
Turnbull or Shorten? The choice seems clear

The key question on July 2 will be: Who has the best credentials to be our prime minister?

There's a lot of hot air between now and July 2. Daily we will be treated, if that's the word, to crafted messages from the major parties. Every election has its unforeseen dramas and no doubt if there aren't any real ones, some in the media will blow any minor slip or indiscretion out of proportion in order to create some.

In the end we will be choosing which of the two men leading the major parties should be our prime minister. It's Malcolm or Bill.

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Turnbull takes Australia to the polls

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has recommended a double dissolution to the Governor General and he has accepted that recommendation, putting the election on for July 2 and starting the longest campaign cycle in five decades. Vision courtesy ABC News 24.

Imagine you have just won a mega-lottery and then ask yourself whether you want Bill Shorten or Malcolm Turnbull as a financial adviser for the next three years. Therein lies Labor's problem. You may have an occasional lotto flutter or be a regular purchaser. It matters little. Everyone can imagine a windfall win. Not many, if any, imagine using Bill Shorten as the guy they will trust as a financial adviser. Not even the most rusted-on Labor voter thinks that. And it follows that if you wouldn't trust him to run your finances, why would you trust him to run the country?

Labor will try to make Turnbull appear as the rich, out-of-touch egomaniac. It will not work. Turnbull went to a public school and then won a scholarship. Shorten went to a private school. Turnbull made his own money. Shorten has married it. Twice. Shorten has done nothing in his life to bring him in touch with the digital age and the new economy. Turnbull was around IT, and making it work, decades ago.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis
Illustration: Jim Pavlidis Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

And then there's the ego issue. Anyone who wants the job of being prime minister is wired up mentally to a few different batteries than you and I. They all have tremendous egos. They need them. They could not survive the 24/7 battering without it. But whose is bigger or out of perspective is an interesting point.

Turnbull dragged himself – OK, with a bit of luck everyone needs – to his own success. In law (think the Spycatcher case), in IT (think Ozemail) and in banking. It's not a quantum leap for him to think of himself being successful in the national parliament. On the other hand, Shorten is essentially a union organiser. Without a string of successes to your name, it takes quite an ego to make the quantum leap in your own mind from being a union organiser to being prime minister. What does Shorten see in himself, what are we meant to see, that distinguishes him from any other union organiser?


Yes, he has the numbers to lead the Labor Party. But let's face it, he didn't woo them with his charm. He chopped one leader, installed another, then chopped her to install the first one again. Along the way he helped make sure the party rules were changed to make it hard to chop the next leader – him.

If you think a few on the right of the Liberal Party do not warm to Malcolm, you'd be right. Boo hoo. Very few in the Labor Party trust Bill Shorten. Many despise him.

It's Malcolm or Bill.
It's Malcolm or Bill. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Shorten clearly wants to run on the tired old class-warfare battleground. He seems unaware that Australians want to give their kids more than they had themselves. There are millions of Australians who might not be rich, but they would like to be – and they want their kids to have that chance.

They want their kids to get a good job. So policies that allow companies and small business to grow are attractive. That old-time anti-business rhetoric may not work with informed, upwardly mobile, aspiring Australians. This generation recognises that government revenues to do good things come from the private sector and nowhere else. They don't want it to stifle it, they want it to grow. Shorten has left himself with policies that argue about cutting up the existing cake. Turnbull wants to grow the cake.

Malcolm Turnbull, by John Spooner
Malcolm Turnbull, by John Spooner 

The first question in Parliament from Shorten to Turnbull after last week's budget was quite telling. Malcolm had softly chided an ABC presenter that he should help his kids into housing. Doesn't every parent at least aspire to being able to give their kids a leg-up? Shorten went on a misguided attack. He blatantly twisted the whole scenario and pretended that Turnbull's advice to kids was "get rich parents". That's as ridiculous as someone saying his own advice to himself seems to be "get rich wives". It's just cheap rubbish.

In any event, basing your first parliamentary question on the budget on an obvious falsehood doesn't make you look good. It makes people worry that you're tricky, that you might be the sort of guy who slips cards up your sleeve and that you aren't yourself playing with a full deck.

Imagine you have just won a mega-lottery and then ask yourself whether you want Bill Shorten or Malcolm Turnbull as a financial adviser for the next three years. Therein lies Labor's problem.

The same silly class warfare came into play when Labor criticised a hard-working couple who bought an investment property and put it in their kid's name. Ouch. Locking your party into being opposed to parents who are prepared to go without to give their kids more seems disastrous to me. Having a policy that will stop many similar parents doing the same thing, which Labor's negative gearing policy will–, is equally unwise.

Finally, let's look at Shorten and Labor's record. Shorten hasn't always done himself favours. For the moment, put all the union stuff aside. Saying that he didn't know what then prime minister Julia Gillard had said, but that he definitely supported it, didn't do him any good at all. He looked like a guy who will say anything. And that's not the stuff prime ministers are made of.

Bill Shorten, by John Spooner.
Bill Shorten, by John Spooner. 

Shorten was an integral part of the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd fiascos. The wild promises that couldn't be funded, the dysfunctional cabinet, the whole nasty mess. He and a lot of his team were there for every minute of it, up to their necks in it. They collected their ministerial salaries, so they can't now claim to have shouldered no responsibility.

It's fair enough in an election campaign for the combatants to point out each other's faults. Let's face it, none of us are without them. But the more telling thing with these two is to make a list of their attributes. Turnbull's are obvious. And Shorten's?

Amanda Vanstone is a columnist with The Age and was a minister in the Howard government.


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