and got another empty bowl and spoon."

After sharing the ice-cream, Mr Barnett - feeling sorry for the woman - agreed to show her his surfing spot. 

Mr Barnett claims this woman fed him drugged ice cream at popular Bali surf spot Uluwatu.
Mr Barnett claims this woman fed him drugged ice cream at popular Bali surf spot Uluwatu. 

He left his bag at a friend's shop and they headed down to the ocean.

"I paddled out the back waited for a wave… and then I don't remember anything. It didn't come on slowly... it was just bang oblivious," Mr Barnett said. 

"She laughed a bit just before I paddled out and said 'Be careful'," Mr Barnett told WAtoday.

"I paddled out the back, and the last thing I remember is paddling towards a set wave. Then I have zero recollection."

"I have reef cuts on my knees, hands and feet, so I must have been crawling on the reef

"I don't remember paddling in or walking up the stairs.

"I returned back at my friends shop in the dark at 8:30pm - four-and-a-half hours after paddling out."

A disorientated Mr Barnett then went to retrieve his belongings from his friend, only to discover the woman who offered him the ice-cream had stolen his wallet and phone. 

"[Lani] was crying, and gave me some water.....she said my eyes were rolled back and I couldn't even get the bottle to my mouth.

"[She] said the other lady came back to get a towel 30 minutes after I paddled out and took a towel (along with my phone and wallet)," he said. 

"Lani said I was drooling, covered in sand and shaking.

"I went up to Single Finn and some friends saw me looking very disorientated. They thought I was drunk."

Mr Barnett was taken home to rest and woke up at 4pm the next day with little memory of the ordeal. 

"I called my banks and cancelled my credit cards. They said $1500 had been spent at Bali Barong Cellular and $4000 had been spent at Polo Ralph Lauren," he said. 

Mr Barnett followed up with the shops where the woman had allegedly spent his money and got CCTV vision of her.

He said he had contacted police about the incident and that the woman's driver had been question but had since been released without charges.

Mr Barnett went to BIMC hospital in Kuta to get a toxicology report but was sent on to Sanglah hospital in Denpasar. He said his blood work had since expired.