"You're walking your last days cunt."

At the end of the True Blue Crew's Melton rally against a proposed housing estate catering to Muslims, an argument broke out between another anti-immigration...

Lol. Good to see that the UPF have the finest minds of their generation onside.

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Hey Basic Philosophical Re-Education by Blair Cottrell & United Patriots Front, we noticed how vexed you were at being denied the opportunity for "genuine discussion" with Stephen Jolly last night. Considering how much you clearly care about free speech, would you mind unblocking us from commenting on your pages some time soon?

Hmm. We reckon it may have been Blair who deleted that one Megan.


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Blair and co. attempt to gatecrash Steven Jolly's re-election campaign launch, are made to leave. All rather meh - but if you're out and about in the CBD/Collingwood area tonight take care.

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1.488 visualizações
Tracking Australia's Far Right Hate Groups

Jackbooted thugs crash Stephen Jolly's re-election campaign launch and are given their marching orders.

Foto de Electrical Trades Union of Australia, Victorian Branch.
Foto de Electrical Trades Union of Australia, Victorian Branch.
Foto de Electrical Trades Union of Australia, Victorian Branch.
Electrical Trades Union of Australia, Victorian Branch adicionou 3 novas fotos.

15,000 people took to the streets of central Melbourne today to protest CUB's shameful sacking of 55 maintenance workers. Speaker after speaker condemned CUB's ...bastard tactics and echoed the call for a boycott of all CUB products until the #CUB55 are reinstated on their original pay and conditions.

Today's rally called on the AFL to urge CUB, one of its major sponsors, to meet with the sacked 55 and to re-employ these workers immediately at full wages and conditions, or face a CUB beer-free footy finals season.

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> Ralph floating around the far-right, without a place of his own.
> Ralph has beers with Neil. Pays out the TBC.
> Next day Ralph is at TBC rally, wearing TBC hoodie. Pays out Neil and Shermon.
> Ralph boasts about being the leader of TBC in Sydney. Tells Shermon he's going to smash him.
> Ralph gets denounced by the TBC, who tells everyone Ralph is in no way involved in TBC, he just bought a $115 hoodie....
> Heart-broken, Ralph quits politics for a bit.

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Anti Fascist Action Sydney

The Western Sydney crew appropriately dealing with Austalia First Party trash.

Hey, Party for Freedom.org.au when do we get our shirts?

We'd be honoured to take some more of your property off your hands.

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Well.. fuck us, did direct action just work?

The company announces it will leave Manus Island and Nauru detention centres at the end of its contract in October 2017
theguardian.com|Por Ben Doherty

A must read.

Cultural warning: names and faces of deceased are used throughout the article.

The violent clashes between police and protestors in Kalgoorlie yesterday followed the charging of a 55-year-old man with manslaughter over the death of a 14-year-old Aboriginal boy, Elijah Doughty. Twelve police officers were injured, dozens of Aboriginal people are expected to be arrested, police…
newmatilda.com|Por Chris Graham

Solidarity with Kalgoorlie protesters <3

Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance - WAR

A shared status

Shout-out to our mob in Kalgoorlie today stand strong. You shouldn't throw rocks from a glass house Aus. You continue to brutalize our people what do you think is gonna happen after awhile. #KalgoorlieUpRising #KeepTheFireBurning

Old mate Andy's Melton write up.

Briefly: Around 100 or so people attended an anti-Muslim rally in Melton on Sunday, ostensibly in order to voice opposition to a stalled local housing development. (The developer, Rahber Developmen…

You may remember potty-mouthed neo-Nazi truck driver Glenn Anderson/Androvski from the UPF rally in Richmond in May or the Reclaim Australia/UPF rally in Melbourne in July last year.


A cyclist has filmed the terrifying moment a truck driver threatened to "smash" shortly after trying to run him off the road.
theage.com.au|Por Chloe Booker

Zane Chapman's brother denouncing his bigoted stupidity and penchant for being pepper sprayed. Onya Kyle.

