Posts Tagged ‘Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)’

Communique from Anarchists from D Wing, Korydallos Prison, Athens, for the struggle in Syria (Greece)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

1st of October
A minimum response on the call-out for the day of Rage against the massacre at Aleppo.

Even if there are only ruins left at Aleppo, the bombings haven’t stopped. Even now, after 5 years of bombs and sieges, people still live in this city. Some because they didn’t manage to leave, some because they didn’t see a better future at Mediterranean’s seabed, some because they refused to abandon the revolution against the dictatorship of Assad, that started with the Arab Spring. At Aleppo’s ruins a guerilla warfare is taking place, that until now, Assad with Hezbollah, Iran and Russian military machine haven’t achieved to defeat.

If the things that happened with the repression of Spanish Revolution by Franco and the Nazis were the rehearsal of World War II, probably the war in Syria is an image of the post-industrial future on earth. A future, where the democratic excuses collapse and the absolute violence prevails. A world, that despite the gigantic military power of the tyrants, the most effective way to control the insurrection is still by division. A situation of despair, where people in order to defend themselves and survive, are organized in groups manipulated by generals, who only seek more power and who lead the revolting crowds away from the fight against the regime and into a fight for control of the war zones of their interests.

The result is a constant war, a profitable business for the capitalists, who sell weapons and armament to war zones, where trade and economy still exist.

The example of Syria’s punishment is a clear warning to everyone in the world, who even thinks about revolting.

In this chaotic total war, the reference point for us, are the few guerilla groups, organized outside the control the “moderate Muslims” of Al Nusra, or the “cosmics” of the FSA, who are both manipulated from the dominant powers of imperialistic competition, like USA, and both have the same target, a big piece from the power reallocation.

In a situation where people are cruelly attacked from one imperialist, and seek safety from the actions of its rival, we are affected by some revolutionaries, like the Leon Sedov Brigade, who stand against any imperialist and propose the solidarity and unity among the repressed of this world. We are inspired from the attempts of organization from the Revolutionary Coordination Committees against the dividing of the uprising, from the manipulant organizations.

Those rebels who try to self-organize in a battlefield with bombs and chemical weapons, who are still fighting despite the heavy losses, who prefer to die rather than surrender to the murderer Assad, who define and defend their freedom at all costs, they spread the message that in every condition struggle is possible, if there is the will to fight.

They spread a message that the powerful military machines of Al Assad, Iran, Lebanon, Isis, Russia and USA haven’t achieved to defeat them for more than 5 years.

That explains the cruelty of the attack to Aleppo, the capital of revolution. After smaller towns were besieged and lead to starvation, the same tactic was attempted at Aleppo. But there were dynamic demonstrations where banks were expropriated, actions outside the guidelines of the army parties, which control the masses. That’s why Aleppo is now being totally destroyed.

A major factor for the ongoing slaughter in Syria is the absolute absence of social resistance to this war, from the people of the imperialistic countries that invaded Syria.

European people, not only they do not react to the war, but the majority consent to the closure of the borders for refugees, who, if they survive from the death in the sea, are the only fighting, like the great example of Syrian refugees in Paris who went on hunger strike, demand the termination of the war.

We don’t have a clear picture of what happens in movements in the rest of the world, but we are going to talk for the Greek case. Because after all, the economic crisis and poverty here in Greece, except from radicalizing parts of the people, lead more to the pacification. On the one hand we have people who take care of the refugees, rescuing them with their boats, independently from political parties and non-governmental organizations, and on the other hand there were beatings, fascist attacks and actions against the refugees. No big anti-war demonstration though, as happened in the past, because now economy is the only concern. Using it’s left mask, Syriza combining fear management and harsh repression, lead social resistances, in general, to surrender. And now Greek state is placing refugees to concentration camps, obeying the demands of the European Union. Sadly, the solidarity to the refugees is limited to charity, without any reference to the revolution, that lead to war.

For the lefts, the “anti-american” feelings and the belief that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” doesn’t allow them to stand against Assad, while the majority of the anarchists, lacking analysis, refer exclusively to Rojava.

