WA News

CCTV footage solves Perth's weirdest parking fine dispute...even more weirdly

Plot twist!

What was already one of the weirdest parking fine dispute stories has become even more bizarre thanks to the intervention of CCTV footage.

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Fremantle parking ticket saga deepens

There's another twist in the Fremantle parking fine saga

On Wednesday, WAtoday ran an article about the City of Fremantle claiming to have caught out a woman lying on social media about an unfair parking fine she received.

The woman, Sally, had posted a photo online complaining she received a $50 fine for not parking within the white lines. Her photo showed her parked car's front tyre barely an inch over the line with many commenters suggesting the fine was a bit harsh.

But a photo taken by the ranger who issued the fine showed Sally's car illegally parked and clearly taking up two spaces on a busy Wednesday evening in the town's centre.

When we showed Sally the photo taken by the ranger she insisted she did not move her car to try and get out of a parking fine.


"I see the time on his photo at 6.47pm and I don't understand that at all... I have absolutely no recollection of moving the car and nor do my witnesses," she said.

We thought the strangest the story could get was Sally contacting us on Wednesday to say one of her friend had read our article and told her he had seen "four big guys" lift and move her car on the night in question.

A photo from CCTV clearly shows the group of men around the car after having moved it.
A photo from CCTV clearly shows the group of men around the car after having moved it. Photo: City of Fremantle CCTV

Despite the idea seeming a bit far-fetched, we suggested she contact the council to see if there was any CCTV footage of the apparent "carrying incident".

And sure enough, there was.

The men casually walk away after moving the vehicle.
The men casually walk away after moving the vehicle. Photo: City of Fremantle CCTV

Nine minutes after a ranger fined Sally, four men can be seen in CCTV footage lifting her car into the centre of the parking bay to allow enough space for their vehicle to park in the neighbouring bay.

A City of Fremantle spokesman said the council wanted to release the footage as Sally seemed to be copping a hard time on social media over our article.

Sally originally complained about the "unfairness" of the parking ticket...but the council parking inspector had a ...
Sally originally complained about the "unfairness" of the parking ticket...but the council parking inspector had a different version of events. Photo: Supplied

"We now see this not as case of trying to fabricate evidence – just a really unusual series of events," he said.

"While this doesn't change the fact the car was illegally parked across two bays at the time of the fine being issued, it does support the confusion Sally would have faced when she came back to her car."

Sally has been contacted for comment.

For those struggling to keep up, here is a brief timeline of events:

  • Sally had originally parked her car illegally in the William Street car park with her tyres well over the white line. She then went with friends to attend a council meeting.
  • At 6.47pm, a parking inspector issued a fine for Sally's car being parked over two spaces, and took a photo as proof.
  • Nine minutes later, four men are seen on CCTV lifting the car and moving it into its car space so they can fit their vehicle in the spot beside her.
  • Sally then returns to discover she has been fined for parking outside the white lines.
  • Confused, as her car is now within the lines thanks to the help of four burly men, she takes a photo of what she thought was her park, and posted it online complaining of the fine.
  • The City of Fremantle claims Sally must have moved her car before taking her photo to try and get out of the fine.
  • Sally denies this and struggles to understand how the council's ranger could have a photo of her car parked over the lines, different to her photo. 
  • Sally receives a message from a friend who says he saw "four big guys" lift and move her car on the night in question.
  • The council's CCTV confirms this.
  • The council acknowledges Sally's actions were not to fabricate evidence as they first thought, but rather just an "unusual series of events."
  • Sally is still going to have to pay her fine.

Ok, I'm going to go lie down now.