

Facebook's war on ad blockers is quickly blocked

Adblock Plus is already blocking Facebook's efforts to block ad blockers from blocking ads.

Advertising is a necessary evil of the commercial internet but publishers and advertisers need to treat audiences with respect if they expect us to pay attention, considering that it's not difficult to block online ads using browser plugins like Adblock Plus.

Facebook is granting us more control over which ads we see but wants to ensure that we're not blocking them completely.
Facebook is granting us more control over which ads we see but wants to ensure that we're not blocking them completely. Photo: AP

Most online ads are tolerable but advertisers don't do themselves any favours when they bombard us with annoying, intrusive, bandwidth-hogging, resource-sucking ads. They might think they're getting "cut through" but all they're really doing is driving more people to install ad blockers so we won't see any ads at all – punishing the entire publishing and advertising industry, even those advertisers and websites which do the right thing.

Rather than trying to win us back by promising to tone it down, some advertisers respond by making their ads even more annoying and intrusive – a vicious cycle which drives even more people to install ad blockers. These days some people also view ad blockers as a security measure, helping defend against malicious advertising infected with drive-by downloads.

Thankfully the message is starting to get through to publishers, with initiatives like Google's AMP publishing platform forcing intrusive ads to take a back seat in order to boost news article load times. Meanwhile some publishers are refusing to display articles if an ad blocker is detected, while others display the content but request you whitelist the site in your ad blocker so they can afford to pay their writers.

Facebook is also feeling the impact of desktop ad blockers, even though most people wouldn't have specifically had the social media giant in mind when they installed their ad blocker. The handful of ads displayed down the right hand side of the Facebook home page are relatively benign – you don't have to look far to find ads which are more intrusive on the user experience.


Rather than appealing to Facebook users to exempt the site from their ad blocker, Facebook has decided to go to war with ad blockers by redesigning its pages to make it more difficult for machines to distinguish between ads and other content. At the same time it improved its ad preferences tool to give us more control over the types of ads we see on Facebook.

It only took Adblock Plus two days to respond, tweaking its algorithms to weed out the advertisements on Facebook. It's still a work in progress and it occasionally blocks legitimate content, but you can be sure the cat and mouse game will continue. Facebook has already updated its page layout to block Adblock Plus' efforts to block Facebook's efforts to block ad blockers.

Rather than starting a war it can never win, Facebook should have focused on spruiking the merits of its ad preferences overhaul first – encouraging users to take control and perhaps exempt Facebook from ad blocking of their own free will.

Doing this first, and perhaps announcing it planned to overhaul its ad blocking in 30-days time, might have started a constructive conversation about ad blocking to help strike a balance between the needs of publishers, advertisers and readers. Rather than break the cycle, instead Facebook is going down the same old path which has failed again and again.

Do you use an ad blocker? Why? What does it take for you to exempt a site from your ad blocking list?