TBS Bargaining teams

PSAC Treasury Board teams back at bargaining table September 13-16

We encourage our members and all public service workers to take action

Member of the Union development program, 2015 edition

Apply now.  Deadline is October 7, 2016

National equity conferences, Mar. 24 - 28, 2017

National equity conferences, Mar. 24 - 28, 2017

Safe drinking water for First Nations Communities now

#Thirstyforjustice demands action for First Nations communities 

50th Anniversary logo

Come celebrate 50 years with us!

TBS Bargaining teams

PSAC Treasury Board teams back at bargaining table September 13-16

We encourage our members and all public service workers to take action

Member of the Union development program, 2015 edition

Apply now.  Deadline is October 7, 2016

National equity conferences, Mar. 24 - 28, 2017

National equity conferences, Mar. 24 - 28, 2017

Safe drinking water for First Nations Communities now

#Thirstyforjustice demands action for First Nations communities 

50th Anniversary logo

Come celebrate 50 years with us!

Members get discounts on: Enhanced life insurance from Coughlin, AGR home and auto insurance, credit cards, hotels and travel. Log in or sign up for an account to update your contact information.

Currently bargaining: CFIACRA, Parks CanadaSSO, Treasury Board: FB, EB, PA, SV and TC Groups. For all bargaining-related news and background see our Bargaining section.

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The #ThirstyforJustice campaign video was developed in collaboration with an award-winning documentary filmmaker and focuses on the community of Grassy Narrows. 

The river water has been contaminated by mercury for over 40 years and the tap water is not safe to drink. Grassy Narrows is only one of more than 100 First Nations communities that do not have access to safe water for drinking, cooking and bathing.