

Lord of the Resources
Lord of the resources | Sep 19 2016 | Daryn Caister | Environmental Lawyer Barbora Grochalova joins us to talk about Ontario and the Western Climate Initiative. This market approach is to hopefully limit carbon emissions, but will it?
Maya Zinshtein on football, racism, religion, and hate.
Maya Zinshtein on football, racism, religion, and her new film 'Forever Pure' | Sep 18 2016 | Face2Face | Maya and I talk about her important new film "Forever Pure," racism, religion and hate, Israel, the cost of remaining silent, and politics as sport.
An Insignificant Man
'An Insignificant Man' with Khushboo Ranka and Vinay Shukla | Sep 16 2016 | Face2Face | We talk about "An Insignificant Man," about politics and activism and why India is a "very ambitious project." We touch on inequality, hope and social change
Photo: flickr/Tim Stoll
Trade deals' investor-state provisions: A sub-criminal conspiracy? | Sep 16 2016 | Murray Dobbin | If global trade isn't going to pull the world economy out of its persistent doldrums, why are countries putting so much political energy into signing these agreements?
Report on TPP's economic cost ignores potential damage to innovation and our digital economy | Sep 15 2016 | Meghan Sali | Basing an overall decision on TPP on such a flawed and limited assessment would be "like buying a used car sight unseen."
Dawn in the Anthropocene
Welcome to the Anthropocene, are environmentalists equipped to respond? | Sep 15 2016 | Roger Annis | Capitalism has run so amok, producing so much waste and life-destroying pollution, that scientists now say that Earth has entered an entirely new epoch: the Anthropocene.
EU Commission formally proposes 'Link Tax' to European Parliament as part of new copyright directive | Sep 15 2016 | Ruth Coustick-Deal | Commission submits "some of the worst copyright rules in the world" to the European Parliament, including unprecedented new Link Tax powers for publishing giants.
EU flag with copyright logo imposed
Publishing giants just hurt the right to link in a disappointing court ruling. Will the EU Commission follow suit? | Sep 14 2016 | David Christopher | The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that it can be illegal for websites merely to link to copyrighted content, even if they don't host such content themselves.
New report reveals potential extent of invasive Stingray phone surveillance in Canada | Sep 14 2016 | Laura Tribe | We're calling on Public Safety Minister Goodale to address this blatant violation of Canadians' Charter rights in the government
Image: Flickr/Eye Steel Film
Canadians have right to be cynical about Trudeau's support for latest UN misadventure in Africa | Sep 13 2016 | Yves Engler | What should we make of the Trudeau government's plan to join a UN stabilization mission in Mali, Congo, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Central African Republic or South Sudan?
Kamal Al-Solaylee, author of 'Brown: What Being Brown in the World Today Means (to everyone)' | Sep 13 2016 | Victoria Fenner | An interview at Octopus Books, Ottawa, Ontario about having brown skin in a black and white world.
180 million Indian workers go on general strike | Sep 12 2016 | Jiselle Hanna, Piergiorgio Moro | Labour updates of workers' struggles from the Asia-Pacific region and report back on the world's biggest general strike in India this September.

on babble

War in Syria 3 ikosmos said... The jihadists are being decimated, their Western sponsors are practically apoplectic with rage...
Ukraine 5 ikosmos said... Follow-up. A number of Ukrainian saboteurs were caught, or killed, as well two Russian soldiers, in...
Russia 3 ikosmos said... ah. What is best in life? A fleet horse, the open steppe, the wind in your hair, a new thread, and...
Turkey: Coup d'état ikosmos said... Turkish PM: a group within the military is engaged in an attempted coup. RT: LIVE coverage. in
Possible terror attack in France Todrick of Chatsworth said... "Dozens of people were killed in the French Riviera city of Nice late on Thursday when a truck...
Dallas police officers gunned down mark_alfred said...
Should Iraq War report get its own thread? Unionist said... It's already open: in
The Chilcot Inquiry: The final judgement on Tony Blair NDPP said... AND IRAQ. "It's completely false to say Canada did not participate in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. As...
CPP now investing $1 Billion in World's Top War Industries iyraste1313 said... the solution clearly is a class action suit by CPP contributors...which should focus on the...
Lahore bombing NDPP said... At Least 70 Dead After Suicide Attack in Lahore Park "...Many...


Sat, Sep 24, 2016
Wed, Sep 28, 2016
War on children in occupied Palestine
Thu, Oct 20, 2016
Three great books, one great event

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in cahoots

Socialist Worker
No to intervention in Syria by Turkey and all other states
Turkish and Syrian socialists have issued a joint statement opposing Turkish and all other external military intervention in Syria.

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