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DANIEL LEFFERTS, PolicyMic (January 2014)
3:AM has everything — fiction, flash fiction, poetry, interviews, criticism — but its sensibility is consistent throughout: blunt, funny, angrily academic. Their tagline says it best: ‘Whatever it is, we’re against it’.”

BOYD TONKIN, The Independent (July 2012)
“[T]he smart and sparky literary webzine 3:AM.”

OWEN HATHERLEY, author (September 2010)
“At the 3:AM Magazine thing last night I was in the weird position of being the worst dressed contributor. They’re a well turned-out lot”

JOHN LUCAS, journalist, GQ (July 2010)
“…the excellent literary website 3:AM Magazine…

JOSEPH D’LACEY, author (November 2009)
“…the brilliant 3:AM Magazine…”

CHARLIE WILLIAMS, author (November 2009)
“Brilliant to be in 3:AM after all these years of reading it as a punter.”

MATT THORNE, novelist and critic, THE WIRE (August 2009)
“The only online literary magazine I read regularly. I encountered the site when they interviewed me, but since then it’s become an important literary resource for keeping track of new writers.”

GAVIN JAMES BOWER, author (July 2009)
3:AM is a magazine I’ve loved reading for as long as I can remember. I’ve always been a big fan.”

RODGE GLASS, Somerset Maugham Award winning author (June 2009)
“I’m pleased to see a site like yours exists.”

INES MARTIN RODRIGO, journalist, ABC (February 2009)
“The online literary journal 3:AM Magazine is the Offbeats’ New Yorker.”

THE RUMPUS (February 2009)
“We just like 3:AM Magazine. That’s all there is to it.”

BOYD TONKIN, critic, THE INDEPENDENT (January 2009)
“[T]he kind of maverick publishing and magazine production that made a plucky showing in the hard British winters of the early Eighties migrated online years ago. Sites such as 3:AM Magazine keep faith with the old little-review tradition of avant-garde provocation and seditious literary cheek.”

HARI KUNZRU, novelist, BBC TODAY programme website (December 2008)
“[T]he sad young literary men at 3:AM Magazine.”

LYDIA LUNCH, writer and performance artist (September 2008)
“Feed your head at 3:AM…”

VIOLA FORT, co-founder UNTITLED BOOKS (September 2008)
“Love 3:AM — it’s a brilliant magazine.”

CHRIS MEADE, Director of if:book London (September 2008)
“The admirable 3:AM.”

SERPENT’S TAIL (July 2008)
“The übercool online magazine 3:AM…”

TRAVIS ELBOROUGH, writer (June 2008)
3:AM has practically pole position on my bookmarks.”

3:AM Magazine – I love their tagline: ‘Whatever it is, we’re against it.’ You might think that says it all, but you’ve got to read the magazine. They publish interviews, fiction, flash fiction, poetry, music, criticism, nonfiction, and opinions. This isn’t high-brow literature. It’s a little bit kitschy and somewhat odd, but enjoyable. A sort of David Lynch weirdness all over. No need to go to college to read great literature. Just read 3:AM Magazine.”

MATT THORNE, novelist and critic, CATHOLIC HERALD (May 2008)
“But these initiatives, which have largely ended up celebrating or championing the work of well-known authors (we hardly needed a short story prize to introduce us to the merits of William Trevor or Hanif Kureshi), have largely failed to reignite interest, and ignore the development of a number of new outlets for the short story, whether internet-based (such as Lee Rourke’s Scarecrow magazine, or the 3:AM literary site), or daring new publishers such as Apis or Heidi James’s Social Disease, which have introduced new voices and movements, such as the Brutalists and the Offbeat Generation.”

“For those finding McSweeney’s too fey or self-consciously wacky, there’s the edgy, eclectic writing of the Offbeat Generation. The loose collective term originates from Andrew Gallix, editor of 3:AM Magazine, a highly regarded cult website that has been lauded by the likes of Dazed & Confused and The Guardian. Along with the likes of Scarecrow, Social Disease, The Beat and Susan Tomaselli’s Dogmatika, 3:AM have championed the new wave of writing and given a platform to young writers for whom Booker Prize lists are an irrelevance and who’ve been neglected by more established publishing outlets.”

