This Drawing of God’s Hand Protecting Florida from Hurricane Matthew Makes No Sense At All

Florida woman Alyse Nicole Merritt thinks there’s a supernatural reason Hurricane Matthew didn’t devastate her state as expected, and her drawing of God’s Hand protecting everyone has now been shared more than 5,000 times on Facebook. But it also raises a lot of questions…


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An Atheist Responds to Creationist Ken Ham’s Silly Tweets

YouTuber Alex J. O’Connor (a.k.a. CosmicSkeptic) responded to a variety of tweets by Creationist Ken Ham.

It takes him more than 140 characters each… but I’ll let it slide.


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Brookville (IN) Officials Finally Ban Displays (Including Nativity Scenes) on Courthouse Lawn

A long-standing controversy involving a Nativity scene on an Indiana courthouse lawn has finally been resolved after county officials voted to ban all outside displays for good.

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Evangelist Franklin Graham: I Won’t Endorse Donald Trump (But He’ll Still Get My Vote)

Evangelist Franklin Graham has joined the chorus of conservatives who now say they won’t support the Republican nominee.

But it’s hardly a rejection of Trump. In fact, Graham sidesteps the whole issue of who he’s going to vote for, suggesting his vote isn’t going to change.


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Louisiana Junior High School Promotes and Celebrates Christian Prayer Event

Last week, at Pineville Junior High School in Louisiana, there was a See You at the Pole event that took place with the apparent blessings of the administration — creating a legal problem the Freedom From Religion Foundation is now addressing.

It didn’t help that the school celebrated the event on Facebook:


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