It's Going Down


Reports, podcasts, columns, and analysis of revolt and social movements from a revolutionary anarchist perspective. 100% movement funded.

So-Called North America
Beigetreten Juli 2015


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    vor 5 Stunden

    During the week of January 20th, 2018, across the US and beyond, people are organizing benefit events, teach-ins, and conferences to discuss the path ahead. Add yours!

  2. hat retweetet
    vor 2 Stunden

    Great new new AudioZine from about the history of patriarchy and the medical system. 🏴🎧📖

  3. hat retweetet
    vor 1 Stunde

    The US government's closing argument in the first trial seeks to effectively criminalize as a felon anyone who provides first aid at protests that police decide (without a dispersal order) to treat as a riot

  4. hat retweetet
    vor 2 Stunden
  5. hat retweetet
    vor 2 Stunden

    SOLIDARITY NOT CHARITY Dec. 31st at La Conxa with Ovarian Psycos

  6. hat retweetet
    vor 4 Stunden

    Some kind, generous soul dropped off hundreds of books at the Base anonymously. Really exceptional books too. Whoever you are thanks very much. In the new year we're updating the library people!

  7. hat retweetet
    vor 3 Stunden

    "The BOP's 'Maximum 5 Book' policy is ridiculous - I could only transfer to Milan with a handful of books! But FCI Manchester will never be the same again! =)" - Jeremy Hammond

  8. hat retweetet
    vor 3 Stunden

    NEW- Criminalizing Dissent: Trial Drags on as Jury Deliberations Delayed Our latest dispatch from DC Superior Court

  9. vor 5 Stunden

    has a budget of 6 billion, but it's cutting programs that will attack the homeless, the poor, and the most vulnerable. If you want a view of what's coming, here it is. From

  10. hat retweetet
    19. Dez.

    defendants/support network joined hands with members of the support network to sing and join together in their collective struggle

  11. vor 5 Stunden
  12. hat retweetet
    vor 6 Stunden

    Looking back on this year One thing I am super excited about is teaming up with so many people that i have such deep respect for and launching an anarchist podcast network and online radio station together! Turn off the news, put on

  13. hat retweetet
    vor 20 Stunden

    300+ demonstrated in , Michigan earlier today in solidarity with nurses who are threatening to strike.

  14. hat retweetet
    vor 6 Stunden

    Gearing up for January 20, 2018: A Week of Outreach & Solidarity Events Read about some of the events planned to support & arrestees—and resources you can use to organize your own, including a new documentary about antifascism.

  15. hat retweetet
    vor 9 Stunden

    it’s weird how the media seems to think that college kids are radicalized by their professors and not their six-figure college loan debt

  16. hat retweetet
    vor 7 Stunden

    Workers with the Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) begin strike, blockade road in , . Say they haven't received full paychecks and that missing $ is being used for PRI presidential campaign.

  17. hat retweetet
    vor 16 Stunden
  18. hat retweetet
    vor 22 Stunden

    Help out some comrades throw down against Kinder Morgan next year and get some swag in return.

  19. hat retweetet
    vor 12 Stunden

    trial update: Juror #2 called in sick, so Judge just dismissed jury for today. Defendants & counsel will return to court at 4 PM. Court will contact jurors at 4:30 "to review the status of things." Court will also contact alternate jurors to advise them they may be needed.

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  20. hat retweetet
    vor 12 Stunden

    “It is unprecedented, as far as I know, for the state to use conspiracy liability to charge hundreds of people with felonies” - Sam Adler-Bell on The Takeaway today:

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