
Residents want street closed, non-residents kicked out

A north Queensland neighbourhood watch group is calling on the Cairns Regional Council to close a street at night and have non-residents removed because of constant vandalism and crime.

Councillor John Schilling, from the Cairns Regional Council, said the request to have Badilla St in Edmonton, south of Cairns, shut was "over the top" and "not going to happen", although he admitted the council had increased police patrols.

Residents want a north Queensland street closed after a spate of vandalism.
Residents want a north Queensland street closed after a spate of vandalism.  

The cul-de-sac backs on to a sports park and a caravan park is nearby.

Neighbourhood watch member Paul Drabble said the situation had spiraled out of control.

"The system is broken. We need to start again," he said.

He said the groups, usually between 15 and 20 people, would gather and run havoc from 10pm to 5am most nights.


"These are kids as young as 10. I've seen 12-year-olds dealing dope," he said.

Mr Drabble said the council needed to build a fence around the street and put a curfew in place for the two nearby parks.

"At the end of the day though, they sit in their ivory tower in Cairns collecting their weekly wage, they don't care about the real problems," he said.

Cr Schilling said: "I go to all the neighbourhood watch meetings and ... he's a friend but he's a bit over the top on this request."

It was a catch-22 situation, the cul-de-sac having walking paths linking to other roads through parks and it was a minority causing the distress.

"I've had people who want me to put more lights in the park and others who want me to turn them all off because kids congregate where the lights are," he said.

"Police regularly do sweeps through the park ... the best long-term situation is to get these kids into education, into trades, sports and with role models who they can follow and train with and it's a long-term thing and it's hard work."

He said there had been a about a "50 per cent" decrease in vandalism and reports of crime in the area and that was a positive.

The local police officer in charge has been approached for comment.