I am proud to admit that this protester pictured below is my brother, because it reminds me that I have come from a geographical location and a social environme...nt that breeds hate and discriminative thinking, and I managed to overcome these agents to become the accepting and politically-left thinker that I am. I grew up hearing my family comment on the news over the dinner table in disgust with racist phrases, 'those towel headed cunts', 'they want sharia law so that they can rape women and children'. I've been warned that I would have my head cut off in the Melbourne CBD if I wasn't careful. My family utter words on Facebook nonchalantly like 'leftards' and 'muzzers'. My own brother sent me death threats last time I posted a status like this. He even told my mum that he hopes that I'm the first to be beheaded when 'the Muslims take over'. My mother posts status' about his political achievements, calling him a true 'patriot'.

I feel so far removed from this person and his life that it's difficult to understand, even for me, that we shared a womb, a household, and a social environment for most of my life. If this is what is considered a true 'patriot' of Australia, I would gladly consider myself a traitor. The truth is, this person below is far from being an Australian in my eyes, because Australia is an accepting and multi-cultural country. These 'patriots', who think that Muslim people and left-wing identifying people are ruining this country, are completely hypocritical, because they are, in fact, ruining this country. They breed hate through ignorance, and rather than educate themselves, they shout profanity and instigate violence in the street. They allow the general public to hear their cries of small-mindedness, and too often there is a lack of people who will call out this behaviour. Well I am not one of those people.

I look down upon this behaviour. I look down upon my brother. I look down upon the political views and ignorance of my mother, and my hometown, and the environment that I was raised in. Mostly, I look forward to the future, because one day this behaviour will be seen just as ignorant and regrettable as those who partook in the discrimination of other races and cultures in the past, of which there are too many to name. One day, these people will have nobody to listen to their bigotry. Some may understand that they were wrong, that they shouldn't have done what they did. Others will continue to stew in their intolerance. It's safe to say that the rest of us will progress with our lives as if those people never mattered.

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PROTESTERS charged following a violent clash between Left-wing and Right-wing demonstrators in Coburg three months ago ­believe they will get just a slap on the wrist from the courts.
Black Feminist Ranter - Celeste Liddle

Constance Hall received abuse and death threats because she called out blackface. This is despite the fact that she even labelled a racist mother non-racist and... pointed out that if the son had a black idol, clearly that was a good sign. I vehemently disagreed with her assessment of the mother. I believe that this mother showed utter contempt for the racism of the act by the fact that she not only paraded it, but she also effectively stated that she knew it would create derision and she did not care because she was a "queen".

Erasing my assessment for a second, think what that reaction to Hall states. I mean, fucking death threats. Also think what it says about this society. If people will cling to their right to engage in blatantly racist acts like blackface, what hope have we got at overturning the subtle systemic forms of racism? This is what we're butting our heads up against, folks.

Happy Friday...

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"more than half [of the Sudanese respondents] had experienced discrimination when in contact with the police in the past 12 months .... [while ]Muslim women were 50 per cent more likely to experience discrimination than their male counterparts, according to the survey."

Most immigrants are happy in Australia, but South Sudanese and Muslim women are more likely to have heightened experiences of discrimination, a major national survey has found. The ‘Australia at 2015’ survey is a collaboration between the Scanlon Foundation, the Australian Multicultural Foundation a...

Homeless people squat empty houses that were commissioned to be used to house homeless people but weren't. The organisation that was meant to fill the houses didn't do anything with the houses at all... unless you count the fact they housed their own non-homeless employees in them instead...

So, the State failing the homeless people of Melbourne, they took it upon themselves to get out of the cold. An elderly indigenous man who's never had a home, finally has one. He brings ...his nieces and nephews into it and the house is full of life and love. The people squatting were served an eviction notice... Tacked on paternalistically was an unreviewed list of emergency housing providers... All of which were full, non-operational, by referral only, and one of which was just a dial-up internet tone...

What the fuck are people meant to do, when taking their safety and security into their own hands is against the law, but the system doesn't fill the void this creates with adequate services and amenities?

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Houses Need People, People Need Houses

The eviction notices delivered to occupied EWLink houses were accompanied by lists of 'crisis' accomodation providers. We called them – all of them – and as we ...expected in this housing crisis none of them had any beds, let alone beds for the ~50 otherwise homeless people facing eviction from government-owned houses. No matter how they dress it up, the government is planning to turf people out of homes and onto the street with nowhere else to go.

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