Posts Tagged ‘Kurdish Struggle’

Call for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan (Turkey)

Thursday, August 25th, 2016

From KJA – Congress of Free Women.


On 15 August 2016, a military coup d’etat was attempted in Turkey. Within a few hours, heavy weaponry tank and plane attacks killed over 260 people and injured hundreds. State forces bombed many public institutions, including the parliament, and opened a helicopter fire over the civilian people. This chaos experienced, indeed, keeps repeating in Turkey since the formation of the nation-state over the course of past 200 years.

The denial of truths in society and the politics of annihilation executed by power holders present the root causes of his chaos. The denial and annihilation politics are experienced as wars, deaths, tortures, impoverishment, coups and fascism in the society. When the possibility of a life in freedom and dignity diminishes, resistances, conflicts, and wars culminate, where the resisting people have the final say in history. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Diyarbakir: Political attacks against women target the organization of women (Turkey)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

The centre of Free Women’s Congress (KJA) Association was raided anomalously by police on April 10, 2016, around 05:00 am. The Association was raided without any prior notification and in an unusual hour that none of the administrators were there. 16 politicians, including 6 women who are members, administrators and activists of KJA, were detained in the same time with similar illegal methods. Our 4 women members, Çimen Işık, Pero Dündar, Olcay Kanlıbaş and Zozan Toprak are imprisoned after they were judged in the court on April, 11.

The police raid is totally anomalous and targets to destroy generally the democratic organization as an essential element of democracy, and specifically the organization of women. While all of our computers were stolen in the raid, our archive was also taken by the police. This crime is tried to be covered up with a “confidentiality order”. Seizing all the computers means the cessation of the Association’s actions even it is possible to backup all of the documents and keep on our investigations. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Vatan Budak – 5th anarchist killed by the Suruç bombing (Turkey)

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

Vatan Budak who was wounded in Suruç bombing passed away.

We lost our comrade, Vatan Budak who was wounded in Suruç (Pirsus) bombing and in intensive care for 16 days. Vatan was the member of United Anarchist Attack.

He is the 5th anarchist comrade killed in Suruç blast.

His funeral took place today in Gaziosmanpaşa, İstanbul.

This neighbourhood is predominantly fascist and his family is one of the few Kurdish families living there. Because of great threat of violence and danger to his family flags and banners were somehow restricted. They were fully displayed only in the cemetery, where speeches were made bidding him last farewell. He was buried under black and red flag.

Different anarchist groups and individuals were present.

Instead of a minute of silence – a whole life in struggle!

One person was reported arrested on their way to the funeral, but we haven’t got more info.


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War against ISIS/Daesh: Kurdish Newroz demo confronts the coward-fascist Anjem Choudary, who is forced off the streets – London (UK)

Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

Yesterday, Kurdish people and their supporters confronted the street presence of Daesh-supporting Islamic-fascists at their protest stall outside a Boots chemist store in High Road, Wood Green in the late afternoon. The Islamists use the stall to promote Sharia Law and the Islamic State. Police came and protected the few fascists from the angry crowd, but quickly the Islamists packed up and left the area. The Kurdish people and their supporters made a procession to their community centre to celebrate their new year of Newroz. There were no arrests.

Video here, with running commentary by some local kids debating the scene who caught the footage on their fone –

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

1 Nov: global rally for Kobane, against ISIS (London/World)

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

Update October 30, 2014

From rabbleldn:

This is the text of the call-out for an international day of demonstrations in support of Kobanê and against ISIS on 1 November. The London Rally will be at Trafalgar Square on 1 November 2-5pm.

Statement 14 October 2014
Global Rally against ISIS – for Kobanê – for Humanity!
Date for the Global Rally: 1 November 2014, 2pm

ISIS launched a major multi-front military campaign against the Kurdish region of Kobanê in northern Syria. This is the third ISIS onslaught on Kobanê since March 2014. As the ISIS was unsuccessful on the two previous occasions, they are attacking with larger forces and want to take Kobanê. (more…)

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