Federal Politics

Momentum builds for donation reform

Nationals deputy leader Fiona Nash says she would like to 'level the playing field' over political donations.

A member of Malcolm Turnbull's leadership group has backed reform of Australia's political donations laws, suggesting unions and corporates should be banned from giving money and real time disclosure implemented.

While Turnbull's away, Abbott comes out to play

Tony Abbott's highly vocal week  has not been 'the most helpful thing he could be doing', says one Liberal MP.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has raised eyebrows among his colleagues for speaking out on indigenous affairs, political donations and superannuation policy while Malcolm Turnbull has been travelling overseas.

Ministers question why Shorten stood by Dastyari for a week

Call for a cultural change in banks: Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

Following Labor senator Sam Dastyari's resignation from the frontbench over his China-linked expenses scandal, senior government figures are maintaining pressure on Bill Shorten, questioning the Opposition Leader's judgment for standing by the MP as the damaging revelations kept coming.