Posts Tagged ‘Germany’

Anarchist call against the G20 summit in Hamburg (Germany)

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

On the 7th and 8th of July 2017, when the most successful war criminals of the present, the most unscrupulous sweaters of human and nature, the self-titled leaders of this planet, meet in Hamburg, they will not be confronted and thus be revaluated with some demands for better governance or social enslavement.

They will feel the rage of the street, when they are rushing with their convoys through deserted districts and talk about the nightly attacks of the last few weeks.

This call, like so many others at similar meetings, does not want to lose itself in an analysis of the importance of the G-20 summit or the policy of their participants. The injustice of the world has been declared a thousand times, anyone who now feels no urge to act, does not need another text.

We want to speak of those who are already involved in the struggle against capitalism and its exerting states with their conforming societies – so, of US.

Since Seattle in 1999, summit protests were a catalysator of radical resistance; individuals and groups came together, swapped ideas, were standing together behind the barricades and carried the flame of resistance back to their regions. Even the shots of Gothenburg and Genoa, or the numerous infiltrated snitches could not stop the development of a Europe-wide chaotic network of autonomous / anarchist / antiauthoritarian tendencies.

Then the criticism of event hopping came up, as if someone had pleaded for it to operate as a riot tourist in any city. The protests against the G – 20 in Cannes and Nice 2011 were prepared in this champagne flush of some movement managers. Everything should become different, better, more political. At that time no conclusion or analysis was spread afterwards – the resistance had simply failed, only the usual alibi NGOs played their program.

So now it’s Hamburg and the responsible persons in the murderous headquarters of the secret services, police authorities and military commandos are tearing their hair. They fear that We are coming. But we do not have a leadership that can be eliminated, our resistance does not depend on the cadre behavior of some individuals. Perhaps nothing will happen if you, who is reading this text right now, will not get active. Do not expect others to prepare something for you, so that you just have to jump up.

For sure there will be a big demonstration of the left idiots, who want to play their democratic ritual, as a certain Mr. Marx or Lenin applied to them 150 years ago. And maybe we will be there, too, or at the edge or behind the lines of the cops. There is still plenty of time to think about and prepare this.

However, we are calling for a campaign in the run-up – against any form of power. We want to destroy, by July 2017 (and if only symbolically …) the rule of patriarchy over women, the rule of the states over their borders and urban centres, the rule of labor over our time, the rule of money over our social behavior, the domination of the goods about our lives, the rule of the cops over the fear of repression in our minds.

In Hamburg and in every village, an infinite number of targets are suitable for destruction, so we should start now with it. So that in July 2017 the alienation between the world of the G – 20 and the rest has become so great, that we no longer need summits to come together. The militant campaign against the G8 in Heiligendamm 2007 could serve as a model, because it also gave, apart from pointless preliminary proceedings, a new generation of activists through self-determined clandestine actions and the fleeing cops from the hail of stones in Rostock, a feeling of their own strength and the possibilities of horizontal organization.

In addition we also call for a theoretical deepening of our practice, in which the presence or absence of anarchy should be tested for revolts, as recently in France, spectacles such as in Frankfurt in March 2015, rituals such as on May 1, or in the everyday neighborhood policy and in the fight against nazis.

Because everywhere where we are not present we cannot complain about the dominance of reformists. And where there are only empty phrases with an A available, it makes the superficial chattering of a “consensus of actions” heard with following distancing. Such a discourse would have to go beyond the hitherto (welcome) brief G – 20 references in the responsibility claims.

Our resistance against the G-20 summit does not want to be „victorious“ in the sense of preventing this event. It just could be the beginning of something that could also start on any other day: The self-empowerment of the individual over the existing and the (self) organization in collective structures. But just a call to that one would hardly pay attention. Therefore,

Attack G-20 summit!

Throw Hamburg into chaos!

Destroy the European fortress!

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Posted in Direct Action

Attack against the Union of European & Turkish Democrats office in Grevenbroich by Apoist Youth Initiative (Germany)

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016


We, the Apoist Youth Initiative NRW – Revenge Team Sehîd Alîsêr Firat, claim the attack against the UETD (Union of European & Turkish Democrats) office in Grevenbroich on 28.10.16. This attack was revenge for the execution of two YJA-Star guerrilla fighters. They were executed by the Turkish military after being captured.

