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italia / svizzera / ambiente Monday August 29, 2016 16:24 by Zatarra
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Con il beneplacito delle amministrazioni e la tracotanza delle lobby affaristiche si continua a disseminare il nostro territorio di costruzioni inutili alla collettività, sottraendo risorse che potrebbero essere impiegate per migliorare e aumentare la sicurezza sismica delle nostre scuole, ospedali e case. Non aspettiamoci nulla da chi ci amministra. Dopo le lacrime di coccodrillo tutto tornerà come prima.

international / environment Saturday February 21, 2015 17:44 by Anarkismo
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For more than 20 years, Val di Susa residents, common people and militants have opposed the construction of a high-speed railway to connect Lyons with Turin. This useless major infrastructural project would be a catastrophe, wreaking destruction on Nature and ravaging the ecological system. Some of the tunnels are meant to be pierced through uranium and asbestos ore, which would spread the dust of these minerals throughout the valley's atmosphere. Collaterally, many expropriations are planned to enable the railway's construction, especially of agricultural lands.

It has been demonstrated that these construction works will cost a fortune to local populations, while the existing rail lines could be improved and put to better use, especially to carry freight, which is currently delivered by road, causing massive pollution. Every metre of the TAV costs €158,000! These are public resources being diverted from socially-useful works and services to be consigned into the hands of mafias and profiteers!

Strong protest has never stopped since the project began, with thousands protesting, and the Val di Susa also being occupied, together with other acts of resistance and sabotage against the work sites imposed on the population. This movement brings together militants from the valley, people from all over Italy and even collectives from France, and has become a struggle of reference for the Italian social movement of the last 20 years. It has also been heavily repressed by the Italian State.

[Français] [Italiano]

france / belgique / luxembourg / environnement Sunday March 30, 2014 16:24 by Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes
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La crise de développement du capitalisme et ses conséquences sociales ont éclipsé la crise environnementale, pourtant plus que jamais d’actualité. De notre point de vue, cette crise peut se décliner en trois points principaux : le réchauffement climatique global, la dégradation des écosystèmes et l'amenuisement des ressources naturelles.

"...Nous affirmons que la question environnementale comme la question sociale ne peut se régler dans l'économie capitaliste et sous le joug de l’État. Comme sur la question sociale, nous pouvons agir dès à présent en augmentant le rapport de force pour imposer des conquêtes progressistes aux tenant-e-s du pouvoir. Pour résoudre véritablement les problèmes environnementaux, nous voulons la socialisation des moyens de production et l'organisation fédérale, conditions à la réorganisation sociale et écologiste de l'économie.

La révolution sociale et libertaire est pour nous la seule option pour mettre fin aux dégradations environnementales. Il nous est possible aujourd’hui de pousser à l’intensification de luttes contre l’industrie nucléaire, contre les nouvelles extractions d’hydrocarbures (gaz et huile de schiste), imposer des restrictions à l’agriculture intensive, arrêter la mise en œuvre de grands chantiers inutiles et anti-sociaux..."


international / environnement Monday March 25, 2013 06:03 by Johann, liaison Jura
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Révolutionnaires nous aspirons à une société garantissant l'épanouissement de toutes et tous.

La satisfaction de nos besoins fondamentaux étant indispensable à cet objectif nous nous devons d'évaluer ce qu'il en est en l'état de la société capitaliste, ainsi que les luttes à porter pour augmenter le rapport de force en notre faveur et favoriser l'émergence du communisme libertaire.
La révolution espagnole en 1936, a montré qu'une production agricole et une distribution des produits collectivisée était non seulement juste mais très efficace. Bien que le contexte productif soit largement différent notamment par le niveau d'industrialisation de l'agriculture, le communisme libertaire reste pour nous la seule option pour organiser l'agriculture comme le reste de la société.


italia / svizzera / ambiente Friday June 10, 2011 12:10 by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
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Domenica 12 giugno e lunedì 13 giugno 2011, gli italiani sono chiamati a votare in quattro referendum popolari, tra cui due sulla privatizzazione dell'acqua e uno sul ripristino del nucleare.

La privatizzazione dell'acqua, il ripristino del nucleare non sono disegni di legge, ma norme già approvate che attendono solo di essere applicate, una volta superato lo scoglio referendario.

Leggi anche l'approfondimento: Dai referendum all'autogestione delle risorse collettive

[English] [Castellano]

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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)


Wed 31 Aug, 00:15

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