Investigation period extended against anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly and Enrique (Chile)

September 2nd, 2016

During the last days of August, the courts accepted the request from the defense for the comrades Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Enrique Guzmán who were seeking to re-open the investigation into the charges under the anti-terrorism law against the comrades. The intention of the defense is to gain access to a video that police claimed was key to their investigation, a video that neither the prosecution nor the police want to hand over.

The investigation period has been extended for another 30 days.

The prosecutors, faithful to their dishonesty declared: “The office of the prosecution has worked very seriously and very meticulously. The evidence in the investigation folder has been in the possession of all the participants from the beginning.”

Solidarity with Juan, Nataly and Enrique!

via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News

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The attorney of Turin appealed the sentence in the trial against Silvia, Billy and Costa (Italy)

September 2nd, 2016

The state attorney of Turin, represented by Arnaldi Di Balme, was not pleased with the sentence of nonsuit due to the “ne bis in idem”, that because of lack of jurisdiction the case was not allowed to proceed. Now they are getting back on track appealing against all the jurisprudence and asking for a new process. Once again the persecutor is insisting on claiming that the transport of explosive material and the attempted attack to target IBM in Switzerland was planned in Italy.

The attorney is trying to proof this based upon the participation of Silvia, Billy and Costa in the Coalizione contro le nocivitá (Coalition Against Nocivity – toxicity/harmfulness). An experience of struggle against harmfulness that during its active years has created an active projectuality against bio- and nanotechnologies.

These attempts of repression should come as no surprise; the law is built specifically to repress critical and struggling environments that go against this exploitative system.

For us it remains clear that it is a necessity to get rid of this ecocidal system that uses science and research as their executive branch.

For those who would like to deepen their understanding we suggest the reading of the publication “Solidarity and Complicity – A collection of texts around the attempted sabotage of the IBM nanotech labs in Switzerland and on the expression of solidarity when the repression got the upper hand” (at the moment only in Italian).


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Flyposter against Operation Fenix (Czech Republic)

September 2nd, 2016

Here is the newly updated poster about the repressive operation called ‘Fenix’ striking anarchists in the Czech Republic. In this poster there is news about the
appeal/higher court against Igor Shevcov and the first two days of the court hearing against the “Fenix 5”. Besides that you can find information about the case, police tactics, tips on how to support the defendants and donate and many more.

Please print it in A2 format, so the letters don’t get too small. Spread it around your favorite radical places and streets.



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Attack against Television Service Jürgen Krüger and the SPD office of Björn Eggert – Call for resistance against G20 Hamburg 2017 (Germany)

September 1st, 2016

Received 1 September:

Our shards against their repression

This is the beginning of our week. And every day should start like this for those profiteers responsible for the prison system…

This morning, August 15th, we visited Television Service Jürgen Krüger and the SPD office of Björn Eggert in Oranienstraße in Kreuzberg and smashed their windows.

Television Service Krüger since thirty years holds the monopoly on examination of electronic sets from prisoners in Berlin. No radio passes him without being checked. This shall prevent forbidden goods or manipulated sets passing behind the walls. For prisoners this service costs a lot of money.

The company directly profits from the surveillance of prisoners. Besides this, it happened more than one time, that Krüger damaged radios or TV from prisoners.

Further Jürgen Krüger does the technical utilization from seized mobile phones and gives the hacked data to authorities. This company was hit several times, which could not prevent them continuing to take advantage of repression against prisoners… Read the rest of this entry »

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Urgent call to stop Turkish massacres in Rojava and Northern Syria by the Kurdish Women’s Relation Office (Iraq)

August 31st, 2016

On 24 August 2016 Turkish Special Forces together with elements of the so-called Free Syrian Army started a cross-border offensive against the Northern Syrian town of Jarablus. According to official statements by both, Turkish officials and representatives of the FSA, target of this offensive is Islamic State as well as Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG).

It was clear from the start that only Kurds would be targeted. During the last 5 days not a single confrontation took place between Turkish/FSA forces and ISIS. But from the beginning YPG and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – the most effective forces on ground against ISIS – are being attacked by Turkish state forces.

The first day of the ‘Euphrates Shield’ operation, what Turkish officials have called an ‘assault on Islamic State and YPG terrorists’ as result of Turkish shelling of Kurdish majority neighborhoods in the east and west of Jarablus, at least 49 civilians have been killed. Read the rest of this entry »

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A few notes on media and repression (Netherlands)

August 31st, 2016

Via Actforfree:

In the course of awaiting the processes of several anarchists that are accused of having robbed banks in Aachen in 2013 and 2014, the prosecution office of Aachen, Germany, and their obedient voice, the media, use every chance available to advance their investigation. Whether it is on a juridical or a more subtle mediatic level, all these expressions are different tentacles of the same mechanism of repression.

