

A dynamic, grid-based theme for curators

Coffee Shop

It is not much to say that nine-tenths of that decoction which passes under the name of coffee, is unworthy to be so called, and that many persons live and die without ever tasting a really good cup of that delicious beverage.

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The Reinvention of Normal

“Transforming the mundane and ordinary into something surprising, wondrous and strangely thought provoking.”

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The Science of Food

Three things are required to give an enjoyable dinner party; good taste, good judgment and an intuitive sense of harmony. Good taste suggests the proper thing in table dressing, in menu cards, in viands and beverages. Continue reading “The Science of Food”

This is just a quick update on how things have been going – it doesn’t need to be very long!

Outside of the Frame

Twenty excellent laptop bag recommendations – stylish and functional.

Wise Words

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
Albert Einstein

History of Baskerville

Baskerville is a transitional serif typeface designed in 1757 by John Baskerville (1706–1775) in Birmingham, England. Baskerville is classified as a transitional typeface, positioned between the old style typefaces of William Caslon, and the newer styles of Giambattista Bodoni & Firmin Didot.

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Bruce Brubaker on Philip Glass

Virtuoso pianist Bruce Brubaker performs “Metamorphosis 2” by Philip Glass and talks about the renowned minimalist composer.

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