At the same moment, refugees give their own fights like the uprising in Moria, where after destroying a large part of the infrastructure, they escaped, but rather than run, as usually happens, they gathered and demonstrated, resulting their arrest.

In our opinion, we seek the expansion of the solidarity to the refugees, in a more general context, that will regard the war in Syria as an example of an uprising and how capitalists dealt with it, in order to be able to exclude the proper conclusions from it.

It’s obvious, that the unity of the rebels doesn’t come from the big, centralized, hierarchical organizations, that end up fighting each other for the biggest share of power. The only hope is a horizontal organization, that doesn’t allow to any ambitious leader to sell the fight. The decentralized network of collectives that fight with their one will to a common direction, coordinating when possible, exchanging information, know-hows, arms and political ideas.

The views that see hierarchical organization as a necessary condition to achieve victory in a revolutionary war, were tried in the past and were lead to defeat or to the reproduction of the same social systems that they hypothetically fought.

The example of Syria, where small guerrilla groups and no centralized armies stand against the Russian military machine and the alliance of local armies, proves that what is missing is not the proper leadership, but a new mindset of organization. And that applies to every field of organization of revolutionary action, whether it is guerilla warfare, or the spread of revolutionary ideas, that do not persuade anyone because they are signed by the biggest federation, but are spread through initiative, close human contact, and co-action.

The massacre in Syria won’t stop, unless we do something to stop it.

Unless we face it as a part of the repression that we all have felt. If we don’t feel the tenacity of the rebels who don’t surrender. If we don’t realize that the distance from suffocating because of tear gas in demonstrations to the endless gas chamber of Syria is short. As long as we abstain from the streets, we give our permission to this bloodshed.

When captivity and death become universal condition, we are called to make insurrection and solidarity a universal condition.


Anarchists from D’ wing of Koridallos Prison (Greece)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

ISIS and Turkey File : From the Democratic Self-Administration of Rojava Foreign Relations Commisssion (Kurdistan, Syria)

Sunday, September 4th, 2016


ISIS and Turkey File
The Democratic Self-Administration of Rojava Foreign Relations Commisssion


It is not a secret to any observer the relationship between Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) with all the armed groups in northern Syria. It began in Ras Alain and did not end in Afrin. The AKP’s arguments revolve around changing the Syrian regime, bringing democracy to Syria, protecting Christians and Sunnis and unifying the country. These arguments have proven to be mere pretexts used by the AKP to intervene in Syria. The only goal of the AKP is to fight any democratic project for the future of Syria. To achieve this, the AKP has co-operated with the so-called Islamic State (Daesh) through providing training, supplying arms and facilitating the crossing of Daesh fighters to Syria through its borders.

Here are some compelling evidence for this cooperation through documents and confessions obtained by the People’s Protection Units (YPG) throughout their operations in Rojava – north Syria.

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Posted in Library

Urgent call to stop Turkish massacres in Rojava and Northern Syria by the Kurdish Women’s Relation Office (Iraq)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

On 24 August 2016 Turkish Special Forces together with elements of the so-called Free Syrian Army started a cross-border offensive against the Northern Syrian town of Jarablus. According to official statements by both, Turkish officials and representatives of the FSA, target of this offensive is Islamic State as well as Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG).

It was clear from the start that only Kurds would be targeted. During the last 5 days not a single confrontation took place between Turkish/FSA forces and ISIS. But from the beginning YPG and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – the most effective forces on ground against ISIS – are being attacked by Turkish state forces.

The first day of the ‘Euphrates Shield’ operation, what Turkish officials have called an ‘assault on Islamic State and YPG terrorists’ as result of Turkish shelling of Kurdish majority neighborhoods in the east and west of Jarablus, at least 49 civilians have been killed. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Report on women freed from ISIS in the area of Minbiç and on the situation of refugees (Rojava, Syria)

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

For more than 2 months there is a hard war going on in the area of Minbiç. Minbiç is a very strategic for the control over Rojava; it connects Turkey with the headquarters of ISIS, Raqqa. This area is important for the protection of Rojava and the democratic autonomy in Rojava. To be able to create a federal Syria where people of all ethnicities and religions can live in peace together, the liberation of the area of Minbiç is very important. In Rojava since four years a system of democratic autonomy exists. This model is an alternative to wars and instability in the Middle East. It offers the opportunity that all people can live together based on equality, freedom of women, ecology and democracy.