As usual the mainstream media are eager to get a “good” story by all means necessary, pervertedly scrutinizing people’s lives regardless of any ethics. They therefore do not hesitate in aiding the prosecution in spreading their fantastical tales. We have read these without much surprise – this is what journalists do after all –, have watched the hysterical spectacle that is being created around the implicated. Not being surprised however does not mean that we do not feel the need to clarify a few things that may have become blurred in the midst of this incessant stream of written and televised vomit.

After having ejaculated several articles in which the accused were portrayed according to the image the prosecution is trying to spread, the media has now decided it is time to create their own story. A rumour came to us through the grapevine that a certain Dutch journalist has posted a request on Indymedia asking for information concerning one of the accused. Read the rest of this entry »

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Fernando Bárcenas, Mexican Anarchist Prisoner, Calls for Solidarity with US Prison Strike (Mexico)

August 31st, 2016

Via Actforfree:

Open letter to compañerxs.

Note: The use of the word prison in this text refers to all artificial environments that domesticate us so as to insert us by force into the capitalist system of production; this is a contribution to deepen the reflection of all living beings in the hands of economic powers and the technological project…

Compas, I greet you with insurrectionary love, that these words of war may reach you; greeting as well the coming days of insurrection, as ideas bloom in the fields like flowers we should not stop tending. We do not know if there will be a victory, but what we do know is that they will not occupy our dreams and our lives…

The only truly free moment is when we fight for freedom, because we prefer to die rather than accept this way of life, and without realizing it we are already free, because nothing occupies our minds except the sole desire to set fire to reality…

But what hides behind this destructive war, behind the somber darkness of the human spirit? Is it not perhaps the reflection and poetic manifestation of beings taking back their lives and actively influencing the organization of the daily life? Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Summary of international week of actions for Russian anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners

August 31st, 2016

Between 1st and 10th of July, international days of solidarity for political prisoners of Putin’s police state took place in 21 cities of 10 different countries. Although state pressure is growing, new delirious «anti-terrorist» laws are passed instead of improving life of citizens, activists of Moscow Anarchist Black Cross, Autonomous Action and other anarchist and anti-fascist initiatives organized a wide international campaign to defend our comrades imprisoned in Putin’s gallows.

For full report with working links and pictures, check original at

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On the solidarity week for anarchist prisoners – Radio Fragmata (Greece)

August 31st, 2016

It’s been years now that the various state agencies of repression order the conduct of investigation under the sole criterion the suspects’ political status. This is the status of the anarchist, mainly of the one who turns his/her ideas into actions, of the one that arms his/her desires and attacks state authority. So each investigation has to do with the possible prosecution of comrades according to the laws of their “democracy.”

Police prosecution that starts off with texts and extends to all possible actions is not new amongst the anarchist circles. On the contrary, there is a past record on relative prosecutions in countries such as Italy, Chile etc. where there is a strong comrade presence promoting direct action and intervention. The common goal of contemporary international police is the prevention of anarchist propaganda, anarchist action and the spreading of our ideas. For this reason, in many cases they don’t even hesitate to put aside the refined mask of “democracy” that supposedly allows “freedom of speech and ideas.” And thus, any illusion that anyone may still hold is withdrawn. Things are now clear: “anarchist action or speech is either illegal or nothing at all!” The new form of repression is currently being practiced upon many of our prisoners that find themselves under illegal restraint with accusations based on their political identity and having taken up the political responsibility for their actions as well as their organizations’. Read the rest of this entry »

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Painted slogans in Melbourne for the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Australia)

August 31st, 2016

Via InsurrectionNews:

Slogans painted around inner-city Narrm / Melbourne, so-called ‘Australia’ as a minimum contribution to the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (August 23-30).

Victory to the anarchist fighters!
Solidarity with all combative anarchist prisoners!
Destroy the prison society!

Pictures here

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Solidarity actions by Initiative of individuals from ‘Ochetos’ for the international week of solidarity to anarchist prisoners (Greece)

August 31st, 2016

Contribution to the international call for solidarity with the imprisoned anarchist comrades (August 23-30)

As a contribution to the international call for solidarity with the imprisoned anarchist comrades (August 23-30), and as a denotation of support to the recently arrested and imprisoned comrades K. Sakkas and M. Seisidis, we hung 2 banners and wrote slogans in Athens, and we hung a banner in Volos.

