Posts Tagged ‘Solidarity Action’

Nemesis Project : Athens – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire take responsibility for the bombing at the home of the Judge Georgia Tsatani / Conspiración de las Células del Fuego reivindica ataque con bomba contra casa de fiscal (Grecia)

Friday, October 14th, 2016


We claim responsibility for attacking the house of the district attorney Georgia Tsatani, in Ippokratous street in Athens city center, next to the Exarhia police department.

We knew that G. Tsatani has a police escort and that she is a guarded target, but this didn’t stand in our way to accomplish our attack.

We chose a symbolic action with only material damage as a sole purpose, but the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire won’t be limited to that…

We have two reasons for choosing this particular district attorney.

The first one is that G. Tsatani is a member of the para-judicial network whose job is to take out of sight case files that impinge the interests of the business and politics mafia (with a view to profit of course). She is the judicial vanguard of her masters.

The apex of her tainted career is the Vgenopoulos case, where G. Tsatani closed the case, aiding him to be discharged of his certain conviction. Her venality by the businessman Vgenopoulos pumped up more her invisible para-judicial account. These inconspicuous courtesies of businessmen can built the villas of the judges as an exchange for their “justice”.

Another sample of this district attorney’s writing, that is being kept diligently secret from the media, is Meimarakis’ case. Georgia Tsatani is the one who took on the case file regarding the equipment and the bribes of Vagelis Meimarakis, the former minister of national defense back then and she made sure to “forget” to send these files in the parliament, with her sole purpose being to cover for him. The exchange of this conciliation was the placement of Tsatanis’ daughter and husband as minister candidates in New Democracy on Meimarakis’ presidency.

Georgia Tsatani was involved in the Vatopedi case, making clear once again the mafia-like partnership between Church and Justice, as well as in many other famous cases that she would “chop off” in order to conceal and protect the interests of authority.

The second reason for choosing to attack the district attorney Georgia Tsatani was her participation in the judicial thralldom of our comrades’ relatives.

G. Tsatani was the one who viewed as unacceptable one of the applications of release by Evi Statiri, who is the wife of Gerasimos Tsakalos, member of the C.C.F. Thus, she contributed in the anti-guerrilla campaign and in one of the most immoral extortions against anarchist revolutionaries.

The vengeful obsession of the judges against the families of our comrades is a choice that all judges involved will be asked to pay and at a great cost. We have remembrance and most of all patience, persistence and diligence…

We are dedicating this action to the imprisoned members of C.C.F, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos Polydoros and Olga Economidou.

We are sending our solidarity to the anarchist comrade Aggeliki Spyropoulou, to all unshakeable political prisoners that lie in the cells of the Greek Democracy, as well as to the Italian comrades Alfredo Cospito, Nicola Gai and the anarchists persecuted in Italy within the undertaking “scripta manent” against F.A.I.

Soon the complete version of this proclamation will follow, as well as our initiative for “Nemesis” Project.

We will be back…

Translated by A-politiko.

Conspiración de las Células del Fuego reivindica ataque con bomba contra casa de fiscal.

[“Reporte” por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras]

Con un comunicado subido a internet el grupo de guerrilla urbana anarquista “Conspiración de las Células del Fuego” se atribuyó la responsabilidad por una bomba que explotó el día miércoles 12 de octubre en la casa de la fiscal G. Tsatani en el centro de Atenas, cerca de la estación de policía de Exarchia.

En el comunicado – disponible hasta ahora solo en griego- se detalla que el ataque se realizó aun a pesar de que la fiscal contaba con protección policial y que la bomba buscó generar daños materiales, pero que los ataques no se limitarán solo a eso. También se mencionan los motivos para centrar el ataque en la fiscal Tsatani, siendo uno de ellos su participación en el encarcelamiento de lxs familiares de lxs miembrxs presxs de CCF. El comunicado menciona más específicamente el rol jugado por la fiscal en el secuestro judicial de Evi Statiri (actualmente en la calle), quien es la compañera amorosa del compañero Gerasimos Tsakalos (miembro de CCF actualmente encarcelado en el módulo subterráneo de la prisión de mujeres de Koridalos).

Según la prensa griega, el ataque fue precedido por una llamada anónima de advertencia y la bomba explotó aproximadamente a las 23.45 horas del miércoles.

