Democratizing history through digital media and tools.

Our Story

The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (RRCHNM) is a multi-disciplinary team that develops online teaching resources, digital collections and exhibits, open-source software, and training in digital literacy and skills.

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Classic Essay on History and New Media

No Computer Left Behind

“I hate Scantron,” one exasperated high-school student wrote on an online bulletin board earlier this year, referring to the ubiquitous multiple-choice forms covered with ovals, named for the corporation that has manufactured them since 1972. An older student replied: “Get used to seeing them. Colleges are all about Scantrons.” Noting that it can take 30 […]

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Collections Continue to Grow in September 11th Digital Archive

The fifteenth anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001 is upon us. We see that the legacy of those events continues to live on in current political debates, foreign and domestic policy-making, as well as for the families who lost loved ones on that day and in the conflicts that followed. We at RRCHNM […]

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Featured Project

Histories of the National Mall

Histories of the National Mall makes visible the rich past of the National Mall for its millions of on-site visitors through a website easily accessible by mobile phones that provides content and interpretation far superior to static guidebooks and existing mobile tours and applications. The National Council on Public History selected it as the Outstanding […]

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Each year, the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media’s many project websites receive over 16 million visitors, and more than a million people rely on its digital tools to teach, learn, and conduct research. Donations help us sustain these resources.

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