Call for the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan (Turkey)

August 25th, 2016

From KJA – Congress of Free Women.


On 15 August 2016, a military coup d’etat was attempted in Turkey. Within a few hours, heavy weaponry tank and plane attacks killed over 260 people and injured hundreds. State forces bombed many public institutions, including the parliament, and opened a helicopter fire over the civilian people. This chaos experienced, indeed, keeps repeating in Turkey since the formation of the nation-state over the course of past 200 years.

The denial of truths in society and the politics of annihilation executed by power holders present the root causes of his chaos. The denial and annihilation politics are experienced as wars, deaths, tortures, impoverishment, coups and fascism in the society. When the possibility of a life in freedom and dignity diminishes, resistances, conflicts, and wars culminate, where the resisting people have the final say in history. Read the rest of this entry »

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Santiago: Incendiary attack against a Transantiago bus by Herminia Concha Nucleus of Attack (Chile)

August 25th, 2016

English translation via InsurrectionNews. Full pictures for the schematics of the fuse and incendiary device on ContraInfo.

To the anarchists of praxis
To the prisoners and fugitives of the social war

On the night of August 18 we activated an incendiary device during the journey of the 110 Transantiago bus in the neighborhood of Maipú. We do not whether our handcrafted ingenuity was a success or not as the action was silenced by the media.

We carried out this action in accordance with our ideas, principles and convictions. We seek to attack the service that transports thousands of people that reproduce the gears of the capitalist system. This service is one more cog, one that is destroying the earth and is complicit in the death of human and animal comrades. Our action damages the machinery of the social order, the law, its guardians, civilization and power.

Against all odds, when times are tough, we do not immobilize ourselves and continue to attack. We are not indifferent to the political prisoners, nor to the solidarity campaigns that arise for them, despite the various onslaughts of power. For our prisoners, fugitives and fallen we continue unabated. Read the rest of this entry »

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Report from ABC Dublin about Republican Prisoner Solidarity Events (Ireland)

August 20th, 2016

7th of August 2016

Dublin Anarchist Black Cross at the Annual Anti-Internment March of Ireland


The Dublin Anarchist Black Cross was in attendance of this year’s anti-internment march. Prior to the march taking place the state put a block on the march from going ahead not giving the march organisers permission to march. This block did not deter people from coming out in support of the march and come out in solidarity with political prisoners in prisons in Ireland….

Over 1,000 people marched from the Busy Bee in Andersonstown in west Belfast, down the Falls Road towards Belfast City Hall. When the march reached the end of the Falls Road the Police had the road blocked with a line/siege of armored Jeeps and armed police preventing the march from reaching its destination.

The march could not go any further, a makeshift platform made from a wooden box was used by speakers to say a few words about the different campaigns they were from. There were speakers from the Justice for The Craigavon Two campaign and the Free Tony Taylor campaign. After the speakers were finished the march ended.

It is the 45th anniversary of internment – administrative detention – imprisonment without trial, which was used to try break a movement that is struggling against British imperialism in Ireland. The decades on since then not a lot has changed in Ireland and through the world, many people still being unjustly locked up and incarcerated… Read the rest of this entry »

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Letter from imprisoned anarchists Kostas Sakkas and Marios Seisidis (Greece)

August 20th, 2016

On August 4th, because of a random police check just outside Sparta, the journey of freedom ends. Two different paths ended, two different beginnings, which however converge on a common purpose. That of freedom. The freedom that was not given to us and was not granted even for a moment. Contrarily, each one of us, in our own way and with our own characteristics, fought very hard for something most consider obvious.

We fought for every free glance to the sky, every free handshake, every free hug, every free breath.

We asserted what the persecutory mechanisms deprived us of, our only weapons the endless desire for freedom, but also the courage we took from the thought that we also continue to fight for those who stayed behind.

On the other hand, on the opposite of freedom and life itself, we came up against the uniformed murderers of the state, the obedient dogs, the servants of the bourgeoisie and its capital. Those who did not hesitate to shoot at us from behind, those who tortured us because we instinctively did the obvious, trying to escape from their hands. Read the rest of this entry »

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Barcelona: Another comrade detained and extradited for the case of bank expropriations in Aachen (Catalunya)

August 20th, 2016

Tuesday, June 21 at dawn, the Mossos d’Esquadra Corps [Catalan Police] kicked down the door of the house of an anarchist comrade of Barcelona, where he lived with his companion and other housemates. All were awakened by guns pointed on them and were handcuffed for hours while police raided and devastated the home, located in the neighbourhood del Eixample.

Eventually, the comrade was arrested and transferred to Madrid, where the National Court ordered his detention on the basis of a European arrest warrant issued by the prosecutor of Aachen, accusing him of having participated in the expropriation of a branch of Pax Bank that took place in November 2014.