A continuación se pueden leer algunos extractos del comunicado a la espera de una versión en inglés que permita una mejor traducción al español:



Asumimos la responsabilidad por el ataque a la casa de la fiscal Georgia Tsatani en la calle Hipócrates, en el centro de la ciudad al lado de la estación de policía Exarchia.

Sabíamos que Tsatani tiene escolta policial (…) pero esto no fue impedimento para instalar nuestra ofensiva. Elegimos un acto simbólico destinado únicamente a daños materiales, pero en el futuro la Conspiración de Células del Fuego no se limitará a eso…

La elección de esta fiscal en concreto fue por dos razones principales.

La primera razón es que Tsatani es miembro del circuito (…) que se compromete a hacer “desaparecer” los archivos que afectan los intereses de los empresarios y de la mafia política (con fines de lucro, por supuesto). Es la vanguardia judicial de los patrones.


La segunda razón por la que elegimos golpear a la fiscal Tsatani fue por su participación en el secuestro judicial de los familiares de nuestrxs compañerxs (…) por lo que también contribuyó a su vez con la campaña judicial anti-guerrillera (…).

La furia vengativa de los jueces hacia lxs familiares de nuestrxs compañerxs es una opción por la que pagarán un alto precio (…)

Tenemos memoria y, sobre todo, paciencia, persistencia y consistencia…

Dedicamos esta acción a lxs miembros encarcelados de CCF Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, Georgio Polidoro y Olga Economidou.

Enviamos nuestra solidaridad a la compañera anarquista Angeliki Spyropoulos, a todxs lxs presxs políticxs no arrepentidxs en las celdas de la República griega y a los compañeros italianos Alfredo Cospito, Nicola Gai y lxs anarquistas perseguidxs en Italia dentro de la operación “Scripta Manent” contra la FAI.

Pronto lanzaremos todo nuestro manifiesto y propuesta para el ‘Nemesis’.


Conspiración de Células del Fuego / F.A.I.

Ver comunicado en griego acá.

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Posted in Direct Action

Attack against Television Service Jürgen Krüger and the SPD office of Björn Eggert – Call for resistance against G20 Hamburg 2017 (Germany)

Thursday, September 1st, 2016

Received 1 September:

Our shards against their repression

This is the beginning of our week. And every day should start like this for those profiteers responsible for the prison system…

This morning, August 15th, we visited Television Service Jürgen Krüger and the SPD office of Björn Eggert in Oranienstraße in Kreuzberg and smashed their windows.

Television Service Krüger since thirty years holds the monopoly on examination of electronic sets from prisoners in Berlin. No radio passes him without being checked. This shall prevent forbidden goods or manipulated sets passing behind the walls. For prisoners this service costs a lot of money.

The company directly profits from the surveillance of prisoners. Besides this, it happened more than one time, that Krüger damaged radios or TV from prisoners.

Further Jürgen Krüger does the technical utilization from seized mobile phones and gives the hacked data to authorities. This company was hit several times, which could not prevent them continuing to take advantage of repression against prisoners… (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Painted slogans in Thessaloniki for the Case of Angeliki Spyropoulou, Panos Mixalakoglou and the impending eviction of Biblioteca Kaos (Greece)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Pictures here.

Angeliki Spyropoulou was arrested on March 2, 2015 and is held in Korydallos prison. She has claimed full responsibility for her role in the attempted escape of the CCF from Korydallos prison. At her trial she was sentenced to 28 years imprisonment.

Panos Mixalakoglou was arrested on October 1, 2014 in Athens and detained in the prisons of Nigrita and Serres. He was convicted for possession of a gun. He was entitled to prisoner leave 5 months ago however the prison refuse to give it to him.

The squat Biblioteca Kaos in Porto Alegre, Brazil is a place which functions as a library and as a venue for events since 11 June, 2015. In July 2016, they received an eviction order for August 4, 2016.


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Posted in Direct Action

Thessaloniki: Solidarity with the anarchist comrades accused of bank robbery in Aachen (Greece)

Monday, July 18th, 2016

Also see this update via Actforfree.

In Thessaloniki posters and flyers are spread with a call out for solidarity with the anarchist comrades accused of bank robbery in Germany. At Kamara there was a banner hung and stencils spayed arround the city with the text ‘Solidarity with the anarchist comrades in jail accused of bank robbery in Germany’.

