

David Eggen
We don't need an inquiry -- we need to bring the hammer of defunding down now on scofflaw private schools | Sep 21 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | When the inquiry fails, can we just get on with defunding those schools, please?
Photo: Chris/flickr
Tiering up over tuition fees | Sep 21 2016 | Erika Shaker | Governments need to ask themselves: is downloading more debt onto students -- particularly during a time of workforce precarity -- a sustainable policy to pursue?
Charles Weasel Head
Alberta government names five new members to Athabasca University Board of Governors | Sep 17 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | New appointments may signal beginning of overhaul for the financially troubled institution.
B.C. Ministry of Education: Spare us the hyperbole about flexibility | Sep 17 2016 | Lizanne Foster | Being a teacher already requires daily feats of flexibility. What we need are resources.
Defending public education in Canada and throughout the Americas | Sep 14 2016 | Scott Neigh | Steve Stewart talks about the work of the Initiative for Democratic Education in the Americas.
Photo: Brook Ward/flickr
Next in the slow movement: The slow citizen | Sep 11 2016 | Rick Salutin | The slow movement continues to occupy new terrain, gradually. It's made its mark in food, gardening, aging, travel, money. Now we await The Slow Citizen.
Image: Vimeo
Universities are still pretty clueless when it comes to safe spaces | Sep 9 2016 | Shawn Garbutt | Safe spaces are havens from oppression for those who have suffered institutional harms. They don't inhibit free speech -- they make it possible.
Photo: stockicide/flickr
Let parents parent and teachers teach | Sep 2 2016 | Rick Salutin | Parents are the primary parents of their children, not their teachers. Mostly parents should parent, which is hard enough. For learning purposes, kids need people at a distance.
Ontario colleges want to turn your McJob into a McDiploma | Aug 30 2016 | Nora Loreto | Deconstructing the new partnership between Colleges Ontario and McDonald's.
Calling progressive student journalists: wants you! | Aug 30 2016 | rabble staff | and the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) are teaming up to find Canada's next progressive student journalists.
Image: Flickr/BCGovPhotos
Here's what B.C. teachers aren't including on their back-to-school supply list -- but maybe they should | Aug 26 2016 | Lizanne Foster | Fifteen years of cuts to education funding means that there are many public schools where parents are wondering about whether to include the following on their shopping list for school supplies.
Photo: Solidarity with Ayotzinapa Vancouver
Not quite back to school for Mexican teachers | Aug 25 2016 | Sophia Reuss | Teachers in four Mexican states refused to head back to school on Monday as the teacher-led movement against the president ramps up.

on babble

Should the advertizing of sexual services be better regulated? Struggling said... Another possibility would be for a quarter of a page being devoted to that, the other quarter to...
'Tuition fees are socially unjust' NorthReport said... Of course they are, but our so-called progressive politicial parties are just floundering in a sea...
Visions of centralization, social programs and the fiscal imbalance Sean in Ottawa said... The Conservative position avoids the contradictions present in the Canadian federation by reducing...
Moving to Winnipeg Webgear said... Stay in Edmonton. in
Aboriginal education bill epaulo13 said... ..i begin here to show the atleo position. Bill C-33, the First Nations Control of First Nations...
Early Childhood Education Issues In Manitoba Aristotleded24 said... Cue the Barenaked Ladies: If I had 5.5 Million Dollars... Quote:The Manitoba budget will include $5...
Chicago: Northwestern University football players seek to unionize Catchfire said... This is definitely a cool story. NCAA had a predictable response:  This union-backed attempt...
Why the timing is good for parties from the left in Canada socialdemocraticmiddle said... Exactly. The Conservative economic record is NOT good, and we need an alternative. Moreover, if the...
The latest drama in the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) Catchfire said... My own thoughts are conflicted, but I find myself siding with the pro-CFS folk in this particular...
Labour market, University and politics-- interesting, incomplete argument from Andrew Jackson JKR said... Paul Krugman just wrote about this topic: Paul Krugman: How do we maintain a middle class? Quote:...

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in cahoots

Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario
ETFO condemns Turkish governmnet's mass suspension of over 15,000 teachers
The Turkish government's repression after a failed coup attempt has received near universal condemnation from international organizations, unions, and civil society groups including the ETFO.

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