Posts Tagged ‘Lions of Rojava’

Urgent call to stop Turkish massacres in Rojava and Northern Syria by the Kurdish Women’s Relation Office (Iraq)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

On 24 August 2016 Turkish Special Forces together with elements of the so-called Free Syrian Army started a cross-border offensive against the Northern Syrian town of Jarablus. According to official statements by both, Turkish officials and representatives of the FSA, target of this offensive is Islamic State as well as Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG).

It was clear from the start that only Kurds would be targeted. During the last 5 days not a single confrontation took place between Turkish/FSA forces and ISIS. But from the beginning YPG and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – the most effective forces on ground against ISIS – are being attacked by Turkish state forces.

The first day of the ‘Euphrates Shield’ operation, what Turkish officials have called an ‘assault on Islamic State and YPG terrorists’ as result of Turkish shelling of Kurdish majority neighborhoods in the east and west of Jarablus, at least 49 civilians have been killed. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Report on women freed from ISIS in the area of Minbiç and on the situation of refugees (Rojava, Syria)

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

For more than 2 months there is a hard war going on in the area of Minbiç. Minbiç is a very strategic for the control over Rojava; it connects Turkey with the headquarters of ISIS, Raqqa. This area is important for the protection of Rojava and the democratic autonomy in Rojava. To be able to create a federal Syria where people of all ethnicities and religions can live in peace together, the liberation of the area of Minbiç is very important. In Rojava since four years a system of democratic autonomy exists. This model is an alternative to wars and instability in the Middle East. It offers the opportunity that all people can live together based on equality, freedom of women, ecology and democracy.

It is a well-known secret that Turkey supports ISIS and will do anything not to lose control in this area. If the area of Minbiç is freed of ISIS, it will open the road to connect the three cantons, which is a nightmare and opposed to the politics and objectives of Turkey. ISIS and Turkey are not only connected by political and economic interests; they are quite close in ideology and practices as well. Because this area is so important for the control in the Middle-East all hegemonic powers are present in this war. There are conflicting interests between the hegemonic powers which impacts and intensifies this war. It is possible to conceive the war in Syria and in Kurdistan as a third world war, where it is the main aim to imply a new division in the Middle East. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: Respect to the fallen fighter Jordan Mactaggart of YPG (Rojava, Syria)

Saturday, August 13th, 2016

Remembering Sehid Ciwan Firat (Jordan Mactaggart)

Nom de guerre: Ciwan Firat
Real name: Jordan Mactaggart
Name of mother: Malissa
Name of father: Robert
Birthplace: Colorado / USA
Place and date of martyrdom: Minbic, 3. August 2016

I met Heval Ciwan for the first time when were waiting to cross the border into Rojava in spring 2014. He was a shy young anarchist from the US who sat in the corner of our hut, not really engaging with the rest of us and constantly writing in his journal. Quite frankly, at the time most of us were concerned that he wasn`t cut out for war but within a couple of weeks he proved all of us wrong. Soon after finishing his training he joined Tabur Soran, a unit notorious for being in every fight possible. In one of his first contacts with the enemy he got shot in the leg and due to some unfortunate circumstances he was left in the field when his unit withdrew. Heval Ciwan put on his tourniquite on and crawled back to friendly lines the entire night. Amongst the foreign fighters in Rojava this story became a legend, until today people talk about `the American kid that got shot in the leg and crawled out all night`. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Declaration of the International Freedom Battalion of Rojava about the terrorist attack in Nice (France)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

The International Freedom Battalion is an armed group consisting of leftist foreign fighters fighting alongside the People’s Protection Units in the Syrian Civil War in support of the Rojava Revolution and against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Respect to the fallen fighter Levi J. Shirley of YPG (Rojava, Syria)

Saturday, July 23rd, 2016

The Rojava revolution became a revolution for humanity which attracted the attention of the world with the valiance of the resistance of YPG, YPJ and the people of Rojava. One of them was our comrade Agir Servan, of US origin.

Heval Agir Şervan (LEVI JONATHAN SHIRLEY) came to Rojava in February 2015 and joined the YPG. Hevale Agir took part in the Martyr Rubar Qamislo Operation, always in the most advanced front. After the liberation of the Kezwane Mountains he went back to his homeland. In January 2016, Heval Agir came back to Rojava to the YPG and rejoined the revolution in the defence of the Kobani and Cizire cantons. After that, he joined the Martyr Abu Leyla Operation for the liberation of Minbij.