It is a well-known secret that Turkey supports ISIS and will do anything not to lose control in this area. If the area of Minbiç is freed of ISIS, it will open the road to connect the three cantons, which is a nightmare and opposed to the politics and objectives of Turkey. ISIS and Turkey are not only connected by political and economic interests; they are quite close in ideology and practices as well. Because this area is so important for the control in the Middle-East all hegemonic powers are present in this war. There are conflicting interests between the hegemonic powers which impacts and intensifies this war. It is possible to conceive the war in Syria and in Kurdistan as a third world war, where it is the main aim to imply a new division in the Middle East. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: Respect to the fallen fighter Jordan Mactaggart of YPG (Rojava, Syria)

Saturday, August 13th, 2016

Remembering Sehid Ciwan Firat (Jordan Mactaggart)

Nom de guerre: Ciwan Firat
Real name: Jordan Mactaggart
Name of mother: Malissa
Name of father: Robert
Birthplace: Colorado / USA
Place and date of martyrdom: Minbic, 3. August 2016

I met Heval Ciwan for the first time when were waiting to cross the border into Rojava in spring 2014. He was a shy young anarchist from the US who sat in the corner of our hut, not really engaging with the rest of us and constantly writing in his journal. Quite frankly, at the time most of us were concerned that he wasn`t cut out for war but within a couple of weeks he proved all of us wrong. Soon after finishing his training he joined Tabur Soran, a unit notorious for being in every fight possible. In one of his first contacts with the enemy he got shot in the leg and due to some unfortunate circumstances he was left in the field when his unit withdrew. Heval Ciwan put on his tourniquite on and crawled back to friendly lines the entire night. Amongst the foreign fighters in Rojava this story became a legend, until today people talk about `the American kid that got shot in the leg and crawled out all night`. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Anti-Fascist / Anti-ISIS Graffiti in Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK)

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Anti-Fascist/Anti-ISIS graffiti by the comrades in Newcastle Upon Tyne UK.

Track:- ‘Angelic Upstarts – Anti Nazi’
Link:- https://antifascistnetwork.org/

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Defendants declaration for the raid on Turkish Airlines – Torino (Italy)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

In Italy comrades have been touched by the repression, for a solidarity action with Rojava last year… Long live the intenational revolutionary solidarity.

Once again, on July 21, 2016 we’ve been waked at dawn by police. This time, under warrant of prosecutor Rinaudo as usual, they would compel us coming daily to police station twice a day, as precautionary measure, following an action on September 2015, when we visited the Turkish Airlines offices at Caselle (Torino) to denounce Erdogan’s terrorist politics and express support to those both in Turkey and Kurdistan who keep on resisting and fighting to.

Unbelievable but true, just while purges and massive arrests are overflowing and Erdogan states real destitution of Parliament and suspension of human rights Convention, in Italy – like in Europe – they pretend be shocked and try silencing those who since long have been denouncing the terror of the Turkish state, which isn’t any fresh news, rather. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

War against ISIS/Daesh: Declaration of the International Freedom Battalion of Rojava about the terrorist attack in Nice (France)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

The International Freedom Battalion is an armed group consisting of leftist foreign fighters fighting alongside the People’s Protection Units in the Syrian Civil War in support of the Rojava Revolution and against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

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Posted in Autonomy

War against ISIS/Daesh: Respect to the fallen fighter Levi J. Shirley of YPG (Rojava, Syria)

Saturday, July 23rd, 2016

The Rojava revolution became a revolution for humanity which attracted the attention of the world with the valiance of the resistance of YPG, YPJ and the people of Rojava. One of them was our comrade Agir Servan, of US origin.

