Federal Politics

Pauline Hanson could do great damage, Race Discrimination Commissioner warns

Australia's Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane fears that Pauline Hanson could create a new wave of racially fuelled hatred and division.

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'You love your Islam don't you': Hanson

Pauline Hanson defends her views on Islam saying mosques preach hate towards Australians. (Vision courtesy ABC News 24)

The soon-to-be senator from Queensland believes her One Nation Party can take four and possibly as many as six seats in the upper house, and has a long list of anti-Muslim policies.

At her first major press conference since the election, Ms Hanson said Islam was not a religion of peace, but rather an ideology.

She wants a royal commission into Islam, and says hatred has been preached in mosques. Her party also wants surveillance cameras in all mosques and Islamic schools.

She also said some Australians were now seeing she was right almost two decades ago when she used her maiden speech in Federal Parliament to warn that Australia risked being swamped by Asians.


Dr Soutphommasane has told the ABC that Ms Hanson's anti-Asian comments 20 years ago unleashed a great deal of ugliness and division.

He fears a similar experience with her return to the political arena.

Pauline Hanson has garnered significant Senate support in NSW, especially in the closest Coalition-held seats in ...
Pauline Hanson has garnered significant Senate support in NSW, especially in the closest Coalition-held seats in outer-suburban, provincial and rural areas.  Photo: Tertius Pickard

"There's great potential for harm to be done when you're talking about inflammatory rhetoric or appeals to xenophobia," he said.

"They make a sure recipe for hate and division. Australian racial tolerance and community harmony will not be served by an indulgence of such kind."

Warning: Australia's Race Discrimination Commissioner Dr Tim Soutphommasane.
Warning: Australia's Race Discrimination Commissioner Dr Tim Soutphommasane. Photo: Andrew Meares

Dr Soutphommasane said recent overseas events had shown how "licensing hate can lead to serious violence and ugliness in our streets and our communities".

"We shouldn't be doing anything to compromise the remarkable success story of Australian multiculturalism," he said.

Ms Hanson went to the election on a platform that includes doing away with the Racial Discrimination Act, and "abolishing multiculturalism" although she has not said how that could be achieved.

She also wants to stop further Muslim immigration and halt the intake of Muslim refugees, a ban on the construction of new mosques, and on the burqa and niqab being worn in public.

And she has called for a referendum on changing the part of the constitution that offers protection for the free practice of religion.

Dr Soutphommasane said he had invited Ms Hanson to meet him to discuss her views.

Attorney-General George Brandis said Ms Hanson's views were entitled to be treated with respect.

"Pauline Hanson represents a view that has been endorsed by hundreds of thousands of Australian electors and she is entitled to be listened to," he told ABC radio.

"If only so that we can debate her points of view and those of us who disagree with them can explain why we disagree."

Senator Brandis, as the Coalition's leader in the Senate, would be in charge of negotiating with Ms Hanson and any other One Nation senators.

Cabinet minister Simon Birmingham said there was no point ignoring One Nation's concerns, given it was elected with a decent share of the vote.

That meant it reflected the views of some in the community.

"If we have to work hard to ensure some people better understand certain issues then work hard we will," he told Sky News.