Upside Down World
Thursday, 01 September 2016
1 Education as a Commodity: Chile Seeks to Break with a Dictator’s Legacy Emily Achtenberg
2 Latin America’s Safe Abortion Hotlines: Women Take Reproductive Rights Into Their Own Hands April Howard
3 Chile’s LGBT Movement Wins Historic Victory with Approval of Civil Unions Monse Sepulveda
4 In Memoriam: Pedro Lemebel's Chronicles of the Pinochet Dictatorship Pedro Lemebel. Translation by April Howard
5 La Legua, Santiago de Chile: Building Community in Small Spaces Raul Zibechi
6 Chile Rejects Patagonian Dam Project, Environmentalists Hail Victory Diego Cupolo
7 Chile’s Student Movement Leads the Way: Progressive Prospects for Michelle Bachelet’s Second Term Benjamin Dangl
8 Indigenous March in Chile’s Capital on Columbus Day Charlotte Karrlsson-Willis and Sam Edwards
9 Pinochet’s Policies Still Rankle in Chile Marianela Jarroud
10 "El Mauro" Tailings-Dam Pits Community Against the Oligarchy in Chile Ali Sargent
11 Michelle Bachelet: Inequality in Chile Matthew Owens
12 Chile: A Carnival in Defense of Water Sweeps through the Streets of Santiago Marianela Jarroud
13 Tough Questions for Chile as Ongoing Protests Stall Patagonian Dam Project Diego Cupolo
14 Chile: From a Social Earthquake to a Political Tsunami Raúl Zibechi, Translation by Rebecca Ellis
15 Chile: Summit of the Peoples Demands Solidarity and Sovereignty Marianela Jarroud
16 Chile: Mapuches Still Fighting Pinochet-Era Highway Project Marianela Jarroud
17 Chile: Violence and Repression against the Mapuche Population Rocío Alorda
18 The Chilean Safe Abortion Hotline: Assisting Women With Illegal, But Safe, Misoprostol Abortion Emily Anne, Lesbians and Feminists for the Right to Information
19 Book Review: Feeding on Dreams – Confessions of an Unrepentant Exile Ramona Wadi
20 Interview with Camila Vallejo: “Another Chile Is Possible, with Greater Democracy and Social Rights” Marianela Jarroud
21 Betraying Memory in Chile: Documental Pinochet's Manipulation of History Ramona Wadi
22 Chile: Human Rights Activists Protest New US Base Weekly News Update on the Americas
23 The Right to Memory in Chile: An Interview with Erika Hennings, President of Londres 38 Ramona Wadi
24 Unveiling Canada's Role in Chile’s Environmental and Political Conflicts Cyril Mychalejko
25 Destroying the Ability to Think Historically in Chile Ramona Wadi
26 A New Chile is Possible: Students and a Society in Motion Raúl Zibechi
27 Chile's Government Wages War on Historical Memory and Truth Ramona Wadi
28 A Temporary Suspension of Exile in Chile: Interview with Former MIR Militant Hugo Marchant Ramona Wadi
29 Chile Rising: Behind the Student Protest Movement Fault Lines
30 Dictatorship Relics in Chile: Paying Homage to Miguel Krassnoff Martchenko Ramona Wadi
31 Chile: When Triumphant Neoliberalism Begins to Crack Franck Gaudichaud
32 Remnants of Pinochet: Conservative Chilean Politicians Push for Harsher Measures Against Students Shalini Adnani
33 ‘A Poetic Concept of Identity’: An Interview with Mapuche Poet David Aniñir Guilitraro Ramona Wadi
34 A View from Inside an 'Occupied' Chilean School Shalini Adnani
35 Photo Essay - A Clash of Classes: Chilean Students Fight for a Better Education System Shalini Adnani
36 Chile: National Strike Forces Government to Negotiating Table Dr Victor Figueroa Clark
37 Seeking Social Justice Through Education in Chile Ramona Wadi
38 Memory in Exile: An Interview with Jorge Coulon of Inti Illimani Ramona Wadi
39 Outrage at HidroAysén Dams Raises Environmental and Political Consciousness in Chile Caroline Lewis
40 Book Review: Memory and Justice in Democratic Chile Ramona Wadi
41 Living under the Oppression of Democracy – The Mapuche People of Chile Ramona Wadi
42 The Legacy of the Nueva Canción: An Interview with Patricio Manns Ramona Wadi, Photo by Alejandra Lastra
43 Immigrant Rights Activist, and Former Torture Victim from Chile Faces Deprotation Lainie Cassel
44 Saving Their Seats for the Bicentennial and Beyond: Ex-Political Prisoners of Chile’s National Stadium Zachary McKiernan
45 Chile’s Ghosts: The Tyranny of Forgetting Benjamin Dangl
46 Chile: Mapuche Prisoners on Hunger Strike to Demand Talks Daniela Estrada
47 Chile's Billionaire President Piñera Gets a Raise Benjamin Witte-Lebhar
48 Earthquake and Tsunami in Chile: The Militarization of Natural Disasters Raúl Zibechi
49 Chile’s President-Elect Starts Cashing In Benjamin Witte-Lebhar
50 For Chile’s Wealthy President-Elect, Victory Spells Huge Payoff Benjamin Witte-Lebhar
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