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Note: Articles classified as "non anarchist press" are published in this section of the site. They do not usually reflect the opinions of nor of the organizations who run this site and are included by reason of their possible interest to readers. The opinions expressed in any such articles are exclusively those of the articles' authors.
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Διάφορα / Λοιπός Ελευθεριακός Τύπος Saturday June 18, 2016 - 17:44 por «Η Σφήκα»   image 1 image
Κυκλοφόρησε το τεύχος 9 (Ιούνιος 2016) του εντύπου «Η Σφήκα», της Συνέλευσης για την ΚΥκλοφορία των Αγώνων. ... read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / other libertarian press Sunday May 29, 2016 - 03:10 por KSL
KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library 86-87, May 2016 [Double issue] has just been posted on our site. ... read full story / add a comment
américa central / caribe / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Saturday March 12, 2016 - 14:36 por David Brooks
Recuerdan su papel central para minar el retorno de Zelaya al poder en Honduras

Tras el golpe se desató una ofensiva contra movimientos populares en el país centroamericano
... read full story / add a comment
france / belgium / luxemburg / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Saturday March 12, 2016 - 14:31 por Ali Abuminah
France has ratcheted up its draconian repression of free speech about Palestine with the arrest of a woman for wearing a T-shirt supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. ... read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / other libertarian press Tuesday March 01, 2016 - 03:23 por KSL
KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 85, March 2016 has just been posted on our site. ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / lotte indigene / altra stampa libertaria Saturday February 27, 2016 - 04:32 por Gianni Sartori   text 2 comments (last - sunday february 28, 2016 - 06:31)
Tra l'incudine dell'Isis e il martello di Ankara, la resistenza celebra il capodanno curdo di Newroz. per l'Umanità ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / cultura / stampa non anarchica Thursday February 25, 2016 - 21:53 por Lucio Garofalo
Marx e l'omofobia

È da poco trascorso (sotto silenzio) un anniversario storico estremamente importante: il 21 febbraio 1848 venne pubblicata a Londra la prima edizione del "Manifesto del Partito Comunista" di Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels.

