Litha 2016 is out

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

The Summer 2016 Earth First! Newsletter is Now Available Online

EF!N Lughna 16 cover

This issue of Earth First! News includes updates and actions in defense of Mother Earth from mid-March to June of 2016, along with an article on resistance to a liquefied natural gas terminal in Chile, updated prisoner pages, and our current eco-action group directory.

Earth First! News is published quarterly and always available for free to download or read online. If you have the means, please print and distribute!

Download here or read here

*Note: Download is slightly lower quality than online version. You can download the full quality version by clicking “view online” and then creating a free account with Issuu.

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Printable Earth First! Newsletter #23: Lughnasadh 2016

