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If I were the federal health minister, I would ...

The take-up for private health memberships has fallen for the first time in 15 years.

Consumers with private health insurance need to be given a fair go by the government. If I was the federal health minister there are three areas I would focus on immediately to take the pressure off the entire health care system.

Heritage values being trashed in the rush to redevelop Inner South

19 June 2010. News . Canberra Times photo by RICHARD BRIGGS , story by Michael Inman. The RSL National Headquarters site ...

Manuka Oval is an important heritage listed site and the National Trust (ACT) supports the ACT government's decision to reject the proposed massive redevelopment proposed by a consortium comprising Grocon and the GWS Giants Football club. The site includes the oval, caretaker's cottage and setting, grandstands, seating areas, practice areas, parts of road verge and surrounding landscape areas.

Why John Howard is wrong. Very wrong

Former prime minister John Howard gave a rather underwhelming response to a question about the under-representation of ...

One of the ancillary effects of our nation's current thing for vigorous prime ministerial crop-rotation is that the last guy to hold down the job for a full term – Mr John Winston Howard, private citizen – has smoothly assumed oracle status.

Refugistan: how a virtual state might alleviate the refugee crisis

Rose Lokonyen Nathike carries the flag of the Refugee Olympic Team during the opening ceremony for the 2016 Summer ...

A striking and moving feature of the Rio Olympic Games was the presence of a team composed entirely of refugees. The team included swimmers from Syria now based in Germany, judokas from the Democratic Republic of Congo living in Brazil, and Sudanese track athletes based in Kenya.

Besim's sentence shows we're soft on terror

Sevdet Besim pleaded guilty to planning a terrorist act.

Sevdet Besim has a vision for Australia and it goes like this. It's the middle of April, 2015, and Besim's insides rumble with loathing and hate. Revenge will be loud, brutal and sweet. In a week's time, the nation will commemorate another Anzac Day. What better date to send a message they will never forget?

In Passing

Isabelle Dinoire, the woman who received the world's first partial face transplant in an operation in 2005

Isabelle Dinoire; Elisabeth Hardy; The Lady Chablis

Council's 40 km/h plan doesn't make sense

A council wants St Kilda Road to have a 40 km/h limit.

Today the Port Phillip Council chimed in on the proposed design of Domain Station, part of the new rail link, Metro Tunnel. The council made a number of suggestions, including having a few more than 25 parking spots for bikes, and maybe cutting down a few fewer trees. Sensible enough.

Springsteen refuses to suffer depression silently

Bruce Springsteen is helping redefine what it is to be male after writing about his battles with depression.

When Bruce Springsteen became the pin-up of American teenagers and patriots in the 1980s, punk musician Henry Rollins was unimpressed. He told an interviewer:  'I really dislike that guy. I think he is a very good businessman, a good scammer, he is taking advantage of a country that is unsure of itself.' What was the difference, he said, between pumping your fist to 'Born in the USA' and 'Deutschland Uber Alles'? 'It's bogus nationalism with a good rock beat.'

Rebuilding integrity and public trust in parliament, post Dastyari, is vital

Senator Sam Dastyari speaks to the media on Tuesday over the growing donations scandal.

When Bronwyn Bishop last year took a ride on a helicopter to a political party function when she could have been driven, there was a clamour that she had acted corruptly. "How corrupt is that" her critics cried. At the time I wrote, "That's not corruption. It is arrogance, stupidity, a reflection of a politician out of touch with their community and with an inflated sense of their own importance, and all of this against a backdrop of very poor leadership which looked the other way."

How Apple lost its mojo

Apple CEO Tim Cook announcing the new iPhone 7 on Wednesday.

Apple's design difficulties prompt two questions: how bad is this problem? And how can Apple solve it?