CHRIS CLEAVE, novelist (March 2008)
“I think 3:AM is excellent. You put the fun back into writing!”

TOM McCARTHY, novelist (February 2008)
“A new, non-corporate internationalism is emerging in literature, an independent web of associations and alliances at whose centre, like a brooding spider, lurks 3:AM.”

HEDI EL KHOLTI, SEMIOTEXT(E) co-editor (January 2008)
“I love your 3:AM.”

KEVIN WILLIAMSON, Rebel Inc. founder, activist and poet (January 2008)
“I’ve enjoyed dipping into 3:AM Magazine for a few years now. It’s pretty much essential reading if you want to keep on top of quality new fiction and poetry.”

3:AM… is sharp, street-wise and savvy, and crucially their writers are passionate and knowledgeable about good literature.”

“One of the star stalwarts is 3:AM, with its devotion to the emergent avant-garde.”

REBECCA GILLIERON, publisher and co-author of THE BOOKAHOLICS GUIDE TO BOOKS BLOG (The Book Depository, October 2007)
“The Buzzwords Blog of the London/Paris/New York based 3:AM Magazine — anyone who mentions Jonathan Richman, Tao Lin and the Twisted Spoon press in Prague in the same breath (almost) has got to be worth listening to.”

TONY O’NEILL, novelist, THE BEAT (August 2007)
“Getting published for the first time on 3:AM was a huge validation. Because not only was somebody saying ‘we like you, we like your writing’ the people saying it were obviously people who liked the same authors I did. Having someone like that dig your stuff was worth more to me than having Joe schmoe from whatever-house saying it, because they probably hated all the guys that I dug.”

M. JOHN HARRISON, writer (August 2007)
“The Buzzwords blog at prestigious 3:AM.”

RTÉ‘s The View programme (May 2007)
3:AM mentioned.

“In addition to diligently maintaining his heavily trafficked blog, A Reader of Depressing Books, the prolific Lin is an editor at the online magazine 3:AM, has written a book of poetry and is now gearing up for the publication of his first two books of prose, the novel Eeeee Eee Eeee and a collection of short stories called Bed.”

PAUL EWEN, writer (May 2007)
“the internet tends to be very supportive of short story writers in the UK; in my case 3:AM Magazine has been particularly brilliant. They, and off-shoots of 3:AM, also organise various reading events which give short story writers an opportunity to get their work in front of a new audience.”

MARK MOORE, musician, DJ and club promoter (April 2007)
“love the site!”

“Love 3:AM…”

LYNNE TILLMAN, writer (February 2007)
“Really good site.”

TIME OUT LONDON (February 28-March 6 2007)
3:AM‘s Buzzwords blog gets mentioned in a round-up of “Best book blogs”.

SAM JORDISON, author and journalist (February 2007)
“One of the first stopping points has to be the excellent 3:AM Magazine. 3:AM… more than delivers on its promise to provide a ‘dip in edgier waters’. If you scroll down the huge home page, you’ll find a healthy selection of interviews and a large array of short stories… Closely associated with 3:AM is the Offbeat Generation, a loose confederation of writers, who all — at the very least — show considerable promise.”

LONDONIST (January 2007)
“We were very happy to read that…the new 3:AM Magazine site is now live. If it’s not already in your bookmarks it should be.”

COLETTE PHAIR, author (January 2007)
“I’m glad it exists.”

ADELLE STRIPE, writer, chose 3:AM as her Best Literary Website for 2006 in issue 16 of laurahird.com (winter 2007). 3:AM Magazine also featured among LAURA HIRD‘s and BEN MYERS‘ Best Writing Website nominations.

TOM BRADLEY, novelist (December 2006)
“I trust you know what a gigantic boon you provide for us scribblers, no exaggeration.”
“Get a makeover at Andrew Gallix’s magisterial 3:AM Magazine.”

SUSAN TOMASELLI, Editor of Dogmatika (November 2006)
3:AM is still the best thing on the web; it’s like nothing else.”

PETER WILD, writer and editor (September 2006)
In an interview, he mentioned “the now legendary 3:AM Magazine“.
At Bookmunch: “all of us have to be so damn grateful for people like Andrew Stevens and Andrew Gallix and all the fine, fine people over at 3:AM Magazine.”