The execution of the two guerrilla warriors is symbolic of all ongoing attacks by the Turkish state against the will of the free women in Kurdistan. Through the publication of the video of their execution, the identity of the free women is to be shamed and humiliated. In the video it is clearly visible that the soldiers are using German G3 rifles. Everyone can clearly see in this video that the German state is on the side of the Turkish state in the war against democracy in the Middle East, in the war against the free women.

We repeat again: We will continue to attack all the institutions of the Turkish state until the dictator Erdogan is overthrown, Kurdistan is liberated and women gain their freedom. We are warning all German supporters of the Turkish state one last time: If you do not stop supporting fascism in Turkey, we will also attack you.

Jin Jiyan Azadî!
Bijî Serok Apo!
Long live international solidarity!

Apoist Youth Initiative – NRW
Revenge Team Sehîd Alîsêr Firat

November 1st, 2016

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Direct Action

Anarchist Black Cross Dresden – An activist’s guide to information security (Germany)

Friday, October 28th, 2016

Check out the new guide here:


This guide aims to be a concise overview on information security for anyone in emancipatory struggles against structures of power. It represents assembled knowledge and best practices from personal experience, conversations with hackers and fellow activists, hacker conferences, and university courses on computer security and cryptography. Nonetheless, the best security is sharing skills with trusted people.

If you have any corrections, questions or additions, please contact us.


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Posted in Library

(A-Radio) Presentation: The Prison Strike in the USA 2016

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

Dear all,

As Anarchist Radio Berlin, we recorded a presentation about the ongoing prison strike in the United States of America, its backgrounds as well as the methods of support and solidarity that are used in- and outside of prisons. The presentation was held in October 2016 in Berlin.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here.

Length: 57:47 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Attack against Television Service Jürgen Krüger and the SPD office of Björn Eggert – Call for resistance against G20 Hamburg 2017 (Germany)

Thursday, September 1st, 2016

Received 1 September:

Our shards against their repression

This is the beginning of our week. And every day should start like this for those profiteers responsible for the prison system…

This morning, August 15th, we visited Television Service Jürgen Krüger and the SPD office of Björn Eggert in Oranienstraße in Kreuzberg and smashed their windows.

Television Service Krüger since thirty years holds the monopoly on examination of electronic sets from prisoners in Berlin. No radio passes him without being checked. This shall prevent forbidden goods or manipulated sets passing behind the walls. For prisoners this service costs a lot of money.

The company directly profits from the surveillance of prisoners. Besides this, it happened more than one time, that Krüger damaged radios or TV from prisoners.

Further Jürgen Krüger does the technical utilization from seized mobile phones and gives the hacked data to authorities. This company was hit several times, which could not prevent them continuing to take advantage of repression against prisoners… (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Barcelona: Another comrade detained and extradited for the case of bank expropriations in Aachen (Catalunya)

Saturday, August 20th, 2016

Tuesday, June 21 at dawn, the Mossos d’Esquadra Corps [Catalan Police] kicked down the door of the house of an anarchist comrade of Barcelona, where he lived with his companion and other housemates. All were awakened by guns pointed on them and were handcuffed for hours while police raided and devastated the home, located in the neighbourhood del Eixample.

Eventually, the comrade was arrested and transferred to Madrid, where the National Court ordered his detention on the basis of a European arrest warrant issued by the prosecutor of Aachen, accusing him of having participated in the expropriation of a branch of Pax Bank that took place in November 2014.

It is for this same action that the comrade arrested on April 13 in Carmel is also in prison. In this case, however, the police decided not to use the staging and media spectacle it had used during the April operation, not issuing any press release and not notifying the media of the operation.

According to what we have been able to find out, the arrest warrant is based on the supposed coincidence between a trace of genetic material found in the Pax Bank in Aachen and a DNA sample that Mossos had taken from the comrade, simulating a BAC control for alcohol. During this false control, the police got him to blow into a breathalyzer and kept the plastic tip to extract the genetic profile of the comrade from the remaining saliva. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Berlin: Black July – Text and actions against the social peace (Germany)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

While the situation in the rebellious Northern Part of Friedrichshain is calming down for the moment and we find time to build Rigaer 94 back up again, the social war around us is continuing with its normal intensity. We received news about the state attacks on people and squats in Thessaloniki. Here and there we are fighting against the social democracy and confront the social war with polymorphous struggle. Whether in the black july or in our daily local conflicts, we are involved in a common fight that gains power in its mutuality.

