Antifa International

Looks like Toronto antifa have been busy doing their research.  

Last week a “Meet Pegida” website launched with lots of background info on half of the Islamophobic patridiots that showed up for Pegida Canada’s total fail of a Toronto hate rally last month.  Real rag-tag bunch of losers by the looks of it.

Also last week some personal info leaked concerning James Sears.  Sears wears many hats: confessed sexual assaulter, disgraced doctor, failed “pick-up artist” (and in that role, garnered a bit of fame with these pathetic series of voice mails).  Sears is also an anti-Semite, homophobe and an admitted Hitlerite.  In that last role he’s appointed himself as the “leader” of a would-be fascist political party that would be something to be concerned about if only he was able to attract any followers.  In any event, now that his home address & car details are out there, I’m sure that will make it easier to catch up with James for some political discussions. 


Calais Solidarity demo at St Pancras Eurostar station – london – uk

Calais Solidarity demo @ St Pancras Eurostar station October 24 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
We are very glad to spread this call-out from Calais Migrant Solidarity for a demo at St Pancras station, the London terminal of the Eurostar train (and home of “Europe’s longest champagne bar”). Hundreds of people without papers in Calais are going up against the Eurotunnel razorwire fences and private security every night. At least 10 people have been killed in or near the tunnel this Summer, most recently on 18 September. (Tragically, these “incidents” can cause some delays and inconvenience to legitimate travellers with passports and tickets.) Instead ofpointless shuffles around Westminster to plead with politicans, it makes much more sense to go straight to the border frontline right in the heart of our city. This demo is on the evening of the London Anarchist Bookfair, which this year is taking place just around the corner from St Pancras station.
Solidarity with Calais migrants! Protest at St. Pancras International, 24th October
Solidarity with Calais migrants!
Freedom for channel tunnel walker Abdul Rahman Haroun!
Protest at Eurostar, St Pancras International station, London 6pm, Saturday 24th October.
In Calais, up to 4000 people are currently trapped at the border. Large groups have been holding regular demonstrations at the Eurotunnel entrance there, calling for the borders to be opened and the violence to stop.
People in Calais are subject to cruel and brutal treatment by police and by private security hired by Eurotunnel, using dogs, razorwire fences and teargas. Of the 13 people killed at the border since June, many have died at the tunnel. The companies Eurostar and Eurotunnel play an active part in the violence at the border, and profit as people die and are injured. In addition, the Eurotunnel company is pressing hard for the prosecution of Abdul Rahman Haroun, the Sudanese man who walked through the tunnel, only to be imprisoned and charged with an obscure 19th century law.
The ‘Refugees Welcome’ demos which took place across Europe in September showed the scale of support for migrants suffering at the borders. But if we are to show effective solidarity, we must move beyond A-B marches and direct our energies towards the institutions and corporations responsible for the so-called “migrant crisis”.
Standing in solidarity with people without papers in Calais, we call for demonstrations and actions against Eurostar, Eurotunnel and the whole border regime of which they are a part. We call for all groups and individuals in solidarity with Calais migrants to protest at Eurostar in St Pancras International station, London, N1C 4QP at 6pm on Saturday 24th October.
We make the following demands:** 
Freedom for the channel tunnel walker Abdul Rahman Haroun who is currently in prison in UK.** Remember all those killed by Eurostar trains, Eurotunnel and Eurostar to give major compensation to their loved ones.** Remove murderous security, dogs and fences from the tunnel.** Ask all passengers to stop using Eurostar until all can travelfreely: with or without papers, with or without tickets.** Open the borders.



Calais Solidarity demo at St Pancras Eurostar station – london – uk

Calais Solidarity demo @ St Pancras Eurostar station October 24 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

We are very glad to spread this call-out from Calais Migrant Solidarity for a demo at St Pancras station, the London terminal of the Eurostar train (and home of “Europe’s longest champagne bar”). Hundreds of people without papers in Calais are going up against the Eurotunnel razorwire fences and private security every night. At least 10 people have been killed in or near the tunnel this Summer, most recently on 18 September. (Tragically, these “incidents” can cause some delays and inconvenience to legitimate travellers with passports and tickets.) Instead ofpointless shuffles around Westminster to plead with politicans, it makes much more sense to go straight to the border frontline right in the heart of our city. This demo is on the evening of the London Anarchist Bookfair, which this year is taking place just around the corner from St Pancras station.

Solidarity with Calais migrants! Protest at St. Pancras International, 24th October

Solidarity with Calais migrants!

Freedom for channel tunnel walker Abdul Rahman Haroun!

Protest at Eurostar, St Pancras International station, London 6pm, Saturday 24th October.

In Calais, up to 4000 people are currently trapped at the border. Large groups have been holding regular demonstrations at the Eurotunnel entrance there, calling for the borders to be opened and the violence to stop.

People in Calais are subject to cruel and brutal treatment by police and by private security hired by Eurotunnel, using dogs, razorwire fences and teargas. Of the 13 people killed at the border since June, many have died at the tunnel. The companies Eurostar and Eurotunnel play an active part in the violence at the border, and profit as people die and are injured. In addition, the Eurotunnel company is pressing hard for the prosecution of Abdul Rahman Haroun, the Sudanese man who walked through the tunnel, only to be imprisoned and charged with an obscure 19th century law.

The ‘Refugees Welcome’ demos which took place across Europe in September showed the scale of support for migrants suffering at the borders. But if we are to show effective solidarity, we must move beyond A-B marches and direct our energies towards the institutions and corporations responsible for the so-called “migrant crisis”.

Standing in solidarity with people without papers in Calais, we call for demonstrations and actions against Eurostar, Eurotunnel and the whole border regime of which they are a part. We call for all groups and individuals in solidarity with Calais migrants to protest at Eurostar in St Pancras International station, London, N1C 4QP at 6pm on Saturday 24th October.

We make the following demands:** 

Freedom for the channel tunnel walker Abdul Rahman Haroun who is currently in prison in UK.
** Remember all those killed by Eurostar trains, Eurotunnel and Eurostar to give major compensation to their loved ones.
** Remove murderous security, dogs and fences from the tunnel.
** Ask all passengers to stop using Eurostar until all can travelfreely: with or without papers, with or without tickets.
** Open the borders.




2015 - A brave Palestinian man teaches an IDF soldier some manners. [video]

IDF ettiquette class is now in-session!  Let’s hope he got away from those imperialist shock troops.Also, is it just us or do those goofy-ass IDF helmets look a lot like this?


2015 - A brave Palestinian man teaches an IDF soldier some manners. [video]

IDF ettiquette class is now in-session!  Let’s hope he got away from those imperialist shock troops.

Also, is it just us or do those goofy-ass IDF helmets look a lot like this?







Yaaaaaassssssss my fucking lorddddd they switched the audio and image!!


Double standards.

(Source: greenatlas)

The EDL are a total no-show at their own Newcastle rally.  Not one single racist gobshite bothered to turn out.  Now it seems they’re afraid to organize online at all anymore, thanks to persistent and effective antifa confrontation.  THIS IS WHAT WINNING LOOKS LIKE!`

The EDL are a total no-show at their own Newcastle rally.  Not one single racist gobshite bothered to turn out.  Now it seems they’re afraid to organize online at all anymore, thanks to persistent and effective antifa confrontation.  THIS IS WHAT WINNING LOOKS LIKE!`

DRESDEN REPORTBACK: Antifa rushing to give Pegida a proper Dresden welcome. Literally thousands of antifa in the streets last night!