Attuale più che mai. Oggi, in molti invocano il ritorno della Vecchia Talpa: "E quando la rivoluzione avrà condotto a termine questa seconda metà del suo lavoro preparatorio, l’Europa balzerà dal suo seggio e griderà: ben scavato, vecchia talpa!". Colgo l'occasione per avanzare alcune riflessioni personali... ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / la izquierda / other libertarian press Wednesday February 24, 2016 - 16:12 por Rafael Bautista S.
Nunca como ahora tuvo tanta pertinencia aquella desafortunada invención de nuestro vicepresidente. Pues si el supuesto empate tiene sabor a derrota, entonces la figura del “empate técnico” es sólo un amargo consuelo (pretendiendo hacer de la derrota empate, lo técnico resulta una mera alquimia que sueña convertir plomo en oro). Nunca la retórica del empate se hace tan amarga como cuando se pretende disfrazar una derrota que confirma la no correspondencia entre la realidad y su interpretación. En ese sentido, lo técnico encubre una catástrofe: el gigante de bronce se descubre con pies de barro. Marx decía que la historia se repite dos veces, una como tragedia y otra como comedia. Lo que no dijo es que la comedia no es tal para el que la sufre; la tragedia continúa y hasta con más saña (por eso la historia está para aprenderla, no sólo para citarla). ... read full story / add a comment
"Christ Pantocrator," Hagia Sophia, Istanbul (recreation).  Courtesy Sophia Institute
mashriq / arabia / iraq / religion / other libertarian press Friday February 19, 2016 - 01:20 por Javier Sethness Castro   image 1 image
Reza Aslan's Zealot (2013) presents the ways in which the life of Jesus of Nazareth was “revised” ex post facto by the Gospel-writers or evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and how it was that Rome's suppression of the Jewish Revolt of 66 C.E. catalyzed the very writing of the Gospels (70-120 C.E.) and the propagation throughout the Greco-Roman Diaspora of the revisionist views of Saul (Paul) of Tarsus, which stressed the divinity of Jesus while attempting to reconcile or downplay the prophet's political revolutionism, directed against Rome and the Jewish ruling class, as summarized in the Kingdom of God he proclaimed. Aslan provides many historical correctives both to the presentation of the Gospels and the dogma institutionalized by the various Christian churches, yet his own account of Jesus as Zealot would likely be improved by engagement with Christian anarchist thinkers such as Leo Tolstoy. ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / antifascismo / non-anarchist press Saturday February 06, 2016 - 14:09 por CONAIE
La CONAIE rechaza categóricamente la presencia del primer mandatario turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan como invitado oficial del gobierno ecuatoriano, quien es responsable por el hostigamiento, represión, persecución política del pueblo kurdo y de sus expresiones político organizativas. ... read full story / add a comment
international / gender / non-anarchist press Tuesday February 02, 2016 - 15:33 por Nicola Pratt
This article is based on some of the research that I have conducted over the past two years on women’s activism in Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan, from independence until the Arab uprisings. I collected over one hundred personal narratives from middle class women activists of different generations. This research was initially framed in terms of what is perceived to be a ‘gender paradox’: despite over a century of women’s activism, why do women in Arab countries continue to face some of the largest gender inequalities in the world? ... read full story / add a comment
international / economy / non-anarchist press Tuesday January 26, 2016 - 17:07 por John McMurtry
The just-released Oxfam Davos report An Economy For the 1% which the mass media have ignored arrestingly shows that 62 individuals (388 in 2010) now own more wealth than 50 per cent of the world's population. More shockingly, it reports from its uncontested public sources that this share of wealth by half of the world's people has collapsed by over 40 per cent in just the last five years. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / la izquierda / other libertarian press Sunday January 17, 2016 - 14:53 por Ander Jimenez Cava   text 1 comment (last - sunday january 17, 2016 - 16:29)   image 1 image
En lugar de asestarles la estocada final, como han tenido oportunidad, han preferido mantener los castellets y que sea el pueblo catalán el que soporte sobre sus espaldas a los que están arriba, que son los mismos de siempre. ... read full story / add a comment
grecia / turquía / chipre / imperialismo / guerra / other libertarian press Sunday January 17, 2016 - 07:45 por KNK   image 2 images
En los últimos meses venimos recibiendo noticias de los ataques del estado turco contra la población kurda de Bakur [Norte de Kurdistán, perteneciente al estado turco]. Estos ataques han ido aumentando hasta estar ahora en la práctica, en guerra abierta, con barrios enteros sitiados por el ejército. Las informaciones de los medios de comunicación están siendo bastante confusas al respecto y Erdogan está aprovechando la "crisis de los refugiados" para tener una posición de fuerza ante sus aliados occidentales. Este comunicado del Congreso Nacional Kurdo hace un resumen de la situación actual y un llamamiento a exigir el cese de las masacres cometidas por el estado turco. ... read full story / add a comment
international / migration / racism / non-anarchist press Friday January 15, 2016 - 03:50 por Kevin Ovenden
But wasn’t Charlie Hebdo once something to do with the left, loosely a product of a previous upsurge of social struggle many years ago?

Yes it was. So were Sir Oswald Mosley, Benito Mussolini, Georges Sorel… ... read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / cultura / altra stampa libertaria Thursday January 14, 2016 - 23:59 por Gianni Sartori
In ricordo di un compagno cheti considerava tanto comunista quanto anarchico, coerentemente. Da Marcinelle a Serantini, da Avola al Leoncavallo...sempre presente nelle lotte proletarie ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / crime prison and punishment / non-anarchist press Wednesday January 13, 2016 - 22:20 por Lesley J. Wood
After the killing of Michael Brown in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri in the late summer of 2014, protests erupted, and the Black Lives Matter spread across North America to protest police violence, too often systematically directed at poor and racialized communities. The massive police presence at these protests, with weapons and armoured vehicles that looked and felt like major military deployments, made it clear to all that something fundamental had taken place in policing practices and strategies. The intensification and extension of the coercive and security branches of the state was well-known since the declaration of the ‘war on terror’ in 2001, and the subsequent leaks of official documents by Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and others. The hardening of the state in its day-to-day operations at the most local levels could now be seen everywhere by all, in an increasing confrontation with the democratic rights of assembly and protest.

