Oakland: Antifa Graffiti and Posters Spread

September 3, 2016

Submitted to It’s Going Down

Solidarity from Oakland to the Antifascists who fought the Traditionalist Workers Party/Golden Gate Skinheads in Sacramento on June 26th! The graffiti reads “Antifa Zone. Solidarity with Sac Antifa! <3 Fuck Nazis, sexists, racists, homophobes, cops, and bosses!” Donate to the antifascist fighters who were wounded at www.rally.org/june26th! The Bay is an antifascist zone and we gotta hold it down here and everywhere by fighting fascism, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, the police state, and colonial capitalism. Please do more antifascist graffiti and actions in solidarity with comrades who put it all on the line to defend the community from bigotry and exploitation. #antifascistzone #antifabayarea #communityselfdefense #keephoodsyours #antifagraffiti #antifastreetart #161



