Litha 2016 is out

Friday, September 2nd, 2016

Friday, September 2nd, 2016

Running Down the Walls 2016

from Running Down the Walls


Since 1999, the Anarchist Black Cross Federation, political prisoners and support organizations across the country have held a 5K non-competitive run/jog/walk/bike event to raise awareness and funds for the numerous political prisoners currently held in North American prisons.

Runs will be held on September 4th or September 11th at various cities and prison yards around the continent.

In past years, we’ve had runs in Albuquerque (NM), Arcata (CA), Ashland (OR), Bellefonte (PA), Boston (MA), Denver (CO), Elmore (AL), FCI Sandstone (MN), Inez (KY), Los Angeles (CA), Marion (IL), USP Navosta (TX), Pelican Bay (CA), Phoenix (AZ), Tucson (AZ), and Toronto, Ontario. Our comrades on the inside also engage in solidarity runs at the same time as ours on the outside.

This year the big runs will be held in:

1) New York City- September 4th. Prospect Park.
Donate to NYC run

2) Denver, Colorado- September 11th. Sunken Gardens Park.
Donate to Denver run

3) Los Angeles, California- September 11th. MacArthur Park.
Donate to LA run

Smaller solidarity runs will be held in:

1) Buffalo, New York- September 4th

2) Twin Cities, Minnesota- September 11th

3) Chico, California- September 11th

4) Seattle, Washington- September 11th

5) Middletown, Connecticut- September 11th

6) Lake Worth, Florida. September 11th

7) Turners Falls, Massachusetts. September 11th. 10am. Contact: (413)768-8190. More details TBA.

Funds raised are typically split between the ABCF Warchest and a community group chosen by the host organization.

The ABCF Warchest is a program designed to send monthly checks to those Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War who have been receiving insufficient, little, or no financial support during their imprisonment. The Warchest program was initiated in November 1994 and sends money to Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War (PP/POW) via monthly checks.

For more information, see

If you want to organize a solidarity run, please be in touch with LA ABCF at

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