Lesley Wood's recent book, Crisis and Control: The Militarization of Protest Policing (2014), locates these developments in a longer term perspective in relation to the spread of neoliberalism. Analyzing police agencies, strategies and practices from the mid-1990s to the present, she identifies a range of the structural and political forces that have led to the militarization of policing, particularly in North America, but also in trends that extend to Europe. This involves detailing a new matrix in the relations between the security, national police and defence apparatuses of the state with local police forces and the defence and security industries. Professional police associations and their various conferences and conventions have become important nodes for the spread of ‘best-practice policing’, in the form of kettling, barricading, infiltration and pre-emptive arrests, usage of new anti-protest weaponry, security screening, local intelligence-gathering capacities and the like. But also as sites where the case is made for an increase in police budgets, more capital intensification of policing and thus for accumulation by the ‘coercive’ industries (which define modern urbanism as much as the so-called ‘creative’ sector).

In a period of sharpening inequality, permanent neoliberal austerity, and hard right forces gaining ground, the logic for a further militarization of policing, securitizing of cities, and curtailing and limiting protests. In her book, Wood seeks not only to map these developments in North America through time, but also to expose the contradictions in the new forms of policing in capitalist states, and begin to pose how social and anti-capitalist movements will have to respond to ‘demilitarize our relations’.

Lesley Wood teaches sociology at York University, Toronto and Greg Albo teaches political science at York University. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Tuesday January 05, 2016 - 18:23 por Gideon Levy
Así estábamos los hijos de los nacionalistas, cerrados, bastante ignorantes, simplemente no lo sabíamos y eso ocurría mucho antes de que Naftali Bennett fuera ministro de Educación. Así era en aquellos hermosos años, cuando los ministros de Educación eran de la izquierda, los años de la añoranza. ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / cultura / stampa non anarchica Monday January 04, 2016 - 00:12 por Lucio Garofalo
La riflessione più significativa sul Capodanno la scrisse Antonio Gramsci in giovane età, nel 1916, esattamente un secolo fa. Gramsci aveva ragione quando scriveva che dovrebbe essere Capodanno ogni giorno. Ma senza le stupide convenzioni sociali, gli stereotipi ottusi, il falso perbenismo borghese, il moralismo ed il conformismo ipocrita della società dei consumi di massa, senza i buoni propositi di ogni inizio d'anno che fanno assomigliare la vita umana ad un'azienda commerciale con i suoi consuntivi finali, bilanci e preventivi. Il comunismo dovrà spazzare via anche le inutili e sciocche convenzioni, le date e le ricorrenze vuote di senso. Questi Capodanni, che rappresentano soltanto convenzioni rituali, inducono a credere sul serio in una discontinuità della vita e della storia umana. Mentre non è affatto vero. Sono altri i momenti storici che hanno sancito un salto rivoluzionario, o una discontinuità effettiva. Ad esempio, il 1789 o il 1917... ... read full story / add a comment
Cuban comrades at fundraiser--they need our support too!
central america / caribbean / anarchist movement / other libertarian press Thursday December 31, 2015 - 02:12 por M. Castillo, D. Prieto, I. Díaz   text 1 comment (last - saturday february 13, 2016 - 16:27)   image 1 image
re-posted from Fifth Estate Magazine, issue 395, Winter 2016

Cuban Anarchist Solidarity Fund (US dollar donations):

For Euro-zone contributions:

Link to Fifth Estate article ... read full story / add a comment

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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

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La experiencia de Mujeres Libres: 80 años del surgimiento del feminismo anarquista organizado

Con Lucha Y Organización Fortalecemos La Resistencia

Algunas reflexiones en torno al poder y la institucionalidad a 80 años de la Revolución Española

80 aniversari de la insurrecció obrera i popular i de la revolució social

80 anni fa la rivoluzione comunista libertaria in Spagna

De los comités de defensa al análisis de los órganos de poder

The Coup in Turkey: Tyranny against tyranny does not make freedom

Greve, Piquete, Marcha e Ocupação! Educadores e Estudantes unidos pela Educação!

Making sense of the Brexit tide of reaction and the reality of the racist vote

[Colombia] Ante el acuerdo de cese al fuego bilateral y definitivo entre el gobierno colombiano y las FARC-EP

Coyuntura Política en Venezuela: Crisis, Tendencias y el Desafío de la Independencia de Clase

Orlando means fightback

Palestinian workers in Israel: between scylla and charybdis

A Socialist On City Council: A Look At The Career Of Kshama Sawant

Élargir la lutte et généraliser la grève pour gagner

Carta de Fundação OAZ

[Colombia] Documento de Formación: Análisis de Coyuntura 2015-2016

La NATO contro i Curdi: la Battaglia per A'zaz

Feminists in Ireland Say No To Pegida

Posició de Embat sobre el nou govern de la Generalitat i el procés constituent

A 120 años de su natalicio: la pluma rebelde de Manuel Rojas wishes you all a 2016 of solidarity and resistance

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Wed 10 Aug, 22:47

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duransubir.jpg imageTemuco: Absueltos el fotógrafo Felipe Durán y el comunero mapuche Cristián Levinao por falta de prue... 15:16 Sun 07 Aug by Adela Velarde & Nahuel Valenzuela 0 comments

El Ministerio Público solicitaba 9 años de cárcel, pero jamás pudieron comprobar los cargos. El caso pone nuevamente en entredicho el actuar de la justicia chilena en el Wallmapu.

