Posts Tagged ‘Turkey’

Attack against the Union of European & Turkish Democrats office in Grevenbroich by Apoist Youth Initiative (Germany)

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016


We, the Apoist Youth Initiative NRW – Revenge Team Sehîd Alîsêr Firat, claim the attack against the UETD (Union of European & Turkish Democrats) office in Grevenbroich on 28.10.16. This attack was revenge for the execution of two YJA-Star guerrilla fighters. They were executed by the Turkish military after being captured.

The execution of the two guerrilla warriors is symbolic of all ongoing attacks by the Turkish state against the will of the free women in Kurdistan. Through the publication of the video of their execution, the identity of the free women is to be shamed and humiliated. In the video it is clearly visible that the soldiers are using German G3 rifles. Everyone can clearly see in this video that the German state is on the side of the Turkish state in the war against democracy in the Middle East, in the war against the free women.

We repeat again: We will continue to attack all the institutions of the Turkish state until the dictator Erdogan is overthrown, Kurdistan is liberated and women gain their freedom. We are warning all German supporters of the Turkish state one last time: If you do not stop supporting fascism in Turkey, we will also attack you.

Jin Jiyan Azadî!
Bijî Serok Apo!
Long live international solidarity!

Apoist Youth Initiative – NRW
Revenge Team Sehîd Alîsêr Firat

November 1st, 2016

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Direct Action

Act in solidarity with women resisting in Kurdistan

Sunday, October 30th, 2016

Freedom For All Resisting Women In The Name of

The attacks, detentions and arrests towards the people and their representatives as a part of the ongoing state violence in Kurdistan since July 2015 have reached its peak in the last 3 days. Gültan Kışanak, as the first Co-Mayor of Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality and resisted for two years against the tortures in Diyarbakir Prison during the military coup in 1980, was taken into custody on 25th October 2016; the municipality building was blockaded and raided by hundreds of police.

On 26th October 2016, the people who gathered in front of the municipality building to protect their will had been attacked with impunity via water cannons and teargas, and, many people were battered and detained.

During this attack, the women who resisted in front line are specifically targeted. As well as many of our women comrades have been detained, co-speaker of KJA, Ayla Akat Ata, has also been battered and detained, and, the advocate and family visit is prohibited for five days. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Interview with Yesim Nurova, animal liberationist (Turkey)

Saturday, September 24th, 2016

Yesim Nurova is a journalist affiliated with R9 Media. She is an animal rights activist known throughout Turkey and Europe. She has organized and led some of the largest animal liberation and animal rights demonstrations and protests, many with a Direct Action component, in Asia. Also, she is the Founder of the Spanish language A.L.F Frente de Liberación Animal Liberation/Animal Rights Community, an animal liberation and animal rights online resource for Spanish speaking activists around the world.

Q-Where are you from?

I live in Turkey.

Q-What organization(s) are you involved with?

The North American Animal Liberation Press Office where I’m an Advisor and Liaison for Europe. Also, I’m a Journalist affiliated with New York City based R9 Media.

Q-Why are you an activist? How did you get involved in the fight for
animal liberation?

I’m an Animal Liberation Activist because animals are the most oppressed beings on the planet. They suffer and endure so much pain at the hands of and service towards humanity. Worldwide there are factory farms, fur farms, leather factories, slaughterhouses, circuses and zoos. All of which imprison them and subject them to violence and exploit them for goods, resources and entertainment. They are slaughtered for food, clothing, accessories, cosmetics, medical testing and medical products. This is unacceptable in the twenty-first century. Animals have the right to live free of suffering and exploitation at the hands of humans. Fighting for the freedom of animals is my fight. I, and in fact all people, have an ethical responsibility towards animals. They cannot fight for their own freedom so the responsibility falls to Activists. They must be liberated from their slavery and I’m in solidarity with them. I’m fighting for their freedom. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews

ISIS and Turkey File : From the Democratic Self-Administration of Rojava Foreign Relations Commisssion (Kurdistan, Syria)

Sunday, September 4th, 2016


ISIS and Turkey File
The Democratic Self-Administration of Rojava Foreign Relations Commisssion


It is not a secret to any observer the relationship between Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) with all the armed groups in northern Syria. It began in Ras Alain and did not end in Afrin. The AKP’s arguments revolve around changing the Syrian regime, bringing democracy to Syria, protecting Christians and Sunnis and unifying the country. These arguments have proven to be mere pretexts used by the AKP to intervene in Syria. The only goal of the AKP is to fight any democratic project for the future of Syria. To achieve this, the AKP has co-operated with the so-called Islamic State (Daesh) through providing training, supplying arms and facilitating the crossing of Daesh fighters to Syria through its borders.

Here are some compelling evidence for this cooperation through documents and confessions obtained by the People’s Protection Units (YPG) throughout their operations in Rojava – north Syria.

