Posts Tagged ‘Emma Goldman’

“Sacco and Vanzetti: A journey through time” – Text by Members of CCF for Bibloteca Kaos during the International Week of Solidarity for Anarchist Prisoners (Brazil)

Sunday, September 4th, 2016

Here is a text that several imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Athens, Greece, wrote for an event at the squatted anarchist centre Bibloteca Kaos in Brazil.

To all comrades, to all our anarchist brothers and sisters who are present in this event organized by the anarchist library Kaos. Let our thoughts break out and travel to Brazil so as to send these few words with the hope that maybe a little, you can feel our presence beside you.

In response to the subject of the event taking place during the International Week of Solidarity to Anarchist Prisoners and on the case of Nicola Sacco and Bartholemeo Vanzetti we would like to throw in our personal and historical contribution. The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire was from the very beginning an anarchist group of direct action that aspired to an upsurge of the anarchist aggressive presence in Greece. Thus, the CCF did not hesitate to often criticize that which was believed to be preventing the generalization of this intensification. But when the oppression finally made it to our doorstep, we fully understood that we would not own up to our standards should we refuse to defend our identity, our political viewpoints and our very substance. Furthermore we could have ended up being in complete contrast with our critiques against others in the past. So seven years after the day that repression struck us, we remain at the forefront of anarchist dignity, at least so as we perceive it. We refused to dishonor ourselves in any way and defended what we believed we had to defend, still paying the price of our uncompromising attitude. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Interview with Radical Theory and Practice about the cooperative and its Emma Goldman project (A-Radio)

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

The Anarchist Radio Berlin made an interview with the Russian-speaking
anarchist publishing cooperative Radical Theory and Practice (RTP) about
the cooperative, its recent project of translating Emma Goldman’s
memoires into Russian and a lot more.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

The length is: 29:35 min.

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!
You’ll find other English language audios here:

A-Radio Berlin

ps.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a
hand with transcript translations from Spanish or German into English as
well as people able to do voice recordings – in order to amplify our
international radio work. You can contact us at

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Posted in Interviews

About "Anti-Judicial Anarchism", Max Stirner, Luigi Galleani, CCF & More (Mexico)

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

Here is an English translation of an article from the journal Conspiracion Acrata from Mexico referring to the idea of “Antiguiridismo Anarchico”. We hope you like it.

“Antigiuridismo Anarchico” which translates to “Anti-Judicial Anarchism” is a concept which has been used throughout anarchist history to define the attitude of a radical and total rejection of the concept and practice of the “justice” of the State, or as otherwise said – the judicial methods of the State including defence through a lawyer. This attitude or concept is or should be something normal within the anarchist movement but there are few companer@s who have put it into practice for diverse reasons or strategies.

Antigiuridismo Anarchico is the rejection of declaring a position to the State in front of the court or contributing to the circus of the State. Often the declarations of those who position themselves in this attitude are only directed as a dialogue or explanation to the compaƱer@s of their movement. This attitude is the rejection of any legal resources through which one could obtain “freedom”. (more…)

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Posted in Library