13645086_10154490635122249_1435384774005087395_n.jpg imageΚάτω τα χέρια από τι... 19:00 Sat 06 Aug by Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία - Περιφέρεια Αθήνας 0 comments

Οι ξεριζωμένοι αυτού του κόσμου, πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες, είναι σάρκα από τη σάρκα μας. Μακριά λοιπόν από τα ιδεολογήματα της κυριαρχίας, η δική μας αλληλεγγύη δεν εγκλωβίζεται στα όρια μιας αφομοιωμένης φιλανθρωπίας αλλά είναι ταξική και αδιαπραγμάτευτη. Είναι η αλληλεγγύη όλων εμάς που παίρνουμε την επιλογή να "μοιράσουμε τη φτώχεια μας" και να σταθούμε, μακριά από τους κρατικούς θεσμούς και τις ΜΚΟ, έμπρακτα δίπλα στα ταξικά μας αδέρφια, τα κατατρεγμένα από την κόλαση ενός πολέμου που φαντάζει όλο και πιο κοντινός και μιας εξαθλίωσης που φαίνεται να μην έχει τέλος σε τεράστια κομμάτια του πλανήτη. Είναι η αλληλεγγύη που επιτίθεται στις πολιτικές της κυριαρχίας που δημιουργούν, αναπαράγουν και αξιοποιούν τον πόλεμο και τη μετανάστευση προς όφελος του κεφαλαίου. Είναι η αλληλεγγύη που χτίζει δομές˙ που δημιουργεί κοινότητες˙ που είναι στον δρόμο˙ που αγωνίζεται.

13936727_10208267072573376_948468193_n.jpg imageMovimiento No + AFP toma fuerza en el sur del país 14:50 Fri 05 Aug by Matías Angulo 0 comments

Sindicatos y ciudadanos se reunieron en Valdivia para conocer la propuesta de la coordinadora NO + AFP. “Este sistema hay que cambiarlo radicalmente, es un cambio estructural”, indicó Luis Mesina

300_0___20_0_0_0_0_0_thumb.jpg imageSull’accordo bilaterale e definitivo di cessate-il-fuoco tra il governo colombiano e le FARC-EP 06:53 Fri 05 Aug by Grupo Libertario Vía Libre 0 comments

Giovedi scorso, 23 giugno 2016, senza dubbio è stata una data storica in Colombia. In questo giorno si è concordato, nel solco dei dialoghi di pace e del tavolo di negoziazioni di Havana, il cessate-il-fuoco bilaterale e definitivo tra il governo nazionale di Juan Manuel Santos e la insorgenza delle Forze Armate Rivoluzionarie della Colombia – Esercito del Popolo (FARC-EP). Per molt* colombiane e colombiani, si tratta di un desiderio che si avvera. Pur condividendo l’entusiasmo popolare, segnaliamo che questa ancora non è la fine della guerra e che resta un lungo cammino da percorrere verso l'ottenimento di cambiamenti sociali reali a beneficio dei lavoratori e delle lavoratrici,de i settori sociali e dei popoli.

anarquia.jpg imageFounding Declaration of A.P.O. 19:37 Tue 02 Aug by APO 0 comments

What we call complete crisis of the system is the violent redeployment of power that targets to alter the terms of social and class antagonism for the worse for the exploited. The acute contradiction between real social needs and social and class relations that impose the amputation of these needs and make it hard for them to be met leads to the economic, political, ethical and environmental dimensions of the crisis.

