Posts Tagged ‘Björn Eggert (SPD)’

Attack against Television Service Jürgen Krüger and the SPD office of Björn Eggert – Call for resistance against G20 Hamburg 2017 (Germany)

Thursday, September 1st, 2016

Received 1 September:

Our shards against their repression

This is the beginning of our week. And every day should start like this for those profiteers responsible for the prison system…

This morning, August 15th, we visited Television Service Jürgen Krüger and the SPD office of Björn Eggert in Oranienstraße in Kreuzberg and smashed their windows.

Television Service Krüger since thirty years holds the monopoly on examination of electronic sets from prisoners in Berlin. No radio passes him without being checked. This shall prevent forbidden goods or manipulated sets passing behind the walls. For prisoners this service costs a lot of money.

The company directly profits from the surveillance of prisoners. Besides this, it happened more than one time, that Krüger damaged radios or TV from prisoners.

Further Jürgen Krüger does the technical utilization from seized mobile phones and gives the hacked data to authorities. This company was hit several times, which could not prevent them continuing to take advantage of repression against prisoners… (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action