JOHN BARKER, writer and dissident (August 2006)
3:AM is an online magazine for short fiction, poems and essays. That such a thing exists is a boon to new writers, and to others that had been dependent on the support of small presses. It helps because it is — has become — a place where both readers and publishers interested in such writing will take a regular look.”

MOUNTAIN*7 (August 2006)
“There is also something very right about the alliance between 3:AM and Snow Books: an online magazine set up to provide a somewhere for all the music, fiction and poetry that didn’t quite fit the waxy hegemony of the literary establishment, a platform to promote writers who ‘have unique opportunities to have sex with women who wear glasses’; and a fiercely independent publishers who took it upon themselves to publish only books they believed in, or fitted their self-confessed naïve ideology, a manifesto that led them to win the Small Publisher of the Year award for 2006.”

SUSAN TOMASELLI, Editor of Dogmatika (July 2006)
“It’s the best site out there!”

ANTHONY THORNTON, author (July 2006)
“I’m enjoying 3:AM Magazine immensely — I’ve got it bookmarked now. (I know this is old-fashioned) I’m printing out articles to read on the bus into work as I type. …Every luck with 3:AM — but I don’t think you need it.”

TONY O’NEILL, writer (July 2006)
“I really wanted to thank you also for being such a big supporter of my work. 3:AM was the first place I got published and that was probably the biggest push for me — realizing that people out there really would like my writing. A lot of the boost I got from ‘Ghost Town’ appearing on the site propelled me to actually finish the book.”

THE SCOTSMAN (June 2006)
“The editors of 3:AM know that dissent has become a commodity in our culture. They realise that young artistic tyros will Bush-bash to build a name and get a fat book deal, then move uptown and start drinking chilled dry whites. By contrast, the writers here are published online or underground; they make little money, and best of all, they don’t seem to care about their ‘careers’. This is literature as it should be — free, sometimes too free, from editorial control, frank and outrageous.”

BLATT magazine (June 2006)
“Three poems from Poems I Wrote While Watching TV appear in the excellent new anthology, The Edgier Waters: 5 Years OF 3:AM Magazine, recently released in the UK by Snowbooks. In addition to Jeppesen, the book features some brilliant work by Bruce Benderson, Noah Cicero, Tony O’Neill, H.P. Tinker, Andrew Gallix, Guillaume Destot, and more, all of which originally appeared on the fantabulous 3:AM Magazine site. Get your hands on this baby immediately.”

HEIDI JAMES, writer (May 2006)
“I really admire what you do at 3:AM.”

MATT, MOUNTAIN*7 (March 2006)
“We are now fully paid-up supporters, and I for one am an avid reader. Great stuff.”

RICHARD HELL, writer, artist, musician and punk legend (March 2006)
“I get my buzz at 3:AM.”

DONARI BRAXTON, writer (February 2006)
“I’ve actually been an enthusiast of your work for quite a while now. …Thank you for your work at 3:AM over the years. It’s been a real pleasure for the rest of us.”

TOM McCARTHY, writer and General Secretary of the International
Necronautical Society
(November 2005)
3:AM is just about the only genuinely intelligent contemporary literary forum around at the moment.”

CHRIS CLEAVE, writer (September 2005)
“I love your site — some of the interviews you have are much more interesting than their equivalents in the mainstream press.”

THE TIMES (August 20 2005)
“The authors Cathi Unsworth and Danny King read from their crime books at the fab litblog’s London Crime-themed summer party at, appropriately, Filthy McNasty’s, Amwell Street, London EC1.”

LONDONIST (August 2005)
“On Saturday night (the 20th), 3:AM Literary Magazine celebrates its annual Summer Bash at Filthy McNasty’s in Amwell Street, which Londonist sees as one of the better pubs in London, and well worth the visit even aside from the crime fiction from publisher Serpent’s Tail being read as part of the festivities. 3:AM is a powerhouse in the online lit journal world (a genre that we aren’t sure is capable of having powerhouses, but if it were, 3:AM would certainly be one), and well worth supporting and partying with, we think.”

THE GUARDIAN (August 2005)
3:AM mentioned.

DENNIS COOPER, writer (July 2005)
3:AM Magazine is a great site.”

FOUR-EYED BITCH, literary website (July 2005)
“It’s eclectic but I love everything on it! How is this possible?”

