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SALON TALKS: Evan Siegfried, Republican strategist and author, sits down with Carrie Sheffield to discuss his new book "GOP GPS: How to Find the Millennials and Urban Voters the Republican Party Needs to Survive"

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Colin Kaepernick’s actions are still important.

Kaepernick "is doing the same thing" by sitting that Tommie Smith and Juan Carlos did with their black power stand|By Sophia Tesfaye

The depth of Gene Wilder’s genius can best be understood by examining this one scene.

Wilder may have been shafted by the Academy on this one, but his most famous performance became a cinematic icon|By Steve Almond

Seth Meyers makes the perfect Hillary comparison.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she was hooked up to a bunch of computers with steroids being pumped into her veins." VIDEO|By Brendan Gauthier

Millennials hate people, basically.

Results of a recent survey will likely encourage chains to automate as much as the process as is possible|By Scott Eric Kaufman

What's the real difference between America's two main political parties?

New book by Matt Grossmann and David Hopkins explores how Americans are of two minds on politics|By Paul Rosenberg

No one explains Trump quite like Stephen Colbert.

Watch Colbert explain how Trump's medical reports are like "losing your virginity on prom night." VIDEO|By Brendan Gauthier


Despite his opposition to abortion, Johnson vowed to deny his kids their trusts if they had babies out of marriage|By Amanda Marcotte

People prefer the Bubonic Plague to Trump.

Maddow read the results of a new poll showing Trump’s favorability rating among African-American voters at 0% VIDEO|By Sophia Tesfaye


CEO Tim Cook defended his company's decades-long skirting of tax laws by claiming it saved Cork in the '80s|By Scott Eric Kaufman

Should you sit in that reserved seat on the bus? Probably not.

Readers ask Fancy, our etiquette expert, how to navigate tricky social situations and live their best life|By Kirsten Schofield

If you can’t beat ’em, malign ’em.

Trump and has backers are feeding the Clinton scandal machine — and the media must not be an accomplice|By Heather Digby Parton

Research has shown that the GOP’s social stances on issues like gay marriage have served as gateway issues to block millennials from considering voting GOP based on other issues, including pocketbook issues.

Today at 12pm ET, Republican strategist and author Evan Siegfried will be joining us on Facebook Live to discuss economic messaging in his new book. Tune in right here!

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Kaepernick’s parents raised a man of conscience.

Kaepernick’s protest is the latest example of an athlete using his or her platform to nobly fight injustice|By Chauncey DeVega

No one seems to know what Trump’s position on immigration is anymore.

After so many contradictions and reversals, Trump's upcoming immigration speech likely won't provide much clarity|By Simon Maloy

Are you in a union?

A new study shows that if unions were stronger wages would be higher for union members and non-members alike.|By Angelo Young

Is porn actually addictive?

There's no evidence that millions of men are addicted to porn, whatever the desperate Christian right claims|By Amanda Marcotte

One of the most repressive countries in the world has become a key customer for U.S. weapons.

Amnesty International condemns Obama's "astonishing," unprecedented arms deals with repressive Middle East regimes|By Ben Norton

Billy Joel?!

Damnation's eternal soundtrack|By Sean Beaudoin

Dear all parents...

Growing up, silence meant anger. I vowed to do things differently with my own daughter, but have I gone too far?|By Judy Batalion