Essays in the Organizer

The Essays that appear in the Slingshot Organizer

Note:  Oy vey Slingshot is not good at storing computer files . . . for a few recent organizers we have some already-typed-in versions of articles we published (though not always the final version that we printed) – for the older ones, we have the paper copies but need to type them in or scan them, so please be  patient. . . .

2016 Organizer:

Introduction for 2016 organizer 

“I love it when you . . .”  An article about good sex, communication and consent

Know Your Rights – tips for dealing with the police

Books That Blew Our Minds!  The annual booklist for 2016

Watching the Detective – how to Copwatch

2015 Organizer

 Introduction for 2015 organizer

DIY mental Health Tips

Tips for Disruption  riots, strikes, protests, civil disorder:  theory and organizing methods

Open relationships 101:  What are they and how do they work?

2014 Organizer

Introduction to 2014 organizer 

 R@dical publications - 2014 book list

Subversive sex

DIY tips for shutting down a bank

Please Call Again - Naming and addressing “others”

Know your rights – tips for dealing with the police

Tips for collective Process

Writing to prisoners 

2013 Organizer


2012 Organizer


The Slingshot Collective