TOM BRADLEY, writer (June 2005)
3:AM‘s going great. I’m always amazed at your energy. You seem to be everywhere at once, and your editorial voice is full of vim and grace. …It’s a pleasure to be published by you, and to read 3:AM. For a writer and reader like me, 3:AM and a few other great magazines (Exquisite Corpse, nthposition) help make life good.”

GEORGE SZIRTES, TS Eliot Prize Winner (April 2005)
“Nice magazine, some good interviews in there.”

BRUCE BENDERSON, writer (January 2005)
“Once the book [The Romanian] was finished, I spent two years trying to sell it to American publishers. Only some brave literary magazines, 3:AM Magazine among them, published excerpts of the book.”

LAURA HIRD, writer (August 2004)
3:AM Magazine was chosen as Laura Hird‘s Lit Mag of the Season in August O4: “3:AM is an excellent international literary magazine which was launched in April 2000. Features all the best new interviews, fiction, flash fiction, poetry, music and gig reviews, literature reviews, articles, politics, arts and a great selection of categorised links, along with Buzzwords, a daily dose of literary and cultural news from around the global village. They are always on the look-out for fresh, innovative, irreverent previously unpublished writing. …Great site to browse around with something for every taste.”

3:AM Magazine has been on the go since 2000 and is showing no signs of blear. For the uninitiated, it’s an e-journal that dips its snout in the trough of quotidian life and comes out with factual and fictional accounts filed under regular headings such as ‘Fat Man on the Left’, ‘Fetish Alphabet’ and ‘Parisianism For Beginners’ that are worth the truffle hunt. Eclectic and odd, 3AM tells us what the zeitgeist is while it still sounds like a foreign language. The magazine’s Summer Shindig this year is at the Stuckist Gallery, another home to admirable artists of great conviction whose metier still leaves us a little confused. The event is billed as ‘a literary event with turntables or turning the tables on literary events’ and boasts a fine line-up in word and music. Readers include Godard aficionado Colin McCabe and the man who coined the term ‘metrosexual’, Mark Simpson, whose latest offering, Saint Morrissey, was put together without any primary research whatsoever but with the devotion of a dyed-in-the-wool fan. Mark Sampson, Sweetie and The F*!ks of Angular Records are playing acoustic sets and there are DJs to boot. In keeping with the smoke and mirrors mystery of the affair, entry is free, but you must rsvp to attend.”

RICHARD HELL, writer, artist, musician and punk legend (May 2004)
When we asked Richard to be a judge in our Good Sex Prize competition, the punk legend answered: “Andrew, anything for the swingers at 3AM.”

BEN MYERS, writer (April 2004)
“I’m a big fan of 3AM.”

CANONGATE (newsletter, 10 March 2004)
3:AM Magazine, the web’s best litzine gets shattered by the Mirror: the brilliant, gutsy literary site, 3AM Magazine, has vowed to take on the might of Trinity Mirror after the newspaper giant launched a magazine of the same name based on its daily gossip column.”

“A little-known online literary title named 3:AM Magazine has vowed to take on the might of Trinity Mirror after the newspaper giant launched a magazine of the same name based on its daily gossip column. The online culture and literature magazine launched in April 2000, three months before the Daily Mirror signalled a revolution in newspaper gossip columns by launching its irreverent 3am girls column. While its subject matter is more Douglas Coupland than Michael Douglas, the editors of 3:AM Magazine fear the launch of a new weekly spin-off magazine by the Mirror will confuse readers and contributors…”

STEVE ALMOND (March 2004)
“I love your site.”

“In Bloomsbury, 3ammagazine.com hosted a reading by young novelists. The line-up was suitably roguish for a website that aims to be an online Fitzrovia…”

D.A. BLYER, writer (February 2004)
Salon.com was the first independent media organization to establish a significant presence on the web, and (though struggling) they were, and still are, the only one with serious financial backing. …As everyone knows, the internet is filled with a lot of dross, but thankfully other professional online publications, such as 3:AM Magazine, are emerging who maintain the tight editorial controls found at Salon and compete with them in delivering quality alternative content, in fact often exceeding them.”