In this very moment, the greek state seems to be striking out with a general attack against autonomous structures. In Thessaloniki and in other cities, self-organized structures of migrants are especially becoming more and more endangered. While fullfilling its function as a manager of migration-streams, the state attacks those who try to move, self-determined, through a world of exploitation and oppression and who won‘t bow to it‘s authority.

Three occupied houses in Thessaloniki were affected and over a hundred people arrested. One person was killed during the eviction [Correction received: one day after the three evictions, a young migrant woman died due to medical negligence at one of the state’s detention facilities in Thessaloniki.]. In Athens, squats which are being used by migrants are also threatened with eviction. The goal is to create an atmosphere of fear, while oppressing those who are self-organising and attacking the authority of the state. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Thessaloniki: Solidarity with the anarchist comrades accused of bank robbery in Aachen (Greece)

Monday, July 18th, 2016

Also see this update via Actforfree.

In Thessaloniki posters and flyers are spread with a call out for solidarity with the anarchist comrades accused of bank robbery in Germany. At Kamara there was a banner hung and stencils spayed arround the city with the text ‘Solidarity with the anarchist comrades in jail accused of bank robbery in Germany’.

Here the text of the flyer that was spread in Greek and English:

Solidarity with the anarchist comrades in jail accused of bank robbery in Germany

A call out for active solidarity

On July 6th 2016, an anarchist comrade got arrested in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She is accused of expropriation in Aachen, Germany and is now in jail awaiting extradition to Germany. The week before a comrade from Spain had already been extradited to Germany. We call out to anybody to make actions in solidarity with the imprisoned comrades! We are fucking angry, we want them free!

In the summer of 2015 she already spent 5 months in detention and was released, with all charges dropped and no conditions to her release. The very disappointed prosecution made recourse to the higher court, which granted a trial (date not set yet). In April 2016 a comrade from Barcelona was arrested with similar charges for an expropriation that took place in 2014, by the same prosecution office. She has now been extradited to Germany. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Berlin: Map of Solidarity with Rigaer 94 (Germany)

Sunday, July 17th, 2016

There’s a huge map of solidarity actions for the partly evicted Rigaer 94 with many pictures and links:



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Posted in Autonomy

Report: Burst the dreams of investors – Defend Rigaer 94 (Germany)

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Before the demonstration the media and lots of politicians were nervous and expected a violent event on top of almost three weeks of actions in solidarity with Rigaer 94. For that they ordered 1800 cops from different parts of Germany.

The demonstration started almost on time at 21:15 at Wismarplatz in Friedrichshain with about 6000 people, after a manifestation of 45 minutes took place, where the speaker read some writings about the situation in the neighborhood these days. The first two lines were built by civil cops in yellow vests and after some cop cars before the real demonstration was visible. In the front they were holding lot’s of banners and signs. In the end it looked still organized and seemed to be a big beautiful black block.

When the demonstration reached Frankfurter Allee, the first big street, two cop cars were attacked with stones. People were showing their solidarity with fireworks and banner from the rooftop. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Call for a Black July, plus a chronology of actions in solidarity with Rigaer 94 (Germany)

Friday, July 8th, 2016

We appreciate the call for a Black July from Rigaer 94. Many comrades in a lot of countries followed the call for a Black December of Nikos Romanos (Greek Prisoner) . It’s not just about the Rigaer 94 that people now connect and think about strategies, attack different enemies of our freedom and struggle against the cops and the system.

Especially in Germany the fight against the system was weak the last years. People were not able to combine their fights and actions without dissociating from others. The question of violence was not discussed anymore and the alliances got wider and more in accordance to the system. Now there is a house that struggles without compromises, maybe their attitude impressed some of us, some still think that they should have brought their house themselves and could be “free” now. But the sign they send, saying that they keep their status and fight, now shows it’s effect on a lot of us. It’s a window that opens up for a short time that we should use to stand together. A moment when we are fucking angry and use our strength to go on the streets and take them back!

Thanks to all of you who used the concept of Tag X to show your solidarity with the Rigaer 94 and their ideas!

For a Black July

Let us feel the heat coming from our hearts to the streets every night

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Posted in Autonomy

Berlin: Rigaer 94 Action Day 05.07.16 (Germany)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

Each day is Day X until we got Kadterschmiede back
…and until the existence of Kanal, Linie, Potse/Drugstore, M99 is no longer threatened.
The list of projects in Berlin facing eviction is long. The pressure on alternative living spaces and other places where me can meet up, exchange our ideas and develop alternatives is constantly increasing. So is our anger. We’re pissed off.

