Atlas Publishers

With Atlas tags, publishers help bring people-based marketing beyond Facebook to the rest of the Internet.

Atlas tags enable advertisers to extend people-based marketing across devices and browsers. Our tags are quick and easy to activate, and compatible with most websites and mobile apps. With people-based marketing, advertisers can now capture the complete path to purchase — which can lead to better results.

Publisher Benefits

  • Gain credit for conversions associated with ads delivered on your site or app
  • Access new budgets tied to test and DR campaigns by enabling ROI measurement across devices
  • Drive better results by enabling advertisers to measure creative performance across devices

Advertiser Benefits

  • Measure ROI by attributing conversions to ads delivered on publisher sites or mobile apps
  • Improve ROI analyses by measuring ad exposure across devices
  • Optimize ad spend and creative targeting with cross-device audience insights
  • Eliminate wasted budget by measuring reach and frequency across devices

Atlas Publisher Tag Implementation Steps

If you haven’t yet implemented the new Atlas tags, please follow these steps to ensure they function properly with your site or app:

  1. If you’re a web publisher, please review the Implementation Guide for Web Publishers (Download PDF)
  2. If you’re a mobile app publisher, please review the Implementation Guide for Mobile App Publishers (Download PDF)
  3. Test sample Atlas tags (Download .XLS file)
  4. When you’re finished testing, send us an email with your contact information. In the email, please confirm that our tags work on your site and please let us know if you have any additional questions.

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