Heval Agir Şervan (LEVI JONATHAN SHIRLEY) came to Rojava in February 2015 and joined the YPG. Hevale Agir took part in the Martyr Rubar Qamislo Operation, always in the most advanced front. After the liberation of the Kezwane Mountains he went back to his homeland. In January 2016, Heval Agir came back to Rojava to the YPG and rejoined the revolution in the defence of the Kobani and Cizire cantons. After that, he joined the Martyr Abu Leyla Operation for the liberation of Minbij.

Heval Agir was known for his discipline and sense of responsibility. His style and personality were a source of strength, motivation, and morale for his friends. In the fight, Heval Agir was known and respected as a brave and altruistic person. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Call for an International Action Day against Feminicide of Yazidi Women

Thursday, July 21st, 2016

3 August 2016 marks the 2nd anniversary of the Feminicide and Genocide by Islamic State (IS) against Yazidi people in Sinjar/Shengal. On 3 August 2014 IS attacked and captured Sinjar, which is the historical homeland of Yazidis, a Kurdish religious minority whose ancient religion is linked to Zoroastrianism. IS destroyed Yazidi shrines, executed resisters and demanded the residents to swear allegiance or be killed. During the IS-massacre in Sinjar up to 5.000 Yazidis were executed. Almost 200.000 people managed to flee. 50.000 Yazidis fled into the Sinjar Montains, where they were trapped without food, water or medical care, facing starvation and dehydration.

At the same time approximately 5.000 Yazidi women and children were captured. They were appropriated as spoils of war and sold as sex slaves to Muslim men or given to IS commanders. Those who refuse to convert were tortured, raped and eventually murdered. Babies born in the prison where the women are held were taken from their mothers to an unknown fate. Women allegedly raped by IS fighters have committed suicide by jumping to their death from Mount Sinjar. While a high number of women managed to flee or could be liberated, approximately some 3.000 women are still in IS captivity.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Urgent call about the situation of civilians in the area of Minbij (Kurdistan, Syria)

Monday, July 18th, 2016

An urgent call for the United Nations, the government of the United States and the public opinion.

A call for attention and support of the people’s council of Minbiç to the United Nations (27 June 2016).

The objective of this report of the people’s council of Minbiç is to describe the situation of the people in the area of Minbiç, located in the north of Syria which finds itself since 32 days in a heavy war situation and to describe which support is needed to eliminate the sufferings of the people. At the same time this report is a call for support to the United Nations.

The people who live in the areas controlled by ISIS since four years, experience a high intensity of violence. The difficulties the people face, because of the usurpation of the economic resources and the spaces of vital needs, continue. The applied embargo in Rojava affects the whole population in Rojava.

The people in the war region of Minbiç who have been forced to leave their houses and livelihoods are in the first instance in an urgent need of support of food and health-care and of all humanitarian aid. Until now this support has been provided by the people’s council of Minbiç, which has restricted means and the support doesn’t suffice. There are still thousands of people who haven’t been reached and whose needs are not known. There is a shortage of clean water in the region. Dirty water, rotten food, insufficient nutrition and bad housing conditions are the cause of illnesses and the fast expansion of illnesses. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Fight Against Darkness – An internationalist view on Nice (France)

Monday, July 18th, 2016

A dastardly darkness has targeted innocent people in Nice, France. They were watching the fireworks in remembrance of the Bastille Day, an honorable day for the revolution that was, alas, going to be hijacked by the bourgeois class later. Or they were just taking a stroll, an act that has been forbidden for many cities of the Middle East for long. Are the questions ‘How many?’, ‘How old?’, ‘What nationality?’, etc. important now? Politicians of states have already repeated the same old clichés that this was a heinous and horrific attack, that perpetrator(s) are the enemy of humanity, and that they will avenge this treacherous act etc. The journalists have tried to talk to the eye witnesses who have been traumatized by what they had seen and heard. Millions have shared videos of the moments in which the truck has become a death machine that crushed people to death. We had almost got used to shootings , stabbings, and bombings. But now the trucks too have become deadly weapons. What else? What unexpected ends do wait for hundreds or thousands? Will the people be able to look at the things that move around without suspicion from now on? The darkness seems to have terrorized millions irreversibly. But what about those who are fighting against the darkness? They are sending their revolutionary greetings and their condolences to the people of Nice. They try to tear the darkness apart from streets to streets and from the buildings to buildings. Their best answer to the darkness is to intensify the dignified fight against it. Because they know very well that to live is to resist.