BILL LEVY, underground legend, editor, serial bigamist, author and DJ (November 2003)
3:AM Magazine continues to be a hopeful pot-pourri of intelligent material. Great as a thermometer calibrating the current temperature of high philosophy and low farce in the risible world of culture. In addition, like all successful mags it creates its own true community. Keep up the worthy work.”

“I check out 3:AM pretty regularly, being a man of taste and distinction!”

DBC PIERRE, writer, Booker Prize winner (September 2003)
“Great magazine.”

RICHARD EOIN NASH, publisher, SOFT SKULL PRESS (September 2003)
“I love what you guys are doing.”

THE GUARDIAN (July 2003)
“This lively mix of fiction, politics, culture and music promises a ‘dip in edgier waters’ with the likes of Douglas Coupland, Chuck Palahniuk, Gerald Scarfe, Yo La Tengo and Don Letts. As well as irreverent, enthusiastic interviews, you’ll find short stories and regular arts news, with a photo album of what they’ve been up to.”

EROS LONDON (July 2003)
“One of London’s premier cultural publications.”
“The best alt.lit whorehouse in the universe.”

RES MAGAZINE (July 2003)
The “cheerfully irreverent 3:AM Magazine.”

“One may have lost oneself in London and still not heard of The Horse Hospital, 3:AM Magazine, or Richard Strange. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take a chance on the cosmic conjunction of all three this Saturday. Indeed the line-up is almost supernatural in its assortment of high-cool low-recognition avant-gardeness. It should be a blazing array of pop-punk poetry and literary swagger. Basically the unrepentantly midcult e-journal, 3:AM Magazine is having a party. Standing on their chairs and letting it all hang loose for the party people will be such luminaries as arch YBA-apologist Matthew Collings, Billy Childish — king of his own little world, Vic Godard still doing Punk like it never went out, came back and went out of style again, Bertie Marshall psycho-lit boy, the aforementioned Richard Strange, the sexy Mitzi Szereto and, jeez, about ten other spokesman for counter-culture. Jessica Callan tragically won’t be there (3:AM launched two years before the Mirror girls were ever a twinkle in Piers Morgan’s eye) but don’t let that hold you back. It’ll be different, that much is certain. And hey, think how less lost you’ll be.”

The “best alt.lit whorehouse in the metaverse”.

JAMIE BYNG, Top Cat, CANONGATE (July 2003)
“So many good interviews. Love the whole attitude of the site too. Keep up the great work.”

SCARLETT THOMAS, writer (June 2003)
“I’m a fan of the website.”

STEVE ALMOND, writer (June 2003)
“Your site absolutely kills.”

STEVE AOKI, founder of DIM MAK RECORDS (June 2003)
“Great site.”

“3am Magazine has fiction, interviews, poetry and politics.”

LAURA HIRD, writer (May 2003)
“I’ve been enjoying your site for several months now. Great stuff. I’ve turned into an unashamed geek over the past few months and 3:AM is a culprit in this transformation.”

MATTHEW WARD, Director, FLAME BOOKS (May 2003)
“I am a big fan of your site — keep up the good work!”

“The last five years have seen the short story flourish again thanks to writers like Toby Litt and Dan Rhodes … and to the occasional website like The Richmond Review, 3:AM Magazine and ABC Tales.”

PAUL MARKO, editor, PUNK77 (February 2003)
“It’s rare to find a site like yours that is so wide in view and objectives and so damn interesting. The best site I’ve seen in many a year!”

MATT THORNE, writer (February 2003)
“I’m very impressed by 3:AM. …You’re very much the best of the book sites, and the only one I’d visit for info.”

MICHAEL NEFF, Editor-in-Chief, WEB DEL SOL (January 2003)
“I keep running into types who worship 3:AM, as usual, and rightfully so.”

DOUBLEDAY (January 2003)
“I love reading 3:AM — it’s one of the most original sites out there!”

MAUD NEWTON, writer and litblogger (December 2002)
“Also worth noting… 3:AM.”

RAQUEL BRUNO, editor & publisher, AQUATULLE (December 2002)
“Thanks for doing a great site!”

SIX (aka Simon Barker of Bromley Contingent fame), artist (November 2002)
“I have now become a compulsive 3:AM‘er.”

“I’m very impressed with 3:AM — good work!”