It is for this same action that the comrade arrested on April 13 in Carmel is also in prison. In this case, however, the police decided not to use the staging and media spectacle it had used during the April operation, not issuing any press release and not notifying the media of the operation.

According to what we have been able to find out, the arrest warrant is based on the supposed coincidence between a trace of genetic material found in the Pax Bank in Aachen and a DNA sample that Mossos had taken from the comrade, simulating a BAC control for alcohol. During this false control, the police got him to blow into a breathalyzer and kept the plastic tip to extract the genetic profile of the comrade from the remaining saliva. Read the rest of this entry »

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Trial of anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly and Enrique is approaching (Chile)

August 20th, 2016

After almost two years since the arrest and detention of comrades Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Enrique Guzmán, the prosecution have decided to end the investigation period of the case and proceed towards the trial.

In the theater of the modern inquisition, once the investigation period has ended the prosecution have 10 days to present ‘the indictment’, which details the evidence and convictions that they are requesting.

The comrades are accused of the attacks that occurred in 2014 at Subcentro, the metro station of the Dominicans and two police stations.

All our solidarity with the comrades!

via Publicacion Refractario, InsurrectionNews

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Report on women freed from ISIS in the area of Minbiç and on the situation of refugees (Rojava, Syria)

August 18th, 2016

For more than 2 months there is a hard war going on in the area of Minbiç. Minbiç is a very strategic for the control over Rojava; it connects Turkey with the headquarters of ISIS, Raqqa. This area is important for the protection of Rojava and the democratic autonomy in Rojava. To be able to create a federal Syria where people of all ethnicities and religions can live in peace together, the liberation of the area of Minbiç is very important. In Rojava since four years a system of democratic autonomy exists. This model is an alternative to wars and instability in the Middle East. It offers the opportunity that all people can live together based on equality, freedom of women, ecology and democracy.

It is a well-known secret that Turkey supports ISIS and will do anything not to lose control in this area. If the area of Minbiç is freed of ISIS, it will open the road to connect the three cantons, which is a nightmare and opposed to the politics and objectives of Turkey. ISIS and Turkey are not only connected by political and economic interests; they are quite close in ideology and practices as well. Because this area is so important for the control in the Middle-East all hegemonic powers are present in this war. There are conflicting interests between the hegemonic powers which impacts and intensifies this war. It is possible to conceive the war in Syria and in Kurdistan as a third world war, where it is the main aim to imply a new division in the Middle East. Read the rest of this entry »

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Wilson Security Vandalised in Narrm/Melbourne (Australia)

August 18th, 2016

Pictures: 1, 2 & 3

Wilson Storage and Wilson Parking benefit from the suffering caused by Wilson Security on Manus, Nauru and elsewhere. In the past week we attacked both subsidiaries with glue, concrete, paint and hammers. We will continue to attack Wilson Group until they pull out of detention wholly and permanently. Any company associated with the border industrial complex is a target. We urge our comrades to join us in solidarity with protesters on Nauru and all others incarcerated.

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Anarşist Tutsaklarla Uluslararası Dayanışma Haftası

August 17th, 2016

Anarşist Tutsaklarla Uluslararası Dayanışma Haftası

Ağustos 23-30

Uluslararası dayanışma haftası dünyanın bir çok yerinde devlet tarafından hapsedilmiş anarşistlerle dayanışma göstermek için var.

Sessiz geceleri alevlerin ışığıyla aydınlatalım ve bizi kontrol eden, beyimizi yıkayan , bizi güden, bizi pasiflikle aldatan her şeye saldırı, yıkıcı sabotaj ve yakma pratiklerimizi biçimlendirerek yoldaşlarımızla dayanışma gösterelim.

Tutsaklıkla yüzleştiğimizde boyun eğmek yok. Sadece bu dünyayı yanarken görme tutkumuz için.

Hapishanelere Ateş!

Yaşasın Anarşi!

ABC Istanbul

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The Area Ban against anarchists in a broader context of repression in The Hague (Netherlands)

August 17th, 2016

On August 3, several anarchists in The Hague, the Netherlands, and one from outside the city received a letter from Mayor Van Aartsen with the intention of imposing a two month area ban for the Schilderswijk, a working class and immigrant neighborhood in the center of the city. The mayor wants to use the so-called “Football Law,” which is now being used against political activists for the first time. In recent times, anarchists in The Hague have dealt with much repression, much of it directly from the mayor’s office.

