Rick Salutin
Sep 2 2016 | Parents are the primary parents of their children, not their teachers. Mostly parents should parent, which is hard enough. For learning purposes, kids need people at a distance.
Jim Stanford
Sep 2 2016 | Prime Minister Trudeau leads a big entourage to China this week, in hopes of expanding Canada's foothold in that huge economy. Here are the main features of our current, unbalanced relationship.
David Christopher
Sep 1 2016 | Internet censorship. Website block lists. An extreme new law recently passed in Quebec means all of this could soon be the reality right here at home.
Linda McQuaig
Sep 1 2016 | Rather than accepting half-hearted revisions of Harper's corporate-embracing policies, the Trudeau government should refuse to sign any trade deal with sweeping privileges for foreign investors.
Amy Goodman
Sep 1 2016 | In the shadow of the Games, an extraordinary event has taken place, largely overlooked in the media: a coup d'etat against Brazil's democratically elected president, Dilma Rousseff.
Wayne MacPhail
Aug 31 2016 | It's hard to imagine two sites more different than Gawker and Craigslist, or two people more diametrically opposed than their founders. But each, in their own way, have shaped the journalism of today.
Matthew Behrens
Aug 31 2016 | At the end of July, the Supreme Court of British Columbia found that agents of the RCMP engaged in the planning of, preparation and funding for, and facilitation of a terrorist offence.
June Chua
Aug 26 2016 | Giants of Africa is a sports documentary all right, but it's a very human one that you won't forget. Why? The heartbreaking faces of its basketball players will be seared into your memory.
Rick Salutin
Aug 26 2016 | Our amicable divorce from nature has led us to lose touch with its danger and power to disrupt by re-entering our space.
Katie Douglas
Aug 25 2016 | The treatment of athletes like Caster Semenya at the Rio Olympics shows that the rights of women who do not conform to binary understandings of sex are deemed less worthy of protection than others.
Amy Goodman
Aug 25 2016 | Rather than enabling more dangerous deep-water oil extraction, President Obama should be spending his remaining months in office working to reduce U.S. dependence on fossil fuels.
Wayne MacPhail
Aug 24 2016 | Mainstream media can't have it both ways. It can't pretend that increasingly depending on sponsored native content to boost its bottom line will have no impact on how it produces news.
Linda McQuaig
Aug 24 2016 | Whether you agree with the BDS movement's boycott strategy or not, it is a peaceful way to protest a serious violation of human rights.
Jim Stanford
Aug 18 2016 | Every five years the federal finance minister updates the "marching orders" that guide the Bank of Canada and its conduct of monetary policy. The time is right for some new thinking.
Amy Goodman
Aug 18 2016 | A report just published in the British medical journal The Lancet suggests that by the year 2085, almost all of the cities that could host the Summer Games will be too hot for outdoor events.