Power Line of People

Friday, September 16, 2016 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm


The office of Deb Matthews, MP
242 Piccadilly Street
London, ON
42° 59' 42.234" N, 81° 15' 6.768" W

On Friday September 16th from noon-1pm the London Chaper of Hydro One Not For Sale is creating a Power Line Of People surrounding Liberal MP Deb Matthews' office to oppose the Ontario Liberal government's plan to sell off Hydro One. A portion of Hydro One has already been sold off to private interests, against mounting opposition. 

Hydro One Not For Sale will form an unbreakable chain of people surrounding Matthews' office to demonstrate their opposition to the Liberal plan of selling Ontario's most prized asset. It is estimated that the vast majority of Ontarians are against the privatization plan, yet the Liberal government has ignored the opposition and has moved forward with the plan with no mandate and no regard for the needs of its citizens.