13615328_1089600607774490_3800390735347436795_n.png imagePronto en las calles, el periódico anarquista chileno Solidaridad N°34 21:24 Mon 01 Aug by Solidaridad 0 comments

Pronto en las calles, el periódico anarquista chileno Solidaridad N°34

cofs6nrviaakceh.jpg imageGreece: Repression against squats 16:35 Mon 01 Aug by Anarchist Political Organization 0 comments

As Anarchist Political Organization, having organized the Anarchist Meeting for Struggle against Borders, War and Modern Totalitarianism and for Solidarity with refugees and immigrants during the No Border Camp, we express our solidarity to the squatted spaces who were hit by the state repression. To our comrades, refugees and immigrants who supported the mobilizations, beforehand and during, with their presence and activity, turning them into a target of the repressive authorities, for what they stand for as a part of the world of Struggle.

textAnnouncement by A.P.O. on the repressive operations against squatted spaces of solidarity to refugee... 00:34 Fri 29 Jul by APO 0 comments

In the crack of dawn on 27th of July, strong police forces carried out a coordinated eviction operation of 3 squatted buildings in Thessaloniki, these are migrants' housing squat "Orfanotrofio", new migrants' housing squat "Huriya" on C. Dill str. and the housing squat on Nikis blvrd. The forces of repression arrested 83 people and 75 of them are accused with "social peace disturbance". In between the arrested, there is one of our comrades, member of the Collective for Social Anarchism "Mavro & Kokkino" ("Black & Red"). The operation of repression was continued with the demolition of the space of "Orfanotrofio".

ss.jpg imageCall for transnational solidarity 17:59 Thu 28 Jul by A.P.O. 0 comments

The far-right bastards of syriza go smoothly hand in hand with ND (nea dimokratia, right-wing party in power before syriza’s election), anthimos (the metropolit, church’s highest officer in Thessaloniki) and all the rest pile of shit, consisting the long arm of repression. With a non-seen before operation of revenge against no border camp, they attack in the crack of dawn on families of refugees in their own homes and on the solidaries.

rocinante_1.jpg imageΚάτω τα χέρια από τι... 17:51 Thu 28 Jul by Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστική Πρωτοβουλία Ροσινάντε 0 comments

«Η Ιστορία κατευθύνεται από δυο μόνο αρχές. Το Κράτος και την κοινωνική επανάσταση, την επανάσταση και την αντεπανάσταση, που δεν πρόκειται ποτέ να φιλιώσουν αλλά έχουν εμπλακεί σε έναν αγώνα μέχρι θανάτου. Το Κράτος είναι το έγκλημα. Το μικρότερο και το λιγότερο επιθετικό Κράτος είναι εγκληματικό ακόμα και στα όνειρά του…»

Αλμπέρ Καμύ

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imageUna lengua, una raza, una bandera, una religión: Erdoğan y su proyecto nacional-islamista Aug 09 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 0 comments

La escandalosa escala de la purga no se condice con la realidad de un golpe improvisado y con escaso apoyo, sino que responde a la existencia de un plan prefabricado para comenzar una reingeniería profunda del Estado turco, que refleje las nuevas hegemonías, que lo aleje del modelo secular en que se fundó la república en la década de 1920 y lo acerque al modelo del neo-sultanato defendida por el sector islamista político del bloque dominante.

imageNella riconquista di Mosul, le YPG/J e la Guerriglia devono stare molto attente al piano segreto Aug 05 by Zaher Baher 0 comments

I piani e le cospirazioni tra Turchia, Qatar ed il Governo Regionale Curdo (KRG in Iraq) contro la Rojava non hanno mai fine. Documenti messi a disposizione da Wikileaks di recente riguardano incontri ed accordi tra questi tre soggetti ed un incontro segreto tra Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi e Barzani, il capo del KRG, caso mai ci fossero stati dei dubbi. Basta guadare i link in fondo all'articolo.

imageIn retaking Mosul YPG/J and the Guerrillas must be aware of the hidden agenda Aug 04 by Zaher Baher 1 comments

This article is about retaking the city of Mosul that has been under control of Isis since 09/06/2014. At the moment the Iraqi government is in talk with KRG and US forces about making plan to liberate it. In my opinion this will be one of the bloodiest battle that could happen in Iraq since 2003 after the invasion. I believe there is a hidden agenda, when Isis is defeated, it will try to run away. The liberator forces may push them to withdraw towards Jazeea in Rojava. So it is necessary for YPG/J and the Guerrillas to change their tactic.

imageUn siglo del asesinato de Roger Casement, precursor de la solidaridad internacionalista Aug 04 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 0 comments