”There are people unknown to you that watch you from the shadows, while you haunt the anarchists, and they wait for the favorable moment to haunt the haunters on their turn.”


Initiative of individuals from ‘Ochetos’

Pictures here

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Call for International Anarchist Action in Solidarity with US Prison Strike

August 26th, 2016

On September 9th, prisoners across the United States will begin a strike that will be a general work stoppage against prison slavery. In short, prisoners will refuse to work; they will refuse to keep the prisons running by their own labors. Prisoners are striking not just for better conditions or changes in parole rules, but against prison slavery. Prisoners state that under the 13th Amendment which abolished racial slavery, at the same time it allowed human beings to be worked for free or next to nothing as long as they were prisoners.

Prisoners see the current system of prison slavery to thus be a continuation of racial slavery, which is a system that generates billions of dollars in profits each year for major corporations in key industries such as fossil fuels, fast food, banking, and the US military.

Soon after the passing of the 13th Amendment, many former slaves were soon locked up in prisons on petty offenses, quickly returned to their former roles as slaves. Over a century later, the Drug War sought to deal with the growing unemployment rate brought on by changes in the economy (outsourcing, financialization, deregulation, etc), as well as the threat of black insurrection which grew in the 1960s and 70s, by throwing more and more people in prison. At the same time, the state and corporations continued to look towards prison labor as a source to generate massive profits. Read the rest of this entry »

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Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrades Tamara Sol and Natalia Collado (Chile)

August 25th, 2016

Comrades Tamara Sol and Natalia Collado have sent this statement on the occasion of the following initiatives: Anti-authoritarian Day for comrades Tamara Sol, Natalia and Nataly at the Libertarian Library Manuel Rojas. Sunday, July 17; 1st Antiauthoritarian Café Literario at the Kanno Suga and Denjiro Kotoku library. Saturday, July 30.

To the comrades, those in affinity, to those present. We were surprised to learn of this initiative, and we consider it very highly knowing that it is an initiative that comes from people whom we do not know or with whom we have no ties, who as individuals and as a group feel the desire to come together in an act of solidarity and affinities, which we greet with the affection and strength that we receive and which gives us the energy to face the prison context as we would like to.

Three weeks have passed since we found ourselves in the maximum-security section of the prison where, unlike the rest of the prison population (the other pavilions), we cannot get out of the section unless handcuffed and with a guard at our side to control us. Likewise we are prevented from participating in learning or recreational activities apart from going out a couple of days to play women’s football at the field. Read the rest of this entry »

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23-30 Αυγούστου: Διεθνής εβδομάδα αλληλεγγύης στα έγκλειστα αναρχικά συντρόφια

August 25th, 2016

Η διεθνής εβδομάδα αλληλεγγύης αποτελεί ένα κάλεσμα σε στήριξη των έγκλειστων αναρχικών που έχουν απαχθεί από τα κράτη σε τόσα μέρη ανά τον κόσμο και που δεν λυγίζουν απέναντι στην επιβαλλόμενη αιχμαλωσία.

Να φωτιστούν οι ήσυχες νύχτες και η αλληλεγγύη στ’ αδέρφια μας να γίνει πράξη με επιθέσεις, σαμποτάζ, καταστροφές ή πυρπολήσεις όλων όσων μας ελέγχουν, μας δασκαλεύουν, μας δαμάζουν και μας υποτάσσουν ή όσων αποζητούν να είμαστε απλοί θεατές ενός παρόντος εξαθλίωσης.

Γιατί μπροστά στον εγκλεισμό των ανταρτών δεν χωράει παραίτηση καμιά, παρά μονάχα η άσβεστη επιθυμία να δούμε αυτόν τον κόσμο να φλέγεται.

Φωτιά στις φυλακές και στους δεσμοφυλάκους.
Θάνατο στο κράτος και ζήτω η αναρχία.


Posted in Prison Struggle |

Anarchist prisoner Juan Flores accused of planning escape and moved to maximum security (Chile)

August 25th, 2016

On August 13 the comrade Juan Flores was transferred during an operation by prison guards from Santiago Prison 1 to the High Security Prison (CAS) along with Enrique Guzman. Both comrades are defendants in the so-called ‘Bombs Case 2’.

The reason for the surprise transfer was the supposed dismantling of an ‘escape plane’ following the discovery of a drawing in comrade Juan’s cell depicting a prison being attacked.

The comrade’s legal team took action resulting in Juan being transferred back to Santiago 1. Comrade Enrique will remain in the maximum security section of the CAS.

The prison guards’ fear reveals their clumsy powerlessness when faced with unyielding convictions.

via Publicacion Refractario, translated into English by Insurrection News

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