“Bit of a diamond isn’t it! I can see why you get so many visits.”

MICHAEL ORTHOFER, Managing Editor, THE COMPLETE REVIEW (September 2002)
“Buzzwords and 3:AM are hard to overlook as far as quality literary sites on the Internet are concerned. …Keep up the great work; we always enjoy looking in at 3:AM!”

SERPENT’S TAIL, publisher (2002)
“One of the best arts magazines on the net.”

“Remarkably wicked.”

3:AM Magazine‘s excellent and enviably substantial blog Buzzwords, written by Spike friend Andrew Gallix, isn’t something I like to keep away from for too long.”

ROBERT HINCHCLIFFE, Nitricboy (May 2002)
3:AM is an online magazine which covers everything from short fiction to satire to music reviews. It’s also where I’ll be spending a lot of my time from now on.”

STEVE AYLETT, writer (2002)
3:AM is for people who are genuinely into books and ideas — a million miles from ‘Guardian recommends’.” In an interview with The Guardian (9 May 2002), Steve Aylett also chose 3:AM Magazine as one of his 5 favourite sites.

“Consider yourself hip to the lit scene of today? Do you appreciate edgy and fresh fiction and poetry? 3:AM Magazine delivers a fine feast of commentary, reviews and information on what’s hot in the world today — from politics and music to literary and genre fiction, you won’t mind staying up to dive into this fine intellectual fare.” (3:AM was Inscriptions‘ Link of the Week for June 24-30 2002.)

“Cool website. Worth checking out.”

“Delighted to find your excellent mag.”

CHARLIE WILLIAMS, writer (May 2002)
“I’m very impressed with the way 3:AM has evolved since I first looked at it. It has quite a reputation amongst literary webby types. I love the fantastic interviews in particular.”

CARY HARRISON, radio show host (February 2002)
“3:AM Magazine is to the creative diet as dill mousseline sauce is to a delightful poached salmon.”

ADRIENNE EISEN, writer (January 2002)
“3:AM Magazine is so cool.”

CHRIS MITCHELL, editor of SPIKE magazine (January 2002)
“3:AM is consistently great at pulling in great articles.” (May 2002)
“3:AM Magazine continues to go from strength to strength, featuring some cracking interviews with the likes of Dennis Cooper and Paul Auster — excellent stuff and very similar in spirit to Spike. If you like us, you’ll definitely like them.”

MARK DYE, writer (November 2001)
“I think highly of your website, and regularly enjoy the provocative, cutting-edge literature 3:AM provides.”
“3:AM Magazine: when the chemicals won’t let you sleep.”

ROBERT ARELLANO, writer (2001)
“3:AM is a beautiful magazine — a real web inspiration.”

JENNIFER FIELDS, writer (November 2001)
“I just happened upon your website, and WOW! I’m actually licking the screen and jumping up and down with joy! What a wonderful collection of enticing, thought-provoking stories! Andrew, I must tell you, I long to be part of a Writer’s Haven such as yours.”

BRUCE BENDERSON, writer (November 2001)
“Your magazine closely fits my sensibility and agenda. …This is a major compliment to your work.”

ATOMICPETALS (October 2001)
“3:AM Magazine is one of the best on the web.”

LARRY ZOUMAS, writer, editor & webmaster, PULPFICTION (October 2001)
“Nothing but massive respect for you and your website.”

TOM BRADLEY, writer (2001)
“3:AM is one of the best things out there. You guys are doing great.”

“A hip, smart, (sexy?) sharp news-kinda-forum place to go. …3:AM will make you squint inward & reward your ennui-riddled pop culture machinery.”

“Cool ezine 3:AM is worth taking a look at for a dip into the edgier waters of literature on the net. …[A] nice design touch is the way each story appears in its own pop-up window in a large, easy-to-read font; and don’t miss the daily Buzzwords, which comprise links to literary news from around the global village.” (3:AM Magazine was a Guardian Site of the Week in 2001.)

BILL BROUN, THE TIMES (30 April 2001)
“The cosmopolitan, rive gauche quality of the site is wonderfully obvious. From ‘cutting edge short fiction’ to political satire and music reviews, 3:AM is a dream publication for the young, literary and clued-up, and it counter-balances nicely the London/New York publishing behemoth.”