Here the text of the flyer that was spread in Greek and English:

Solidarity with the anarchist comrades in jail accused of bank robbery in Germany

A call out for active solidarity

On July 6th 2016, an anarchist comrade got arrested in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She is accused of expropriation in Aachen, Germany and is now in jail awaiting extradition to Germany. The week before a comrade from Spain had already been extradited to Germany. We call out to anybody to make actions in solidarity with the imprisoned comrades! We are fucking angry, we want them free!

In the summer of 2015 she already spent 5 months in detention and was released, with all charges dropped and no conditions to her release. The very disappointed prosecution made recourse to the higher court, which granted a trial (date not set yet). In April 2016 a comrade from Barcelona was arrested with similar charges for an expropriation that took place in 2014, by the same prosecution office. She has now been extradited to Germany. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

ATM machines demolished in solidarity with comrades accused of expropriation (Netherlands)

Saturday, July 9th, 2016

Last night we demolished 8 ATM machines in The Hague, the Netherlands in solidarity with the anarchist comrades accused of expropriation in Aachen, Germany.

Last week, on 6 July, a comrade got arrested in Amsterdam and is now in jail awaiting extradition to Germany. The week before a comrade from Spain got already extradited to Germany. We call out to anybody to make action in solidarity with the imprisoned comrades! We are fucking angry!

We are not interested in knowing whether the comrades are actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically
legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.

Indeed, despite the constant attempts by Power to reduce this method to within the scope of a ‘common crime’, motivated by individual greed, the fact is that the
expropriation of places of accumulation of capital is a constant in our history: from the anarchist-syndicalist groups in the early twentieth century who robbed banks to support strikes or help the families of imprisoned comrades, to the various autonomous groups of the the 70s and 80s.

Immediate freedom for our comrades! Burn all prisons! Destroy all banks!


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Posted in Direct Action

Bloomington, Indiana: Noise demonstration at the local jail (USA)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

On the night of July 4th, a small group of individuals had a noise demonstration at the local jail. We shouted to those held captive, lit off fireworks and smoke bombs, and scattered hundreds of leaflets.

There is no point in waiting until there are enough people, until the time is right: you will be waiting forever. Small, modest actions are the necessary groundwork for revolt. You do not need great numbers to do meaningful things.

Text from the leaflet:


Solidarity with those in revolt behind prison walls.
Solidarity with anarchist prisoner Eric King.
Prisons cannot stop anarchy.
War against power.

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Posted in Direct Action

Solidarity actions in The Hague with comrade imprisoned in Spain on charges of expropriation (Netherlands)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

See for pictures.

Last Thursday night, June 30th 2016, we carried out actions in solidarity with our comrade who is imprisoned in total isolation in Spain on charges of participation in a bank expropriation in Aachen, Germany two years ago. She is now awaiting extradition to Germany, which will probably happen this week.

In solidarity we spray-painted ‘Freedom for our Spanish comrade’ on the wall of a department of the Spanish embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands and glued the locks.

That same morning during rush hour a banner was hung above the highway, reading: ‘Burn all prisons! Freedom for our Spanish comrade!’

We are not interested in knowing whether the comrade is actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.

Indeed, despite the constant attempts by Power to reduce this method to within the scope of a ‘common crime’ motivated by individual greed, the fact is that the expropriation of places of accumulation of capital is a constant in our history: from the anarcho-syndicalist groups in the early twentieth century who robbed banks to support strikes or help the families of imprisoned comrades, to the various autonomous groups of the 70s and 80s.

We call out to anybody to take action in solidarity with the comrade imprisoned in Madrid! Immediate freedom for the comrade!

Burn all prisons!

In solidarity,
Some anarchists

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Posted in Direct Action

ABC Solidarity Cell: Strength to the anarchist hunger striker Martin Ignačák (Greece)

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

Update by AntiFénix: Martin has suspended his hunger strike.

Action at the embassy of the Czech Republic in Athens; the banner reads: “Solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Martin Ignačák – ABC Solidarity Cell”

Embassy of the Czech Republic in Athens spray-painted: “Freedom to Martin Ignačák – Anarchist Black Cross”

Czech embassy’s entrance spray-painted; flyers thrown in support of incarcerated anarchist Martin Ignačák

In April 2015, the Czech State launched a repressive campaign under the name “Operation Fénix” targeting the anarchist movement that’s active on its territory.

