- published: 06 Feb 2011
- views: 135041
The Linux kernel is a Unix-like computer operating system kernel. It is used world-wide: the Linux operating system is based on it and deployed on both traditional computer systems such as personal computers and servers, usually in the form of Linux distributions, and on various embedded devices such as routers and NAS appliances. The Android operating system for tablet computers, smartphones and smartwatches is also based atop the Linux kernel.
The Linux kernel was conceived and created in 1991, by Finnish computer science student Linus Torvalds for his personal computer and with no cross-platform intentions, but has since expanded to support a huge array of computer architectures, many more than other operating systems or kernels. Linux rapidly attracted developers and users who adapted code from other free software projects for use with the new operating system. The Linux kernel has received contributions from nearly 12,000 programmers from more than 1,200 companies, including some of the largest software and hardware vendors.
The Linux Kernel (Part 1)
What is a kernel - Gary explains
How Linux is Built
Linux Kernel Module Programming - 01
Linux And Windows Kernel Comparison
Linux Kernel Development - Greg Kroah-Hartman
CPMX6 - Entendiendo el Kernel de Linux - Aaron Luna Benítez
Keynote: State of the Linux Kernel, Greg Kroah-Hartman
Linux Kernel Development by GKH
Kernel Basics
Part 1 of a 3 part series which gives a brief introduction to the Linux Kernel compilation, patching, configuring and installation process for Ubuntu or Debian based systems. Appreciate what I do? Buy me a coffee! http://goo.gl/wmHh4 Twitter: http://twitter.com/OhHeyItsLou Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OhHeyItsLou Blogger: http://ohheyitslou.blogspot.com Steam: IDIefiant Show Notes: Kernel Tools: sudo apt-get install build-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev bzip2 fakeroot sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ppa:brian-rogers/ppa Kernel Sources and Patches: Kernel Source 2.6.37 - http://www.kernel.org/ BFS Patch - http://ck.kolivas.org/patches/bfs/2.6.37/ BFQ Patch - http://algo.ing.unimo.it/people/paolo/disk_sched/sources.php
Read more: http://goo.gl/WfOJST Spend enough time around Android and eventually you will come across the term, “the Linux kernel.” What is a kernel? Let’s find out! Talk about Android in our forums: http://www.androidauthority.com/community Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=androidauthority ---------------------------------------------------- Stay connected to Android Authority: - http://www.androidauthority.com - http://google.com/+androidauthority - http://facebook.com/androidauthority/ - http://twitter.com/androidauth/ - http://instagram.com/androidauthority/ Follow the Team: Josh Vergara: https://plus.google.com/+JoshuaVergara Joe Hindy: https://plus.google.com/+JosephHindy Lanh Nguyen: https://plus.google.com/+LanhNguyenFilms Jay...
While Linux is running our phones, friend requests, tweets, financial trades, ATMs and more, most of us don't know how it's actually built. This short video takes you inside the process by which the largest collaborative development project in the history of computing is organized. Based on the annual report "Who Writes Linux," this is a powerful and inspiring story of how Linux has become a community-driven phenomenon. More information about Linux and The Linux Foundation can be found at http://www.linuxfoundation.org and http://www.linux.com
This video is part of a series that explains what the linux kernel is and how it works. The linux kernel is important in that it serves as the glue between the user and the computer hardware. The kernel is the operating system. Linux kernel is a mixture of monolithic design, where the entire binary is one huge program, and micro design, where you have a number of small pieces that function together and can be added or removed at runtime. The important thing to get out of this video is that the user cannot directly talk to the hardware, instead the user must make request to the kernel in order to access resources, however that access is indirect. Also, remember that the kernel is the core of the operating system, meaning that it functions to abstract the complexities of the machine ...
The Linux kernel is the largest collaborative software development projects ever. This talk will discuss exactly how Linux is developed, how fast it is happening, who is doing the work, and how we all stay sane keeping up with it. It will discuss the development model used, and how it differs from almost all "traditional" models of software development. Linux Foundation Speaker - Greg Kroah-Hartman https://github.com/gregkh
Keynote: State of the Linux Kernel, Greg Kroah-Hartman
A conference by Greg KH (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Kroah-Hartman) about the Linux kernel development process. March 2015, Paris, France. University Paris Diderot. As Greg said: "It's my "normal" "How the kernel is developed" talk, with a "How to write a kernel patch" talk merged into it at the second half. I gave both of these talks a week later at Pierre and Marie Curie University which resulted in 12 patches applied to the kernel tree, a great result."
This lecture is a beginning explanation of the kernel that looks at where the system's kernel(s) & modules are located and by demonstrating where to get and how to explore the kernel source code. This lecture does not attempt to teach how to properly build and install a custom kernel nor does it go into extreme detail on how the kernel operates.
Link for download: http://softwaresales.us/linux-kernel-4-7-4-4-8-rc6 Other website: http://www.free-downloads.us/ Software description here: What you are about to download is the core of all the Linux operating systems in the world Linux kernel is the essential part of any Linux operating system. It is responsible for resource allocation, low-level hardware interfaces, security, simple communications, basic file system management, and more. Written from scratch by Linus Torvalds (with help […]
Project : Installing I3 improved tiling windows manager on Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon This movie : Getting the much needed software and getting the latest kernel - a tutorial without software would be pointless. Playlists: Installing I3 on Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon Code : https://github.com/erikdubois/i3-on-Linux-Mint-18-Cinnamon Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlloYVGq5pS4gd9qAwQfM7E0AxmgCAbRw Make it yourself icon theme https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlloYVGq5pS4xeU9zECB-VXL8ZtlEOqrY Linux Mint 18 cinnamon complete customization https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlloYVGq5pS43s05ltH9xh7paFteoT7UB Mint-Y theming - change the colour https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlloYVGq5pS41WmxZtkmV_6Qo4haKzO-u More information and downloads Customisation : https://gi...