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Posted in Library

Urgent call to stop Turkish massacres in Rojava and Northern Syria by the Kurdish Women’s Relation Office (Iraq)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

On 24 August 2016 Turkish Special Forces together with elements of the so-called Free Syrian Army started a cross-border offensive against the Northern Syrian town of Jarablus. According to official statements by both, Turkish officials and representatives of the FSA, target of this offensive is Islamic State as well as Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG).

It was clear from the start that only Kurds would be targeted. During the last 5 days not a single confrontation took place between Turkish/FSA forces and ISIS. But from the beginning YPG and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – the most effective forces on ground against ISIS – are being attacked by Turkish state forces.

The first day of the ‘Euphrates Shield’ operation, what Turkish officials have called an ‘assault on Islamic State and YPG terrorists’ as result of Turkish shelling of Kurdish majority neighborhoods in the east and west of Jarablus, at least 49 civilians have been killed. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Call for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan (Turkey)

Thursday, August 25th, 2016

From KJA – Congress of Free Women.


On 15 August 2016, a military coup d’etat was attempted in Turkey. Within a few hours, heavy weaponry tank and plane attacks killed over 260 people and injured hundreds. State forces bombed many public institutions, including the parliament, and opened a helicopter fire over the civilian people. This chaos experienced, indeed, keeps repeating in Turkey since the formation of the nation-state over the course of past 200 years.

The denial of truths in society and the politics of annihilation executed by power holders present the root causes of his chaos. The denial and annihilation politics are experienced as wars, deaths, tortures, impoverishment, coups and fascism in the society. When the possibility of a life in freedom and dignity diminishes, resistances, conflicts, and wars culminate, where the resisting people have the final say in history. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Report on women freed from ISIS in the area of Minbiç and on the situation of refugees (Rojava, Syria)

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

For more than 2 months there is a hard war going on in the area of Minbiç. Minbiç is a very strategic for the control over Rojava; it connects Turkey with the headquarters of ISIS, Raqqa. This area is important for the protection of Rojava and the democratic autonomy in Rojava. To be able to create a federal Syria where people of all ethnicities and religions can live in peace together, the liberation of the area of Minbiç is very important. In Rojava since four years a system of democratic autonomy exists. This model is an alternative to wars and instability in the Middle East. It offers the opportunity that all people can live together based on equality, freedom of women, ecology and democracy.

It is a well-known secret that Turkey supports ISIS and will do anything not to lose control in this area. If the area of Minbiç is freed of ISIS, it will open the road to connect the three cantons, which is a nightmare and opposed to the politics and objectives of Turkey. ISIS and Turkey are not only connected by political and economic interests; they are quite close in ideology and practices as well. Because this area is so important for the control in the Middle-East all hegemonic powers are present in this war. There are conflicting interests between the hegemonic powers which impacts and intensifies this war. It is possible to conceive the war in Syria and in Kurdistan as a third world war, where it is the main aim to imply a new division in the Middle East. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Anarşist Tutsaklarla Uluslararası Dayanışma Haftası

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

Anarşist Tutsaklarla Uluslararası Dayanışma Haftası

Ağustos 23-30

Uluslararası dayanışma haftası dünyanın bir çok yerinde devlet tarafından hapsedilmiş anarşistlerle dayanışma göstermek için var.

Sessiz geceleri alevlerin ışığıyla aydınlatalım ve bizi kontrol eden, beyimizi yıkayan , bizi güden, bizi pasiflikle aldatan her şeye saldırı, yıkıcı sabotaj ve yakma pratiklerimizi biçimlendirerek yoldaşlarımızla dayanışma gösterelim.

Tutsaklıkla yüzleştiğimizde boyun eğmek yok. Sadece bu dünyayı yanarken görme tutkumuz için.

Hapishanelere Ateş!

Yaşasın Anarşi!

ABC Istanbul

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Posted in Prison Struggle

KJA Report – Assaults on Women by the Turkish State in Kurdistan (PDF)

Saturday, August 6th, 2016

PDF: KJA Report – Assaults on Women by the Turkish State in Kurdistan

Dear friend,

We are writing to you as the Free Women’s Congress (KJA), the largest umbrella organization for the women in Kurdistan Region in Turkey. KJA brings together the women from political parties, local governments, civil society organisations, unions, media, academy, and local people’s assemblies and communes. Consisting of 501 women delegates, KJA represents women from diverse identity groups, ethnic, faith and cultural backgrounds.

Please find attached the reports prepared by KJA about the assaults on women by the Turkısh State in Kurdistan

Kind regards,

*Kongreya Jinên Azad, Komîsyon a Dîplomasî*
Free Women’s Congress, Diplomacy Commission
Özgür Kadın Kongresi, Diplomasi Komisyonu

Address: Diclekent Mah. 250 Sok. No:21,
Phone: +90 412 237 77 75
*www.kongreyajinenazad.org *

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Posted in Library

Defendants declaration for the raid on Turkish Airlines – Torino (Italy)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

In Italy comrades have been touched by the repression, for a solidarity action with Rojava last year… Long live the intenational revolutionary solidarity.

