Submitted to It’s Going Down Tonight in a show of solidarity with the National Prison Strike ...
From Black Rose Anarchist Federation As the largest prison strike in modern history took ...
Submitted to It’s Going Down By Peter Soeller While prisoners were striking across the United ...
Submitted to It’s Going Down In the northern plains of Serbia, at the gates of Europe, ...
Submitted to It’s Going Down Acting in solidarity with prisoners going on strike throughout the ...

If you appreciate bringing you all the news from the #PrisonStrike actions, please consider making a donation to help keep us going.

Donate: IGD accepts monetary donation via the anonymous digital currency bitcoin and and through regular Credit ...

From comrade in Greece: "Outside of the prison the comrades set a microphone with speakers speaking about the fight of the prisoners in USA, and our prisoners cheering and waving and raising their fists high!"

Only a few hours into September 9th and already shit is going off the chain. Please, help us make this central hub page go viral:…/

Originally posted to It’s Going Down This week, on the 45th Anniversary of the Attica Prison ...

From Holman Prison:

"From contact inside: “12:01 Sept 9th, all inmates at Holman Prison refused to report to their prison jobs without incident. With the rising of the sun came an eerie silence as the men at Holman laid on their racks reading or sleeping. Officers are performing all tasks.”

Originally posted to It’s Going Down This week, on the 45th Anniversary of the Attica Prison ...
From Unicorn Riot Governor Jack Dalrymple announced at a Thursday morning press conference he was ordering ...
Submitted to It’s Going Down Early Thursday morning, prison abolitionists dropped a banner over New Circle ...

"We argue that policing evolved as a method of control to enforce and protect a key economic foundation in the development of American (and global) capitalism: slavery. Policing also functioned to produce a society grounded in the “social death” of Black people.[5] Modern policing continued to evolve after chattel slavery to maintain the racialized division of labor and social divisions that slavery created, but which now (in a post-Emancipation society) had to be reproduced by other forms. This reproduction of authority, wealth, and white supremacy never ceased, and in many ways it has only grown stronger and more insidious."

Submitted to It’s Going Down By Neal Shirley & Saralee Stafford The following was originally written ...

Buy a badass t-shirt!

From Support Prisoner Resistance In celebration of the wave of resistance going down and about to ...

"Veteran Ferguson activist, hip-hop artist, and community member Darren Seals was found shot dead in a burning car Tuesday. Given the background of the victim and the circumstances of his death, Black Lives Matter activists have very real concerns to suspect involvement from either police or pro-police white supremacist forces."

Submitted to It’s Going Down Veteran Ferguson activist, hip-hop artist, and community member Darren Seals was ...