Epoch: 4 Short Plays
Shows left: Saturday at 2:45. Sunday at
5:15. At Cinemapolis.
Written and directed by
James Comfort, and presented as a part of the 2016
Ithaca Fringe Festival. "
Epoch" is four short plays about those who dare to see more, to do more, and to be more. To not settle for the ordinary. To not accept the mundane. A trip home will stir a survivor's heart. A
French vacation will inspire a couple to dream. An ordinary girl will face her inner demons. And a pair of lonely hearts will seek the ultimate love.
Adrienne Huffman,
Scott Rougeau, Karlem Sivira, AJ
Sage, Ali Diemecke, Alisar Awwad, Ian
Remmers, and Saramoira
Tickets available at www.EpochTheatre.com
Venue: Cinemapolis
Thursday 4/14 - 7:15pm
Friday 4/15 - 9:30pm
Saturday 4/16 - 2:45pm
Sunday 4/17 -