Heval Agir was known for his discipline and sense of responsibility. His style and personality were a source of strength, motivation, and morale for his friends. In the fight, Heval Agir was known and respected as a brave and altruistic person. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Fight Against Darkness – An internationalist view on Nice (France)

Monday, July 18th, 2016

A dastardly darkness has targeted innocent people in Nice, France. They were watching the fireworks in remembrance of the Bastille Day, an honorable day for the revolution that was, alas, going to be hijacked by the bourgeois class later. Or they were just taking a stroll, an act that has been forbidden for many cities of the Middle East for long. Are the questions ‘How many?’, ‘How old?’, ‘What nationality?’, etc. important now? Politicians of states have already repeated the same old clichés that this was a heinous and horrific attack, that perpetrator(s) are the enemy of humanity, and that they will avenge this treacherous act etc. The journalists have tried to talk to the eye witnesses who have been traumatized by what they had seen and heard. Millions have shared videos of the moments in which the truck has become a death machine that crushed people to death. We had almost got used to shootings , stabbings, and bombings. But now the trucks too have become deadly weapons. What else? What unexpected ends do wait for hundreds or thousands? Will the people be able to look at the things that move around without suspicion from now on? The darkness seems to have terrorized millions irreversibly. But what about those who are fighting against the darkness? They are sending their revolutionary greetings and their condolences to the people of Nice. They try to tear the darkness apart from streets to streets and from the buildings to buildings. Their best answer to the darkness is to intensify the dignified fight against it. Because they know very well that to live is to resist.

Botan Bahoz

via ypginternational

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

YPG International – Official information portal for the Rojava Revolution (Kurdistan, Syria)

Friday, July 8th, 2016

Hello friends, comrades, supporters, revolutionaries,

we are glad to present you our new homepage


YPG International is an official information portal for the Rojava Revolution and People’s Defense Units (YPG) made by YPG. We provide first hand information for everyone who is interested in our struggle, in people’s revolution of Rojava, in Kurdistan and in a democratic Syria. YPG International is the international path to the Rojava Revolution, the official path to support YPG in Rojava.

YPG strives for a democratic, ecologic, and anti-patriarchal system of self-organisation; it takes its power from the people and fight for the people. We struggle to defend the dignity of being a human when there is no one around to defend it and to create an ethico-political society in order to realize ideals of equality, justice, freedom, and self-determination. We wage a war against all forms of fascism and capitalist hegemony that try to enslave the peoples and destroy the nature. We get our inspiration from the philosophy of Abdullah Ocalan whose ideas have become a torch in the jungle of oppression for the poor and the downtrodden; not only in Kurdistan but also in all around the world.

YPG is more than a military force. It is a revolutionary organization that protects the transformation towards the ethico-political society against its external and internal enemies in accordance with the principles of democratic confederalism. So its fundamental mission is to defend the people and the Rojava Revolution. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Long live the Lions of Rojava – Photo of a few American fighters (Kurdistan, Syria)

Friday, January 15th, 2016

For dignity, solidarity, freedom – American fighters of Lions of Rojava.

Death to the terrorists of Islamic-fascism – Total liberation.

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Interview with Paul Z Simons: Stories From Rojava On Revolution, Daily Life, and Hope (Free Radical Radio)

Wednesday, November 11th, 2015

From Free Radical Radio / Modern Slavery:

Paul Z. Simons, also known as El Errante, is interviewed by rydra on his recent trip to Rojava. Paul tells stories of his trip, relays discussions he had with people in Rojava in the YPG, YPJ, taxi drivers, translators, and more. Paul describes the situation in Rojava as a “post-leftist revolution in a pre-leftist society.” Paul also tells us how he got into the country, how others can, and why he feels that what is going there is important to anarchists all around the world.

Rojava Interview.OGG

More formats: http://archive.org/details/RojvaInterview

Rojava Plan
Lions of Rojava
Modern Slavery

Rojava Report
Kurdish Question

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Posted in Interviews

War against ISIS/Daesh: Respect to the fallen fighter John Gallagher of YPG (Rojava, Syria)

Saturday, November 7th, 2015

John Gallagher, the Canadian volunteer YPG fighter, is an internationalist hero who gave his life for a noble cause. He left behind a grieving family, and a world in gratitude for his bravery and sacrifice.