Raids on fighters’ homes, arrests, personal belongings confiscated, relatives and friends of the arrestees harassed, and accusatory dossiers cooked up in police offices. Eleven fighters were arrested as a result of this operation, of whom four were sent to remand prisons of the Czech Republic, while the rest were given restrictive bail conditions. All this has been portrayed in the media as a coordinated effort towards dismantling “terrorist networks”, such as the Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) who’ve claimed responsibility for dozens of incendiary attacks against statist and capitalist targets. Also one of the comrades is charged with participating in another attack that, according to the media, was carried out with Molotov cocktails against the house of the Minister of National Defence.

Martin Ignačák, who is accused of plotting attack on a train transporting military equipment, was in fact trapped by government agents who had infiltrated anarchist circles and indicated the target to Martin along with plans about how to carry out such an attack. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Solidarity with John Bowden in court Friday 24th June – Call-out for Solidarity Demo/Banner drops (UK)

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

Solidarity with John Bowden – Long time prison resister and anti-authoritarian.

Show your support for John Bowden, a vocal writer and critic of the system we all live under, who is in Greenock Sheriff Court in Scotland, on Friday 24th June, after being accused of assault on a prison guard.

Throughout the 1980’s and 90’s, John Bowden was at the forefront of the British prison struggle, leading and being involved in serious acts of resistance against the prison system, and was deeply politicised by the experience. Viewed by most prison staff as a committed and dangerous “trouble-maker”, John was often brutally punished, suffering years of brutality and prolonged solitary confinement. He has been victimised, in one way or another, ever since.

In June of last year, after hearing the evidence of an independent psychologist, the Parole Board decided that after 30 years in prison, John Bowden represented no real risk or danger to the community, and like the two men originally imprisoned with him in 1982, who were released almost 20 years ago, he should now be returned to that community. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communication antennas sabotaged in solidarity with prisoners (Basque Country)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

from Irakunditxs via Contra Madriz

translated by Earth First! Journal

Every tool in the toolbox! Capitalist society is held up by two fundamental pillars: repression and social control. This time we have wanted to hit a part of the system of social control via communication antennas. Between Saturday night and Sunday morning (April 2-3), led by the stars, we approached two antennas in the road between Iruña and Irurtzun (Nafarroa) and with the help of pliers we opened a breach inside wire mesh that surrounds the antennas. With wooden-handled mallets we destroyed the electricity meters inside both antennae and we broke the two AC units inside each, as well. With axes we cut the cables to the antennas’ electrical device as well as wires to the distribution substation that power the antennas.

This time we demand and make this action public in part to launch an irrintzi solidarity campaign with our imprisoned compañeros who are on hunger strike in the murderous and torturous state jails: José Adrián Poblete Darre, Xavier Corporales Barruecos, and Antonio Chavero Mejías. We do this for you.

In solidarity with the compañerxs Monica and Francisco who have recently been charged in the first degree to 12 years (a sentence is but an opinion). Strength and courage.

[This was done] in protest of the violations which are penetrating the Earth and nature, such as the TAV and the other infrastructures which serve only for the interests of the same people as always. Ama lurra defenda dezagun! [Euskara language.]

PS. It’s a shame that the fire we had hoped to gift in the end did not happen…. Do not fret, as we will take care of that next time. estatuari gerra, gerra beti!
[Euskara language.]

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Posted in Direct Action

Hamburg: Churches desecrated in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Germany)

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

In the early hours of March 20th 2016, unknown persons desecrated three churches in Hamburg with a fire extinguisher filled with paint, slingshot and stone. In addition to this vandalism, slogans such as “No God – No State – No patriarchy”, “Solidarity with Mónica and Francisco” and circle-A’s were spray-painted. Flyers were thrown on the streets, reading: “Religion means oppression! Against every domination! Solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, anarchists imprisoned in Spain”.

via contrainfo… see the photos.

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Posted in Direct Action

Montreuil-sous-Bois: Arson attack against ‘Archi 5’ studio of prison architecture in solidarity to Monica and Francisco (France)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

On the night between 8 and 9 March 2016, using dumped garbage and flammable products, we set fire to the front of the architect’s studio in Archi 5, rue Voltaire in the centre of Montreuil-sous-Bois.

