

Trump, Roberts, and why just making stuff up is a successful strategy

We've always been living in post-truth politics - but can we stop pretending it's not a terrible idea?

It is beneficial to make decisions based on reality.

This might seem like a statement on par with "it is unwise to attempt to stop a circular saw with your genitals", but it's a statement that apparently needs to be made every so often, because there are those who seek to mislead you with statements that are at odds with how the world actually works.

"Also, people are saying that Hillary Clinton is really eight ducks in a human suit. I've seen no proof that she's not."
"Also, people are saying that Hillary Clinton is really eight ducks in a human suit. I've seen no proof that she's not." Photo: AP

And this is important, because going along with them leads to outcomes that range from less-than-optimal to you-dying-of-something-preventable. Being clever isn't just nice for the sake of it: it's a heck of a good survival strategy. 

Just in the last week Republican fluffer Rudy Guliani, who was mayor of New York on September 11 2001, has been angrily insisting that there was no Islamic terrorism in the US before Obama came into power in 2009. Donald Trump has been furiously declaring that Barack Obama founded ISIL. One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts is still stamping his little feet over there being no "empirical evidence" for climate change, suggesting that he understands "empirical" to mean "coming directly from the Galactic Empire".

Now, there are plenty of good reasons why people say things that are demonstrably false. Most obviously, sounding convincingly facty is a great way to win an argument in the moment.

Saying something like, say, that abortion "despatches [sic] 80,000 to 100,000 unborn children every year" in Australia, as Cory Bernardi did in his playful The Conservative Revolution, forces people to spend valuable time checking actual sources to discover that: a) records of terminations are collected differently in each state (only SA keeps reliable public data) b) the most reliable national data is over a decade old, and c) some of the data - including Medicare's - conflates all "non-viable" births and therefore include tragedies like miscarriages and accidents, meaning that even the most oft-cited number - 84,460 on 2005 figures - is most likely an overestimation (not least because the rate would be 73,300 if you assume the SA rate is applicable nationwide).  


But by the time someone does the research to explain this, the conversation has moved on. 

Also, facts are usually messy and complicated and require knowing a bunch of other facts in order to understand them, which is why they're often not as immediately compelling as "the foreigners will force you to use squat toilets!" as far as popular cut-through goes.

It's easy to assume that this is a recent development spurred by digital news and the echo chamber of social media, but aggressively insisting that false things are true for short term gain has a long and noble history. The term "yellow journalism" - lurid, eyecatching headlines for stories that were at best wildly exaggerated and at worst entirely fictitious - was first used in the 1890s. Clickbait is not new. 

Nor is propagating pure nonsense for reasons of ideology. Stalin's belief in the false science of Trofim Lysenko exacerbated catastrophic famine throughout the Soviet Union. The forgery of a pamphlet claiming to outline Jewish plans for world domination fuelled European anti-semitic sentiment that led to the rise of fascism, Nazism and World War II. Refusal to believe that Saddam Hussein didn't have "weapons of mass destruction" led to the invasion of Iraq and, arguably, the rise of ISIL. And remember that whole "children overboard" thing?

The other problem is that calling someone out for being wildly, hilariously incorrect - such as, say, for claiming that there's a worldwide multi-agency conspiracy about climate change between people that couldn't agree on a coffee order much less a sinister global plot - is now met with claims of repression and a refusal to consider alternative viewpoints.

The thing is, no astrophysicist has convincingly neutered criticisms about their theory on supernova variation by whining that their groundbreaking theories are being repressed by a global anti-star-explosion cabal. No oncologist has successfully responded to concerns about a proposed cancer treatment by childishly declaring that they have a right to their opinion. 

With this in mind, I propose a little rule of thumb I'd like to arrogantly call The Street Principle: to respond to criticism by insisting one has a right to free speech is to admit what one's saying is bollocks. 

People with genuine facts and evidence support their arguments through facts and evidence. They're not as compellingly colourful, by and large, but they do have the advantage of being far, far, far more likely to be correct. And, as our Prime Minister has made clear, there are "tough choices" to be made by the new Parliament

So we should definitely assume that all of our politicians will be relying on the cool-headed assessment of well-sourced data to make those hard decisions, and not just yelling stuff along partisan lines regardless of the reality of the situation… right? 

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