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Aug 29 2016 | rabble staff | Coulten Boushie's death has revealed deep roots of anti-Indigenous racism in Prairie provinces.
The Strange Wax Cylinders of Thaddeus Barnes - image of Edison wax cylinder play
Aug 29 2016 | Harrowsmith Now | A rollicking Canadian steampunk adventure and a companion to the Harrowsmith Now treasure hunt, The Strange Copper Cylinders of Thaddeus Barnes
Brian Jean
Aug 29 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | A feud with a prominent Quebec politician may work for Alberta's conservatives if it encourages the NDP's campaign to win social license for pipelines fails.
Aug 29 2016 | Teuila Fuatai | The Canadian Union of Postal Workers extended its strike deadline at 11pm last night as negotiations continue with Crown mediator William Kaplan.
Aug 28 2016 | Doreen Nicoll | Women’s Habitat opened its doors in Etobicoke in 1978. Since then, this emergency shelter has been busy expanding the essential ways it helps women and children.
Aug 28 2016 | Dennis Gruending | The shooting in Saskatchewan of Colten Boushie, a young Cree man, has fuelled a racist backlash on social media.
Photo: Flickr / uniforcanada
Aug 28 2016 | H.G Watson | Unifor completed it its second national convention since its founding in 2013. H.G. Watson caught up with President Jerry Dias to reflect on the past three years.
Aug 28 2016 | Frieda Werden | This 2004 talk from Maria Jimenez on how immigrants sustain their home communities remains relevant today.
Stephen Harper
Aug 27 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | It's a pity, really, there's so little for former PMs in this country to do after they leave office other than collect their generous Parliamentary pensions.
Aug 27 2016 | Redeye Collective | A new novel by novelist and Bowen Island resident Joan Haggerty follows four families, including one Japanese family, through the tumultuous years of the Second World War and beyond.
Photo credit: Giants of Africa film
Aug 26 2016 | rabble staff | Giants of Africa takes viewers to special basketball camps set up by Raptors General Manager Masai Ujiri, the first and only African-born manager of an NBA team.
Aug 26 2016 | rabble staff | Canada Post could be the hub of the next economy -- an innovative, zero-carbon network that provides energy needs, farm-to-table delivery and local, low-cost postal banking.
Image: Flickr/andrewarchy
Aug 26 2016 | Krystalline Kraus | While the G20 Summit occurred in 2010, the issue still is not settled more than five years later.
Aug 26 2016 | Roger Annis | For the past year, Turkey has been waging a brutal internal war against its Kurdish population. Now it has carried that war into Syria.
Aug 26 2016 | Independent Jewish Voices Canada | After being defamed by the Vancouver Sun in one of the most reckless editorials you could imagine, Independent Jewish Voices Canada responds.
Image: Flickr/BCGovPhotos
Aug 26 2016 | Lizanne Foster | Fifteen years of cuts to education funding means that there are many public schools where parents are wondering about whether to include the following on their shopping list for school supplies.
Photo credit: Giants of Africa film
Aug 26 2016 | June Chua | Giants of Africa is a sports documentary all right, but it's a very human one that you won't forget. Why? The heartbreaking faces of its basketball players will be seared into your memory.
Photo: Viv Lynch/flickr
Aug 26 2016 | Rick Salutin | Our amicable divorce from nature has led us to lose touch with its danger and power to disrupt by re-entering our space.
Photo: Steph Wechsler
Aug 25 2016 | rabble staff | The criminal justice and police oversight systems in Canada disproportionately criminalize communities of colour. So Black Lives Matter Toronto is saying: shut it down.
Rachel Notley
Aug 25 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | A poll last week put the NDP in the lead in Alberta. Total words devoted to the development by mainstream media: 32.