Botan Bahoz

via ypginternational

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

YPG International – Official information portal for the Rojava Revolution (Kurdistan, Syria)

Friday, July 8th, 2016

Hello friends, comrades, supporters, revolutionaries,

we are glad to present you our new homepage


YPG International is an official information portal for the Rojava Revolution and People’s Defense Units (YPG) made by YPG. We provide first hand information for everyone who is interested in our struggle, in people’s revolution of Rojava, in Kurdistan and in a democratic Syria. YPG International is the international path to the Rojava Revolution, the official path to support YPG in Rojava.

YPG strives for a democratic, ecologic, and anti-patriarchal system of self-organisation; it takes its power from the people and fight for the people. We struggle to defend the dignity of being a human when there is no one around to defend it and to create an ethico-political society in order to realize ideals of equality, justice, freedom, and self-determination. We wage a war against all forms of fascism and capitalist hegemony that try to enslave the peoples and destroy the nature. We get our inspiration from the philosophy of Abdullah Ocalan whose ideas have become a torch in the jungle of oppression for the poor and the downtrodden; not only in Kurdistan but also in all around the world.

YPG is more than a military force. It is a revolutionary organization that protects the transformation towards the ethico-political society against its external and internal enemies in accordance with the principles of democratic confederalism. So its fundamental mission is to defend the people and the Rojava Revolution. (more…)

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International Call for Women’s Solidarity on World Refugee Day, from the Platform for Struggle for Women Held Captive by Force (Middle East)

Monday, June 13th, 2016

Call for the Advancing and Increasing of the Visibility of Women’s Solidarity on 20th of June for World Refugee Day, from the Platform for Struggle for Women Held Captive by Force

Dear Women from all around the World;

We regard the sexist occupation practices of Daesh [ISIS], that is to say practices of systematic sexual torture, rape, enslavement, rendering odalisques, that codifies the women’s bodies as a patriarchal war and ownership zone, as a patriarchal imperialist attack against all women from all around the world.

In addition to this, we come across systematic rape and other forms of sexual violence as founding components of the genocide politics of Daesh against Yazidi people. Around 5000 women and girls, many of whom are Yazidis, who are kidnapped by Daesh as spoils of war are repeatedly sold at slave and odalisques markets and are held captive in a large geographical area that includes Iraq, Syria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Turkey.

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Posted in Autonomy

War against AKP-ISIS/Daesh: YPG defeat the Islamic-fascists again in Girê Spî, denounce the attacks as a breach of the ceasefire (Turkey, Kurdistan, Syria)

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

TEV-DEM: AKP and its gangs attack Rojava

Monday, February 29, 2016 1:15 PM

Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) issued a written statement on the 25 separate attacks ISIS gangs carried out on Girê Spî from Turkey and Raqqa on February 27.

TEV-DEM announced its positive approach to the ceasefire in Syria and invited everyone to support the ceasefire.

In its statement, TEV-DEM highlighted the AKP’s aggressive policies and stated the following:

‘‘SDF forces composed of Kurdish, Arab and Turkmen peoples resisted the attacks of the AKP and its gangs targeting Efrîn and Şehba, and succeeded in liberating the region of Shaddadi. AKP and its gangs began to attack Girê Spî, the symbol of shared life and sisterhood, in order to end people’s solidarity.

ISIS gangs’ attacks on Girê Spî and Silûk took place on February 27. Some of the gangs entered Rojava from Turkey and others infiltrated from Raqqa. Turkish armed forces began to shell YPG positions right after the gangs began their assault. The gangs used the regions that were previously occupied by Turkish soldiers. YPG, Asayish, and SDF forces successfully resisted the gang’s attacks on Girê Spî, and the few remaining clashes continue to the south of the town.’’ (more…)

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