
'Shocking': Greyhounds suffocated, hearts removed, revived and killed second time

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A university experiment in which greyhounds were suffocated, revived after having their hearts removed and reinserted, then euthanased has shocked animal rights activists.

The experiment, conducted by Monash University and revealed by Humane Research Australia, aimed to test how well hearts can be preserved before organ transplants when the donor has already died. 

Belinda Oppenheimer with her rescued greyhound Tobias.
Belinda Oppenheimer with her rescued greyhound Tobias. Photo: Arsineh Houspian

The research paper, seen by Fairfax Media, says the greyhounds were anaesthetised for the entire process.

But animal activists have dubbed the experiment "shocking" and questioned whether researchers learnt anything that could be applied to human surgery.

Rescued greyhound Till.
Rescued greyhound Till. Photo: Arsineh Houspian

In the experiment, 12 greyhounds were suffocated and then had their hearts surgically removed and reinserted before they were revived, monitored and euthanased hours later.

Humane Research Australia chief executive Helen Marston slammed the experiment, describing it as unnecessarily cruel to the greyhounds involved because they were effectively killed twice.


"People believe these things happened a long time ago or somewhere overseas, but these experiments are happening right here right now, under our noses," she said.

"Quite a lot of them are paid for with our tax dollars."

The study manuscript lists The Alfred hospital's department of cardiothoracic surgery and Monash University's department of surgery, epidemiology and preventative medicine as institutions involved.

Ms Marston said using greyhounds for medical experiments added "insult to injury" given the animals often came from the racing industry.

Belinda Oppenheimer, the resident vet for Greyhound Rescue Victoria, said the latest revelations surrounding the treatment of greyhounds were "sadly expected".

She feared many more animals are suffering in labs across Victoria, and will continue to do so, unless the state government intervenes.

"With the surplus of greyhounds in the racing industry, it's inevitable they end up in positions like this," she said.

"Canine exploitation is absolutely commonplace. So much is kept behind closed doors. Transparency should be inherent in any sort of industry where we're using animals."

The NSW government announced a statewide ban on greyhound racing this year, after the ABC's Four Corners program revealed large numbers of greyhounds were subject to appalling conditions, including live-baiting.

While Ms Oppenheimer welcomed the ban, she said she hoped Victorian households would open their doors to NSW greyhounds in need of a home. If not, she fears a surge of NSW greyhounds could end up in Victorian research laboratories.

The vet is the proud owner of two greyhounds, Till and Tobias, who in a past life were part of Melbourne University's now defunct greyhound blood bank.

Blood was taken from the dogs once a month and given to animal hospitals across Australia.

"They're a great lazy person's pet," Ms Oppenheimer said. "Having greyhounds that come from an unpleasant background, they certainly pay the affection back."

Late last year, it was revealed the University of Melbourne had experimented on greyhounds by putting screws into their skulls and giving them dental implants.

On Sunday, the Victorian government announced it would be reviewing the state's animal welfare system in order to ensure the laws governing animals are in line with community standards.

However, it has said it would not follow NSW's lead and ban greyhound racing outright.

A spokesman for The Alfred hospital said questions should be directed to Monash University, as staff who engage in research conduct their studies through the university.

Monash University did not respond to requests for comment.

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