Once again, on July 21, 2016 we’ve been waked at dawn by police. This time, under warrant of prosecutor Rinaudo as usual, they would compel us coming daily to police station twice a day, as precautionary measure, following an action on September 2015, when we visited the Turkish Airlines offices at Caselle (Torino) to denounce Erdogan’s terrorist politics and express support to those both in Turkey and Kurdistan who keep on resisting and fighting to.

Unbelievable but true, just while purges and massive arrests are overflowing and Erdogan states real destitution of Parliament and suspension of human rights Convention, in Italy – like in Europe – they pretend be shocked and try silencing those who since long have been denouncing the terror of the Turkish state, which isn’t any fresh news, rather. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

‘Prisons During Struggle for Power’ by ABC Istanbul (Turkey)

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

As the conditions behind walls get better, existence of walls become blurred.


Democracy’s power that cause to forget, is the hush-money that it recognises.

There is no difference between democracy and coup, military and police, barracks and parliament, king and president. State can be dictator, king and sultan without losing the quality of being democracy.

In the day of 15th July, a group of soldiers started a struggle for power in some strategic points that is seen by some as coup, and by others as theatre. As always, people who face this struggle for power in its most bare state are the prisoners. In this struggle for power, all communication of prisoners with outside has been cut. It is informed that releases will not be made until a second order.

Whether there is a coup, who did this coup, who opposes this coup are not the questions that needed to be asked in our opinion. Coup is always implicit to state. Every state practice in daily life, especially a non-ending coup setting on political subjects that state see as opponents, is a state of emergency. Because what makes sovereignty is its ability to decide the state of exception.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

International Call for Women’s Solidarity on World Refugee Day, from the Platform for Struggle for Women Held Captive by Force (Middle East)

Monday, June 13th, 2016

Call for the Advancing and Increasing of the Visibility of Women’s Solidarity on 20th of June for World Refugee Day, from the Platform for Struggle for Women Held Captive by Force

Dear Women from all around the World;

We regard the sexist occupation practices of Daesh [ISIS], that is to say practices of systematic sexual torture, rape, enslavement, rendering odalisques, that codifies the women’s bodies as a patriarchal war and ownership zone, as a patriarchal imperialist attack against all women from all around the world.

In addition to this, we come across systematic rape and other forms of sexual violence as founding components of the genocide politics of Daesh against Yazidi people. Around 5000 women and girls, many of whom are Yazidis, who are kidnapped by Daesh as spoils of war are repeatedly sold at slave and odalisques markets and are held captive in a large geographical area that includes Iraq, Syria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Turkey.

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Posted in Autonomy

Diyarbakir: Political attacks against women target the organization of women (Turkey)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

The centre of Free Women’s Congress (KJA) Association was raided anomalously by police on April 10, 2016, around 05:00 am. The Association was raided without any prior notification and in an unusual hour that none of the administrators were there. 16 politicians, including 6 women who are members, administrators and activists of KJA, were detained in the same time with similar illegal methods. Our 4 women members, Çimen Işık, Pero Dündar, Olcay Kanlıbaş and Zozan Toprak are imprisoned after they were judged in the court on April, 11.

The police raid is totally anomalous and targets to destroy generally the democratic organization as an essential element of democracy, and specifically the organization of women. While all of our computers were stolen in the raid, our archive was also taken by the police. This crime is tried to be covered up with a “confidentiality order”. Seizing all the computers means the cessation of the Association’s actions even it is possible to backup all of the documents and keep on our investigations. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Osman Evcan obtains victory through hunger strike (Turkey)

Wednesday, April 6th, 2016

Osman Evcan gained the victory from the determined struggle in which he put his life against the state inside the thick walls of prison which he is enclosed. Osman, got everything he demanded through this hard period without surrendering to the state. Osman Evcan ended his indefinite hunger strike which took 45 days against intimidation, torture and extermination politics against prisoners and again he proved us that how he is right about his call to raise the struggle. He continued his resistance resolutely by choosing to die with honor and this is the only reason why his demands are accepted. The State’s “punishment” system and their officials that made comrade Osman Evcan suffer hunger for 45 days and tortured him are our enemies. The recognized demands of Osman Evcan are not a matter of grace, instead that is the end of torturous practices. Torture is a state policy. He is grateful to everyone who have held demonstrations, spoken up, and gave support for Osman Evcan’s cause. Osman Evcan is now trying to get over the adverse effects of the hunger strike process, and his present health condition is fine. We will share the message from Osman Evcan soon.

With anarchist solidarity

ABC İstanbul

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Lesvos: Incendiary call to action against Frontex and all parts of the European deportation machinery (Greece)

Monday, April 4th, 2016


Today, on the island of Lesvos, Greece, where the weather is at its best day since 2016, the deportation machine to send refugees back to Turkey has started. This morning a ferry left to Turkey with a couple of hundred refugees on board, this afternoon the same will happen, and this will repeat itself from now on.

Frontex has started sending our comrades back to hell…


We beg the worldwide anarchist movement to seek revenge! Let’s start to burn down Frontex, police, military and all those in power!!!

Let’s burn the deportation machine down!

Some Anarchists

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Posted in No Borders