On June 22nd cops broke into R94 at 7:30am without prior notice. They were sent by a politician acting on the demands of a former Apartheid attorney. In the following process of eviction they destroyed most of Kadterschmiede, the yard and the ground floor and threw out everything that was left. Since then the rest of the house is under siege by security and cops.

The people living in R94 have been assaulted verbally, physically and sexually by the besiegers. They have lost any kind of privacy and are facing random controls when entering their home. People without papers who had been living in the house so they don’t have to face the dehumanizing situations in the Lager (=official refugee camps) before the attack had to rashly leave their homes and have been unable to return. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Call out from housing projects in Nordkiez, Friedrichshain, Berlin: Defend R94! Destroy the Investor’s Paradise! (Germany)

Friday, July 1st, 2016

Call out from Housing projects in Nordkiez, Friedrichshain, Berlin: Defend Rigaer 94! Destroy the Investor’s Paradise!

On the 17th of June, we published the first call out for the 9th July neighbourhood demo “Destroy the Investor’s Paradise, Stop Carré Sama-Rigaer!”, 5 days later the landlord, cops, and Senate cooperated in the storming of the house project Rigaer 94. The cops, private security and labourers evicted the autonomous collective space “Kadterschmiede”, the rest of the ground floor, including a workshop and garden, the attic in the back house and also the squatted attic in the front house.

John Dehwurst, who bought the house at the end of 2014, took the responsibility for this attack through a hypocritical press release from the fictitious building management. It was claimed that the evicted parts of the house would be used as living space for refugees. This would mean that the people moving in would find themselves under constant surveillance by the cops and security. At the moment such people are able to live in Rigaer 94 in self determined and supportive structures. We take this propaganda as an attempt to destroy structures of resistance by cynically playing different groups off against each other. The AfD, NPD and Co. are rubbing their hands in glee at the argumentation from the South African apartheid-regime lawyer Dehwurst and the ‘Law and Order’ politics of justice minister Frank Henkel. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

“Every Eviction Has Its Price” : International Call Out From Rigaer 94 – Demos 5th & 9th July – Berlin (Germany)

Thursday, June 30th, 2016

It has now been over a week since our doors were first cut off, cops and security intruded into our housing project, installing themselves in our stairways and other previously collective spaces. From then, the speedy and aggressive eviction and destruction of the ground level of our home began. Our social space, the Kadterschmiede, along with our workshop, laundry, attic and garden were stripped of all recognition in clouds of dust and mortar, while rubbish skips were filled with our belongings and collective histories.

Our rebellious, emancipatory project has been overrun by empty headed lackeys in uniform and we are pissed – not the least because we are used to better company than this. Whether these unwelcome wardens wear uniforms issued by the state or private security companies makes little difference to us. They both show their petty allegiance to the logic of domination and control not only via their presence but also through daily acts of physical violence, harassment, degrading comments and leers – not only directed towards us, but our visitors, friends and neighbours including young children. The police have set up a restricted area, closing off the entrance to the building and its surrounds, with anyone wanting to enter their home or visit us having to pass a gauntlet of beefed up aggressive cops and security, often needing to present identification. This process can take hours.

Further it has just been exposed that the police have been recording the details and compiling a database of people that have been identified coming into the house. At least part of this list has been passed on to and published by organised Nazi groups. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Words in solidarity with the comrade arrested in Barcelona (Catalunya)

Monday, June 27th, 2016

Every heart is a time bomb

On 13th April 2016 the Mossos d’Esquadra in collaboration with the German police raided three places, two of which were private homes and one was the squat Blokes Fantasma.

The repressive operation concluded with the arrest of our comrade, for whom there was a European arrest warrant after Germany accused her of participating in a bank expropriation in the country in 2014.

The comrade has been held in solitary confinement in the prison of Soto del Real (Madrid) since 14th April and has expressed her opposition to being extradited; but judge Angela Murillo of the fourth section of the Audiencia Nacional gave in (as usual) to the request of the German state and on 26th May she ordered our comrade to be extradited within 10 days, after which she’ll be put in a maximum security prison.

The prosecutor in Aachen (Germany) is the same one that issued a European arrest warrant on 24th June 2015 against a Dutch anarchist comrade, who was arrested on the Greek-Bulgarian border and imprisoned for two months.
She was then extradited to Cologne, where she spent 4 months in jail, also charged with expropriating a German bank in 2013. She was released on bail on 16th December 2015 and is awaiting trial. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle