
Nayser missed the boat ... and now he's being forced to miss his family

In a cramped flat in Bankstown, the Ahmed children wait impatiently for the face of the father they have not kissed for three years to appear on a small computer screen.

The Skype rings out once. Then twice, and then again and again for almost an hour. But there is no sign of Nayser, 63, who has been detained without charge on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea for what seems like an eternity.

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Nayser's three years stuck in Manus

Fleeing persecution, Nayser Ahmed was separated from his family en route to Australia. While they rebuild their lives in Sydney, he remains stuck on Manus Island.

Nayser's wife stands silently in the room cluttered with toys and school books, her eyes lowered, waiting for a husband whose hand she last held in 2013.

Finally, the sing-song ring of an incoming call breaks the silence. Ahmed's lined face appears from Manus, one of the island's more than 900 asylum seekers who immigration minister Peter Dutton recently vowed will never set foot in Australia.

His eyes glisten as he absorbs the faces of his daughters and wife on an iphone.

Suddenly, his seven-year-old son darts towards the screen, holding a pair of two-dollar sports socks bought as a Father's Day gift the previous week. He wields the socks proudly before the camera. They are still gift-wrapped in plastic.


Next, he brandishes a brown mug before the screen - last year's Father's Day gift. It, too, is still wrapped in plastic.

The seven-year-old then holds up a card he has carefully coloured in. "To the Best Dad Ever," says the cover. He haltingly reads aloud his primary school scrawl.

Nayser Ahmed (centre, on screen) Skypes in from Manus Island where he is in detention to his family in their home in Sydney.
Nayser Ahmed (centre, on screen) Skypes in from Manus Island where he is in detention to his family in their home in Sydney. Photo: Kate Geraghty

"I… love…. my…. Dad… because… he…. is…. very... kind".

He drapes his small arm over his mother's shoulder as she quietly weeps.

Nayser Ahmed on Manus Island.
Nayser Ahmed on Manus Island. Photo: Matthew Abbott

Some 3,560 kilometres away, Nayser relies on a camera the size of a button to peer into his children's lives, watching and listening as his daughters attending a Sydney high school tell him about maths and English classes and learning how to swim.

Nayser, who has been assessed as a refugee, had been on Manus for just over two years when he saw the first photo of the grandchild he may never meet.

Fear and tears: Nayser Ahmed's wife and family are on a bridging visa and living in Sydney.
Fear and tears: Nayser Ahmed's wife and family are on a bridging visa and living in Sydney. Photo: Kate Geraghty

But for a quirk of fate, he would have been on the same boat as his wife and children. The vehicle that took them to the boat that was meant to carry them to Australia in July 2013 had no room for Nayser and the taxi that was meant to follow with him never arrived.

The trip from Indonesia was to be the last leg of a journey that began when the family fled Myanmar, part of an exodus of Rohingya, who the United Nations describe as among the world's most persecuted minorities.

Illustration: Ron Tandberg
Illustration: Ron Tandberg 

A week after Nayser's children and wife reached Australia, the Rudd government made a surprise announcement. Asylum seekers who arrived by boat would now be flown to offshore processing centres.

While they are on bridging visas in the community, along with some 30,000 others, Nayser arrived soon after the Rudd edict and has been told his options are to settle in PNG or return to persecution – and that he will never be allowed to even visit Australia.

He is not alone. Fairfax Media is aware of many cases where some family members are in Australia while fathers, spouses, siblings, children and cousins are on Manus and the tiny, impoverished island of Nauru.

The Human Rights Law Centre's Daniel Webb says Ahmed's case highlights the desperate need for a new approach that reassesses the impact on the mental health and welfare of those in limbo on Nauru and Manus against the policy objective of both major parties to deter people smugglers.

Webb recently travelled to Manus Island, aiming to to systematically document the human stories of asylum seekers. No one has done this before, but Webb, a clean-cut, determined lawyer, believed it might be possible after a PNG court ruling in May that found the men's detention was illegal and they should be able to leave and return to the centre.

"I left my hotel room on the first morning and there were 30 men waiting for me outside, desperate to tell their stories. They kept on coming."

If any more evidence is needed to prove the shocking impact on the mental health of those on Manus and Nauru, a confidential 2015 intelligence assessment from Manus centre manager, Transfield, leaked to Fairfax Media, puts it plainly.

"The sense of injustice that many Transferees feel is tangible and continues to be articulated in terms of disbelief that they are on Manus, frustration with the policies that placed them on Manus and aggression at those responsible for applying those decisions.

"The mental health landscape across the MIRPC (Manus Island Refugee Processing Centre) is demonstrably linked to the processing environment and the notion that the Transferees will not be going to Australia."

Among those who most moved Webb was Nayser Ahmed.

Nayser told Fairfax Media this week that his single aspiration is to reunite with his family.

"It burns me inside. I don't have a life without them. The thing I miss most about my kids is sitting down to dinner together," he says.

As the Skpye call wraps up, Nayser's seven-year-old son quizzes him with confused urgency. "When are you coming? When are you coming?"

Nayser says nothing as the tears continue to stream down his wife's face.