El 3 de Agosto de 1916, en la prisión de Pentonville, Londres, el revolucionario y humanista, nacionalista e internacionalista, irlandés Roger Casement era ahorcado por cargos de traición a la Corona británica. Su muerte fue la última de las ejecuciones de los líderes del republicanismo irlandés acusados de haber participado en la insurrección irlandesa de ese año. Cien años después, su ejemplo de vida sigue siendo una inspiración para quienes practican la solidaridad internacionalista en todo el mundo y para quienes buscan alterar las estructuras del poder en un mundo en el cual se ha convertido a la fuerza bruta en la nueva racionalidad de la época.

imageDel control comunitario a la transformación social (Editorial Solidaridad N°34) Aug 01 by Solidaridad 0 comments

Publicado originalmente en la edición No.34 (Julio-Agosto) del periódico anarquista chileno Solidaridad

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imageΚάτω τα χέρια από τι... Aug 06 0 comments

Οι ξεριζωμένοι αυτού του κόσμου, πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες, είναι σάρκα από τη σάρκα μας. Μακριά λοιπόν από τα ιδεολογήματα της κυριαρχίας, η δική μας αλληλεγγύη δεν εγκλωβίζεται στα όρια μιας αφομοιωμένης φιλανθρωπίας αλλά είναι ταξική και αδιαπραγμάτευτη. Είναι η αλληλεγγύη όλων εμάς που παίρνουμε την επιλογή να "μοιράσουμε τη φτώχεια μας" και να σταθούμε, μακριά από τους κρατικούς θεσμούς και τις ΜΚΟ, έμπρακτα δίπλα στα ταξικά μας αδέρφια, τα κατατρεγμένα από την κόλαση ενός πολέμου που φαντάζει όλο και πιο κοντινός και μιας εξαθλίωσης που φαίνεται να μην έχει τέλος σε τεράστια κομμάτια του πλανήτη. Είναι η αλληλεγγύη που επιτίθεται στις πολιτικές της κυριαρχίας που δημιουργούν, αναπαράγουν και αξιοποιούν τον πόλεμο και τη μετανάστευση προς όφελος του κεφαλαίου. Είναι η αλληλεγγύη που χτίζει δομές˙ που δημιουργεί κοινότητες˙ που είναι στον δρόμο˙ που αγωνίζεται.

imageSull’accordo bilaterale e definitivo di cessate-il-fuoco tra il governo colombiano e le FARC-EP Aug 05 0 comments

Giovedi scorso, 23 giugno 2016, senza dubbio è stata una data storica in Colombia. In questo giorno si è concordato, nel solco dei dialoghi di pace e del tavolo di negoziazioni di Havana, il cessate-il-fuoco bilaterale e definitivo tra il governo nazionale di Juan Manuel Santos e la insorgenza delle Forze Armate Rivoluzionarie della Colombia – Esercito del Popolo (FARC-EP). Per molt* colombiane e colombiani, si tratta di un desiderio che si avvera. Pur condividendo l’entusiasmo popolare, segnaliamo che questa ancora non è la fine della guerra e che resta un lungo cammino da percorrere verso l'ottenimento di cambiamenti sociali reali a beneficio dei lavoratori e delle lavoratrici,de i settori sociali e dei popoli.

imageFounding Declaration of A.P.O. Aug 02 Anarchist Political Organisation (GR) 0 comments

What we call complete crisis of the system is the violent redeployment of power that targets to alter the terms of social and class antagonism for the worse for the exploited. The acute contradiction between real social needs and social and class relations that impose the amputation of these needs and make it hard for them to be met leads to the economic, political, ethical and environmental dimensions of the crisis.

imageGreece: Repression against squats Aug 01 0 comments

As Anarchist Political Organization, having organized the Anarchist Meeting for Struggle against Borders, War and Modern Totalitarianism and for Solidarity with refugees and immigrants during the No Border Camp, we express our solidarity to the squatted spaces who were hit by the state repression. To our comrades, refugees and immigrants who supported the mobilizations, beforehand and during, with their presence and activity, turning them into a target of the repressive authorities, for what they stand for as a part of the world of Struggle.

imageCall for transnational solidarity Jul 28 0 comments

The far-right bastards of syriza go smoothly hand in hand with ND (nea dimokratia, right-wing party in power before syriza’s election), anthimos (the metropolit, church’s highest officer in Thessaloniki) and all the rest pile of shit, consisting the long arm of repression. With a non-seen before operation of revenge against no border camp, they attack in the crack of dawn on families of refugees in their own homes and on the solidaries.

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