On its website Archi 5 boasts of having achieved, or being in the act of achieving, alongside innocuous buildings, the following list of gruesome projects:

The prisons of Bourg en Bresse, of Draguignan, of Mont de Marsan, of Rennes, the jail of Condé-sur-Sarthe and Vendin the Veil, the Pole of the Judicial Police of Cergy-Pontoise, the police station in Clichy-sous-Bois, the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Chartres, the detention centre of French Polynesia in Tahiti.

We dedicate this action to all those fight for freedom and against all authority, especially the anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar in the clutches of the Spanish State and are risking very heavy prison sentences, do not deny a word of what they think and what they are.

Fire to the prisons.
Fire to those who build them.

[Published on Indymedia Nantes, March 11, 2016]
Le Chat Noir Emeutier, Translated by Act for freedom now

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Posted in Direct Action

Lisbon: Gathering 24/03 at the Spanish consulate in solidarity with Mónica and Francisco (Portugal)

Monday, March 21st, 2016


For the State, terrorists are those that endanger its interests. Fed up with this reality of fear, corruption, police abuses, media manipulation, some decide not to give up, and fight. For this they are persecuted.

Thursday 24th March at 17:30
Consulate General of Spain
3, Salitre St., Lisbon

We gather to oppose the parody trial against the anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar.




-via contrainfo

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: Responsibility claim for incendiary attack against Hellenic Post branch in Nea Smyrni by ‘Incendiary Disobedience Cell’ (Greece)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

“Who will shatter the rock that for millennia has sat upon individual autonomy? For so long now learning to live has meant learning to die.”

How many years of commercial society? How many more of “civilised” existence? And all this for what? We take part in the most paranoid experiment of human domination. From the early stages of domestication up to economy’s invasion into life, oppression, exploitation and coercion have been the most structural components of society. The Power’s structures and logics have strived to ensure their presence over the centuries, transformed themselves, gained flexibility by stepping on human relations and finally imposed their universality through the commercialisation of existence. Non-compliance margins have narrowed. The ways of vomiting “needless waste” are being humanised. The sometimes aggressive and sometimes passive indifference of the capitalist world towards the sustainability of human or nonhuman beings, that are deemed unnecessary in various ways, is discernible at a glance, not very far away. How many bodies stacked dead or alive in seas or the coldness of gray rooms?

There are no excuses in the face of the existent; everyone sees, everyone knows. The expression of our position towards this situation takes shape through anarchist action. We’ll avoid distant and hypothetical analysis. We know that (not only in our own lives) the moments of freedom are so assimilable into the repeated everyday routine that we are unable to imagine any possible turn of events. The only sure thing is that we feel this world to be unbearably hooked in our skin, and the more we attack it, the less it leaves its marks on us.

While some were sleeping exhausted and dazzled by a three-day weekend of frenzied consumption and entertainment, some chose to swing into action. In the early hours of Tuesday March 15th 2016, we torched and destroyed a van and an ATM of the Hellenic Post (ELTA) branch in the district of Nea Smyrni, Athens. Because of the fire’s extent, the branch acquired a new facade as well.

Also this is a minimum act of complicity with incarcerated comrades that have recently faced or are once again facing the halls of judges and prosecutors. Strength to Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Revolutionary Struggle, as well as all imprisoned anarchists around the world, and everyone who in any way contribute to the intensification of anarchist war against Power.

PS. And because memory is integral to the continuation of anarchist struggle we cannot but recall the death of comrade Lambros Foundas, on March 10th 2010, after an armed clash with cops.
Until anarchy

Incendiary Disobedience Cell

-via contrainfo

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Posted in Direct Action

Marseille: Incendiary attack against a GDF Suez car in solidarity with Calais (France)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

In recent weeks, the State and its “good” army have intensified their attacks against our friends in Calais, between two racist pogroms unleashed by fascists. But those who attack libertarian networks should expect strong reactions.

If the houses built in Calais are destroyed, we’ll destroy the repressive infrastructure, in Marseille like anywhere else.

In response to the destruction and attacks against the Calais Jungle, we burned a van of {Cofely – GDF Suez}, who profit from the management of so-called “migrants” by participating in the construction of detention centres in France and in Italy – Friday 4th March in the neighbourhood of Baille.

The struggle against all borders, States, and the society of exclusion and eviction, will continue.

For a solidarity-based life.

(Insomniac Owls with Internationalist Mood and Incandescent Humour)

-via contrainfo

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Posted in Direct Action