50,000 euro damage claim for De Vloek eviction

On September 9, 2015, during the eviction of social center De Vloek which had been squatted for 13 years, ten people were arrested. Five of them remained in prison for two weeks after being accused of committing violence against the police. Several months after their release, the ten people who had been arrested received a letter from the mayor of The Hague with a 50,000 euro damage claim. Upon further investigation into the specifics of the amount of the claim, it was apparent that it was largely based on costs that had nothing to do with the eviction: the removal of containers full of rubble that was allegedly used to make barricades, guarding the terrain after the eviction (De Vloek was demolished directly after the eviction) and cleaning paint from paint bombs off of the street (the street wasn’t even cleaned, but repaved a few weeks after the eviction in accordance with scheduled maintenance).
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Algunas reflexiones rupturistas a partir del asesinato del compa Salvador Olmos (Mexico)

August 14th, 2016

Escribimos esto después de leer el Comunicado del Bloque libertario de Huajuapan”, ante el asesinato a manos de la policía del compañero Salvador Olmos “Chava” ya que pensamos que ante la intensificación de la guerra y el avance de la represión en entornos anarquistas/libertarios se hace necesario clarificar nuestras posturas en aras a identificar las múltiples formas del enemigo, ya que muchas veces se ve reducida la crítica al papel “de las injusticias del gobierno” o simplemente a “pensar que el mal esta encarnado en una persona o político” y no que en realidad es todo el sistema en su conjunto gobernantes y gobernados quienes participan activamente en la manutención del orden social capitalista.

¡Que quede bien claro! las siguientes palabras no son para nada dirigidas a manchar la memoria del compañero Chava o empezar polémicas de dimes y diretes, ni andarnos peleando entre nosotros, esto es ante todo una reflexión de compañeros para compañeros y esperemos que sea tomada como lo que es. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘Disappearing From State Control’ by fugitive anarchist Lukáš Borl (Czech Republic)

August 14th, 2016

Note from Insurrection News: What follows is a newly translated text that was written by anarchist comrade Lukáš Borl in September 2015, shortly after he made the decision to become a fugitive following serious police harassment and surveillance in the Czech Republic for suspected involvement with SRB / Network of Revolutionary Cells…

I´m an anarchist, a rebel and this means so much to me. Among others also that I´m threatened by those against which I fight. Besides other rebels it´s more complicated with us, anarchists. The threat is always here for us and it doesn’t matter what time or place we live in – in the position of fighters against all states the anarchists are always under the threat of repressions and violence. During monarchy, theocracy, fascist or bolshevik dictatorship, same as during the times of liberal democracy. All anarchists must live with knowing that everyday can appear the fist of the state repressions. Read the rest of this entry »

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23/30 de Agosto; Semana Internacional de Solidaridad con presxs Anarquistas

August 14th, 2016

23/30 de Agosto; Semana Internacional de Solidaridad con presxs Anarquistas

La semana internacional de solidaridad es un llamado a solidarizar con lxs presxs anarquistas secuestrados por los estados en tantos lugares del mundo y que no se doblegan ante el cautiverio impuesto.

Que se iluminen las tranquilas noches y que la solidaridad con nuestrxs hermanxs se haga praxis atacando, saboteando, destruyendo o incendiando todo aquello que nos controla, que nos adoctrina, que nos amansa y que nos hace súbditxs o que pretende que seamos merxs espectadores de un presente de miseria.

Porque ante el encierro de lxs rebeldes no cabe la resignación sino el deseo inquebrantable de ver este mundo arder.

Fuego a las cárceles y a lxs carcelerxs.
Muerte al estado y viva la anarquía.

CNA Mexico

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Respect to the fallen fighter Jordan Mactaggart of YPG (Rojava, Syria)

August 13th, 2016

Remembering Sehid Ciwan Firat (Jordan Mactaggart)

Nom de guerre: Ciwan Firat
Real name: Jordan Mactaggart
Name of mother: Malissa
Name of father: Robert
Birthplace: Colorado / USA
Place and date of martyrdom: Minbic, 3. August 2016

I met Heval Ciwan for the first time when were waiting to cross the border into Rojava in spring 2014. He was a shy young anarchist from the US who sat in the corner of our hut, not really engaging with the rest of us and constantly writing in his journal. Quite frankly, at the time most of us were concerned that he wasn`t cut out for war but within a couple of weeks he proved all of us wrong. Soon after finishing his training he joined Tabur Soran, a unit notorious for being in every fight possible. In one of his first contacts with the enemy he got shot in the leg and due to some unfortunate circumstances he was left in the field when his unit withdrew. Heval Ciwan put on his tourniquite on and crawled back to friendly lines the entire night. Amongst the foreign fighters in Rojava this story became a legend, until today people talk about `the American kid that got shot in the leg and crawled out all night`. Read the rest of this entry »

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