При рекомендуемых настройках безопасности менеджера обновлений обычно доступные обновления ядра не добавляются к установке автоматически. Для обновления, необходимо их отметить вручную. Как правило обновление ядра, которое доступно в менеджере обновлений, является безопасным и совместимым с установленной в данный момент версией операционной системы Linux Mint. Лично у меня после установки одного из обновлений ядра произошли улучшения в работе системы после выхода из ждущего режима - теперь отпала необходимость перезагружать компьютер, чтобы определилась wi-fi карта. Если после установки обновлений ядра возникли нежелательные результаты, то можно это обновление удалить. Для этого необходимо установить другую версию ядра из доступных в списке, перезагрузить компьютер и затем удалить после...
A brief session about how to start learning about the Linux kernel. It includes a hands-on guide for examining the interaction between user-space and kernel space. This presentation is part of ‘System bits’ series that introduces various topics of systems development in an easy to comprehend format.
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A detailed video on net_device data-structure netif_running() API and state variable of the Linux Kernel Networking subsystem. Download this episode's my entire kernel module sample code, make file, clean script: http://www.the-toffee-project.org/index.php/videos/41-videos-linux-kernel-net-device-data-structure REFER: Linux Kernel netdevice API header source: http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/include/linux/netdevice.h If you are interested to join classes on Networking, Linux, Systems software and software architecture you can contact me via email: kiran -dot- kankipati -at- gmail.com Or for more information kindly visit my TOFFEE open-source website Education Tab: http://www.the-toffee-project.org/index.php/education by Kiran Kankipati, Founder: The TOFFEE Project Website: http:/...
Amazon-US: http://trizz.us/slus/2/com/B01JZ9Q4TM/detail Apm Flight Stack Navio runs well proven and can operate in different modes including manual, stabilize, follow-me and auto. Code is executed directly on Raspberry Pi with real-time Linux kernel and you your applications alongside. Copter, Plane and Rover are supported. Multi-platform Gcs supports Mavlink communication with a wide variety of choices for Win, Mac, Linux, as well as for Android and Ios. will send telemetry Wi-fi, Lte, Bt or any other modem. With remote login monitor commands and scripts in flight. Internet Connectivity Use or high power to make drone accessible the or on local network. Stream video from Pi camera, joystick to control anywhere in the world. is a multimedia autopilot and we can't wait to see what are able ...
Shut up to the email and
Am Linux-Kernel arbeiten inzwischen tausende Entwickler. Aber wie behalten die den Überblick und über die mehr als 22 Millionen Codezeilen? c't-Kernel-Logger Thorsten Leemhuis gibt einen Einblick.
In this presentation Kieran Bingham follows on from Peter Griffin’s standing-room-only presentation at ELC-E Dublin of the same title; reviewing the different ways in which GDB can be used to debug the Linux kernel. In particular the talk focuses on the ways in which GDB can be made to have better "Linux Kernel Awareness” to improve the debugging experience. We will cover Linaro’s current project to introduce these features to GDB and the Kernel. The presentation will look at how Linux Kernel Awareness can be implemented by either extending the GDB python interface or as GDB extensions written in C. The extensions can help debug a virtual kernel in Qemu/KVM, or physical hardware via the remote target protocol & OpenOCD. About Kieran Bingham Software Engineer. Embedded Linux, Debugging t...
Watch Linux kernel developers shoot laser beams of code goodness into the source code tree! This is a gource video of the last 24 years of development. I highly recommend watching the 1080p version unless you have extraordinary eyesight. The video begins with v0.01 and ends with v4.0. Note: Commits before the adoption of BitKeeper are (incorrectly) attributed to Linus Torvalds due to the lack of attribution information. Unlike the previous video, dates should be more or less correct here.
Linux is nothing but the Linux kernel. http://networking4videos.blogspot.com In this tutorial you will learn like introduction 2 linux ,administration , file security, hardware issues,..etc. if you really like this videos please click on like and give your valuable "comments " on that video Thank you click on following link : http://networking4videos.blogspot.com All linux video tutorials available. However, term Linux is used to describe Linux as an an operating system. The term Linux distribution is used to refer to the various operating systems built on top of the Linux Kernel. § Linux = a Kernel (no shell, browsers, compiler included or installer to install it on the system) § Linux = The term used to describe UNIX like free and open source operating system. § Linux Distributio...
This lecture covers the basics to an OS, Kernel vs user space, system calls, unix permissions, ruid vs euid etc..., ext file system (for the limited focus of forensics), persistence mechanisms used by malware, and /var/log, and more. This video is a part of OffensiveSecurity Lecture Series. http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~redwood/OffensiveSecurity/lectures.html
By Greg Kroah-Hartman As A core member of the Linux Kernel team, Greg will show us how to write a kernel patch. This talk will cover the steps necessary to properly compose, describe, and submit a Linux kernel patch. It will cover the basic usage of git, and how that works with the Linux kernel development cycle. Attendees should have a solid grasp of the C language, and know how to build and install, a Linux kernel from scratch (if not,reading the book, Linux Kernel in a Nutshell, free online, ahead of time would be a very good idea.) FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Development European Meeting) is a European event centered around Free and Open Source software development. It is aimed at developers and all interested in the Free and Open Source news in the world. Its goals are to en...