Why the War in Kurdistan Matters

First, let me get the obvious out of the way: I do not expect anyone to agree that it is a wise course of action to volunteer to fight against ISIS. Would-be terrorists from all over the world, including Canada, (including some I probably went to school with,) are flooding into the Middle East by the thousands. They’ve got the numbers and the weapons to win this war, so to go stand on the other side of the battlefield is objectively insane.

I also respect the viewpoint that the last thing any westerners ought to do is get involved in another Middle Eastern conflict. We’ve already done tremendous damage to the region; the rise of ISIS is a direct result of foreign policy blunders by the last two Presidents (at least!). If you think that for the good of the region we should all sit this one out, I can understand that. But I can’t agree.

The cause of a free and independent Kurdistan is important enough to be worth fighting for all on its own. The Kurdish people are the largest ethnicity in the world without a country of their own, and have suffered enormously under the boot-heel of regional powers. Now they are under threat from another genocidal foe, yet they have not given themselves over to the joint manias of religious fanaticism and suicide murder. This should be enough reason for the West to give them whatever support they need in such a time of crisis. But there is an even better reason. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: British YPG fighters part of mine-clearing operation (Rojava, Syria)

Saturday, November 7th, 2015

YPG/YPJ on the Al-Hawl front are clearing 400+ IEDS on the frontline placed by ISIS gangs, after taking control of the area. The comrades are reported to be 4km from Al-Hawl and advancing from 2 sides.

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Kobane: 134 Days of Heroic Resistance Against ‪ISIS Terrorists (Rojava, Kurdistan)

Thursday, October 29th, 2015

1st November 2015 Global Day For ‪Kobane.
134 Days of Heroic Resistance Agaist ‪ISIS Terrorists.

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1/11: International Day of Solidarity with Kobane (Rojava, Kurdistan)

Friday, October 16th, 2015

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International Call for Solidarity with the Revolution in Rojava (Kurdistan, Syria)

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015

With this call out we invite individuals, organizations, collectives to participate in or support our fight for liberation, liberation not only of the Kurds for their land, but first and foremost liberation from the power of the state and capitalism and of patriarchy. We invite you to come to Rojava, Canton Cizire and Kobani.

Rojava (Western Kurdistan) is a piece of land largely freed from the presence of ISIS but under embargo: an embargo implemented against us not only from Turkey but also from Iraqi Kurdistan, whose regime does not appreciate the social changes taking place here. This embargo limits the availability of basic necessities, but also on the shortage of medicines and medical equipment needed to treat the injured. Here there are thousands of martyrs, of people killed by war: many have lost their family and home.

Our region lives since four years in an intensive atmosphere of war and great popular resistance. The attacks of authoritarian forces of modern capitalism backed up by regional reactionary forces which are deployed in the region, and are practically embodied in extremist religious organizations with its different names, which can be summed up in ISIS, is not only an armed attack which is supported by all technical modern means against the forces of resistance, such as women, youth and the forces of protection, but it is an intellectual and ideological attack that represents the peak of authoritarian and monopolistic patriarchal mentality which is anti-women, youth and the whole society. It is an international war, all hegemonic powers are directly or indirectly playing their part, all because they want influence in this region. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Website and contact details for Lions of Rojava, internationalist fighters section of YPG (Kurdistan, Syria)

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Complete growing website for the Lions of Rojava, foreign wing of the People’s Defence Units (YPG) in Rojava, autonomous area of Kurdish Syria.




We need everyone, not just fighters. We need specialists like architects, doctors, engineers, technology specialists, media and translators. We need street artists, musicians and cultural people. If you want to come stay here, please reach out to us with what you can offer. We also need revolutionary people who understand what is happening here.

Secondly, know that when you come here, you will spend time learning, maybe months before doing anything. That means understanding what Rojava is about, learning to speak the language and how the society works. This is a revolution, not a Facebook event.

To get started, follow this guide:

What you can do here
Learn the Kurdish language
Preparing yourself

Books and other resources on Rojava
A personal account of Rojava

The journey here
What to expect
I’m ready to come

You should study the information above so that you can fully understand the situation you are about to enter. Understand that we cannot pay volunteers, as all resources go towards the war effort.

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