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Breaking: Arrest Warrant Issued for Amy Goodman in North Dakota After Covering Pipeline Protest

Debtors' Prison for Kids: Poor Children Incarcerated When Families Can't Pay Juvenile Court Fees

High School Players Taking Knee for National Anthem Across Country

Wisconsin to Pay Abortion Providers $1.6 Million After GOP’s Failed Anti-Choice Measure

Fifteen Years After 9/11, Perpetual "War on Terror" Continues Unabated

How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people’s money

At least 90 killed in Syria, including 28 children, after ceasefire plan announced

Sanders, the "Progressive" Plutocrat and the Supreme Court Vacancy

US prisoners are going on strike to protest a massive forced labor system

Wildlife conservationists need to break out of their Stockholm syndrome

Hillary Clinton calls some Trump supporters bigoted 'deplorables'
Democrat tells New York fundraiser some Trump backers ‘are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America’

Erased By False Victory: Obama Hasn’t Stopped DAPL

Federal Agencies Step in After Judge Denies Tribe's Request to Stop Dakota Access Pipeline

The NSA’s British Base at the Heart of U.S. Targeted Killing

Factory Fire In Bangladesh Kills At Least 21

North Korea’s Nuclear Capabilities ‘Speeding Up,’ Warns South

Controversial political players are back with new secret-money group in N.C.

Teachers Are Working for Uber Just to Keep a Foothold in the Middle Class

Meet the Texas billionaire and GOP donor behind the North Dakota pipeline controversy

US, Russia reach deal for Syria ceasefire

Four Ways Media Attack Organized Labor

Obama administration orders ND pipeline construction to stop

Big Bad Big Banks Continue to Behave Badly
-- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout

N.D. governor to activate National Guard ahead of Friday pipeline ruling

House passes Sept. 11 legislation as Obama veto threat looms

Texas Tribes Mobilize in Solidarity With Sioux Against Dakota Access Pipeline

A 9/11 Retrospective: Washington's Air War Measured in Decades

A Debate Disaster Waiting to Happen
Moderators at future presidential debates must do a better job of holding the candidates accountable.

Inside the fight to reveal the CIA's torture secrets

Sacred Natural Sites Should Be "No Go Zones" for Developers
-- Erik Hoffner of EcoWatch on BuzzFlash at Truthout

Charles P. Pierce: Are We Just Going to Pretend Another President (Reagan) Didn't Give Iran Their Money?

Nebraska tribes join fight against Dakota Access pipeline with downtown Omaha demonstration

For the 15 Years Since 9/11, the US Has Waged an Endless Campaign of Violence in the Middle East

Election Complaint Filed With DOJ Against Florida AG for 2013 Trump Foundation Contribution

5,300 Wells Fargo employees fired for creating over two million phony accounts

Trump Says Ordering People at Rallies to Attack One Another Has Prepared Him to Be Commander-in-Chief [satire]

Roll Call's Senate Challenger Rankings: Take Two

The Untold Story of 9/11: Bailing Out Alan Greenspan’s Legacy

Appeals Court Won’t Hold Catholic Hospital Responsible for Denial of Care

William Rivers Pitt | 9/11 at 15: The Falling Dominoes of September

Rhetoric or real? N. Korea nuclear test may be a bit of both

Louisiana governor requests bailout as flood costs rise to $15bn
With 80% of affected homes uninsured, federal government to cover 90% of Fema costs – but governor says more is needed

The Lost Innocence of 9/11
The renewed patriotism and commitment we felt 15 years ago has decayed, sullied by jingoism, xenophobia and paranoid fantasies about race and religion.

Clinton: It was wrong to call half of Trump supporters 'deplorable'

Syria ceasefire deal explained

Trump, Clinton battle over media bias

"A Continuous War Mentality": Richard Falk on Israel's Human Rights Abuses

Trump's Poll Patrol: Who's Watching Partisan Poll Police?

Sacred Natural Sites Should Be 'No Go Zones' for Developers

The GOP seems to be avoiding its Donald Trump nightmare scenario. For now.

Obama eyes big finish on climate

A Whistle-Blower Accuses the Kochs of “Poisoning” an Arkansas Town

US, China Formally Join Paris Climate Agreement

Pence releases tax returns

The Koch Brothers Are Spending Big To Buy Harry Reid’s Senate Seat

The Selling of Donald J. Trump

Police-Involved Injuries of Civilians Rise Nearly 50%, Harvard Researchers Say
Study looked at emergency visits over 14-year period and also found black men were more likely to be injured by police and security guards than white men

North Dakota tribe's request to stop work on pipeline denied

Seattle Seahawks May Be Planning A National Anthem Protest For 9/11

Minnesota Dems sue to get Donald Trump off the ballot

Attica: How the Suppression of an Uprising Fed the Prison Industry

Presidential Politics and CEO Pay

The Hillary Clinton email story is out of control

Facebook removes Norwegian leader’s post of iconic Vietnam image

Will Either Clinton or Trump End the Forever War?

Hillary Clinton Calls Out RNC Chairman For Telling Her To Smile

Confessions of a Gun Range Worker
I saw suicides mopped up with kitty litter, racist paranoia—and three rampage shooters.

Paul Krugman: Donald Trump’s ‘Big Liar’ Technique

Six countries, dozens of U.S. airstrikes, one weekend: All point to militants’ resilience — and permanent war