Preparing for labour

Pregnancy and birth
Pregnancy and birth 

You are approaching the end of your pregnancy and it is time to get ready for that important moment when labour begins.

If this is your second or subsequent pregnancy then you know what to expect, however, if this is your first time you are heading into the unknown. To make things easier on yourself use the checklists below to prepare yourself and plan for your trip to hospital.

Getting to hospital 
Well before your due date, work out the easiest route to the hospital. Find out where the parking is, whether you need money for parking and which entrance you will need to use. Also check which entrances you will use if you arrive in the middle of the night. Arrange beforehand for someone to be available to drive you to hospital once you go into labour. Organise a back up person - in case your original driver cannot get to you in time.

Contact numbers
Keep this list of important phone numbers with you at all times:

Hospital/Birth Centre: _________________________

Doctor/Midwife Name: _________________________

TEL1:____________________ TEL2:____________________

Birth Partner: __________________________________

TEL1:____________________ TEL2:____________________

Driver #1: ______________________________________

TEL1:____________________ TEL2:____________________

Backup Driver: _________________________________

TEL1:____________________ TEL2:____________________

Babysitter #1: _________________________________

TEL1:____________________ TEL2:____________________

Backup Babysitter: ____________________________

TEL1:____________________ TEL2:____________________

Keep some old towels handy (even leave some in the car you will be driven to hospital in) in case your waters break on the way

  • Pack your bags for hospital
  • Have a notebook handy to keep a record of the timing of contractions
  • If you want to take a camera or video camera with you, get film and test that camera is working (check batteries) and keep it with your delivery bag - it is easily forgotten!

Discuss birth stories with other EB members.