Who We Are

Melbourne antifascists have created this site for the purpose of sharing information and resources regarding the struggle against racism, fascism and state repression in Wurundjeri Country/Melbourne.

We broadly support many anti-racist campaigns, without necessarily endorsing all the views/tactics of whichever groups participate in these campaigns.

We are not affiliated with any particular organisation, theoretical tendency or political party. We come from a range of (left) political perspectives, we are united in our rejection of all forms of domination, oppression & discrimination. We seek to organise in a non-hierarchical fashion and come from a tradition of militant resistance to fascism.

We stand in absolute solidarity with Indigenous struggles for justice & sovereignty across this stolen country. We think remembering means fighting, and want everyone who identifies as an anti-racist to do the same.

When it comes to what to do about the nazis, we believe in the power of community organisation & self-defense. It’s not about how tough we are, or how good we are at fighting. Rather, we think it takes many different people doing lots of different things to make an antifascist action effective.

And that’s the biggest difference between us and the ‘patriots’.

We don’t believe in grand all-knowing leaders, the magical power of flags or in ridiculous fairy stories about how macho we are.

We believe instead in one another; in collective action & solidarity. Instead of in fear, hatred & violence; we believe in dignity, autonomy & true justice for all the people of the world.

The state of things is so profoundly unacceptable in so many ways, we won’t stand aside while things get worse.

Melbourne is always antifascist!



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