• Marx and Engels: On Colonies, Industrial Monopoly and the Working Class Movement

    Author: Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
    Format: Paperback
    Size: 160 pages
    ISBN: 978-1-894946-79-7
    Publisher: Kersplebedeb Publishing
    Price:$10.00 (USD)

    available for purchase from leftwingbooks.net

    Originally compiled and edited by the Communist Working Circle (CWC) in 1972, this is a republished collection of excerpts from the corpus of Marx and Engels. These texts show the evolution of Marx and Engels’s ideas about the nascent labor aristocracy, and the enervating effects of colonialism and chauvinism on the British labour movement, with a focus on the British Empire of their time.

    This edition of “On Colonies” includes a substantial introduction by Marxist economist ...........READ MORE

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Black Liberation and the Abolition of the Prison Industrial Complex: An Interview with Rachel Herzing (repost)

Over the next few weeks we will be posting select chapters from the first issue of Propter Nos. Below is an excerpt from our inaugural publication. Rachel Herzing lives and works in Oakland, CA, where she fights the violence of policing and imprisonment.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Black Liberation and the Abolition of the Prison Industrial Complex: An Interview with Rachel Herzing ...........READ MORE

Détenu mort à Dorchester : des gardiens ont fait usage d’une « force inappropriée » selon un rapport (repost)

Étendu sur le sol d’une douche du pénitencier de Dorchester, au Nouveau-Brunswick, Matthew Hines a prononcé ces mots qui ont peut-être été ses derniers : « S’il vous plaît, je vous en supplie, je vous en supplie.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Détenu mort à Dorchester : des gardiens ont fait usage d’une « force inappropriée » selon un rapport ...........READ MORE